Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Goodness gracious, lordy be, heavens to betsy! Do you know what I found out? If I miss my designated time slot on either Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday for online time...I do not get to go on at a different time, other than my alloted slot. AH! That is ridiculous! I found this out when on Monday, Kelly and I decided to go to a movie at 9:10 pm. I missed my slot, and was warned upon my return home that I was not to go on the computer, but rather go directly to bed, because my first day of work was the next day. YAY!!!

So, yes. I got the job at The Avalon Tea Room. Today was my second day. So far so good! I like it. I've learned a lot in just two days. However, I feel like this whole new job thing did not happen at the best time.

I am completely stressed out! I have a new job to learn, the play is...less than perfect...(it opens a week from tomorrow, F.Y.I) I have a drama to perform on Friday...that I have to write! And I have complete and total writer's block...I have a packet of music to learn that I just got today, that I have to learn by Friday...and...dear journal of mine...I just got my period, which makes everything seem ten billion times worse that it really is!

Okay, back to pleasantries. So Kelly and I went to the movies on Monday. We saw a movie I had been wanting to see for awhile, and no one else did. Yes, I wanted to see "What A Girl Wants". I made Kelly go with me. Turns out, we both ended up liking it a lot more than we thought we would. I liked it A LOT! It made me smile. In the movie, for those of you who don't know, there is an incredible guy. His name is Oliver James. He plays the teenage love interest. (He's really 23 in a couple months) In the movie, he REALLY sings, and acts exceptionally well! This was his very first movie, and finding him was a fluke. I know, because I saw the making of/behind the scenes on E!

ANYWAY! Kelly and I both fell in love with Mr. Oliver James. So much in fact, that after the movie, we drove to miscellaneous discount stores looking for the sountrack, hoping they were open late. (they weren't.) So! First thing the next morning...Kelly and I (before work) went to Target. No luck...but alas the Kelly Clarkson CD had come out! Which was the main reason I went there. We were there so early, the lady had to find the box and dig one out for me. I was the first person to buy that CD at Target! Ha ha ha! Anyway. They were all out of the "What A Girl Wants" soundtrack. So we went to Wal-Mart!

Oh, Wal-Mart...Wal-Mart had two copies. Just two! And after looking at the track listing, and seeing TWO songs by Oliver James...the two copies became ours. Then...we got a bit sidetracked. Cheap DVDs! What to do, what to do...before we knew it, I had about 15 minutes to get to work. We rushed to the cashier, and the dude...was the slowest person ever! I couldn't believe it....I was late to my first day on the job. Why? Gosh darn you Oliver James! HA! I am so compeltely and totally kidding!

Anyway, I must give Nikki the credit for discovering him first...even though I would have liked him without her help...she did see him first. I've given her enough was her turn to return the favor. *LAUGHS!*

Speaking of Nikki, she and I...because otherwise we'd never know ANYTHING...started a back and forth journal. Just like middle school! But thank God I thought of it *laughs* We've already gotten plenty of use out of it. Nikki stopped by the tea room today to drop it off. Sweet girl....we've been playing phone tag for awhile, so we both went crazy! We need to see each other more than once every other week gosh darn it all. Alas, alas, alas...

Well a lot of things have happened since I last wrote, most likely...but I can't remember what they were for the life of me! To sum it all up...the play people are semi driving me crazy, new job is...bad timing...scary drama thing...cute movie guy...yeah, really can't think of anything else! The only other things are probably complaining, so that's no good... heh heh heh (My mom is going off Paxil, an anti-depressant, makes her even worse than usual, and makes her feel sick. Life is grand....)

So! That's that. Enough for now...I'll write more tomorrow if anything happens. I won't be able to write, however, if I miss my designated hour! And what with late play rehearsals and all...I just don't know....later tator! Peace out!