Friday, May 27, 2005

So, this will be short and sweet. Well, at least it will be short. Worked with Anthony, he sucks. I had to teach him how to do my job. STUPID! He's the one who tells us how bad we are, well! Ahem... a car blew up in front of the store. And I mean...flames and smoke (visible from Hugo I'm told) it was scary.

Adam showed up thinking he still worked there. Anthony told him otherwise. I was sad. Elke got there at 11 and had to lecture someone behind closed doors. She asked me to stick around because she needed to talk to me too. I was terrified. I had my "I do so much here i quit!' speech all planned out. She brings me into the back room all serious like, and then grins and jumps up and down and tells me I'm getting a dollar raise. I was like...huh?!?!? WHOA! I asked why, and she said because I'm amazing, I go above and beyond, and they'd basically be lost without me. YEAH! I knew that. So pretty much, I'm her new favorite. You're not supposed to get a raise unless you're a supervisor. Well then! Bwa-ha-ha!

So... they don't want to lose me. She and I had a heart to heart the other day about how Corporate doesn't know what they're t alking about in regards to our store, and that they don't pay me enough to do all the crap I have to put up with. Sounded like a pre-I quit speech, so she gives me a raise. Makes sense to me! BWA-ha-ha!

In other news, lunch with Nikki and Lurae went well. They enjoyed my "fairy tale" as they put it. They're both very excited to meet BJ and want to do lots of fun stuff while he's here. Which is good, because they know how to drive to all the cool places. Bwa-ha-ha!

So that's it for today. I'm screwed, because I fell asleep at 4 and woke up at nine... geez. I bet I can still fall asleep though. I'm exhaustipated. Later!


Thursday, May 26, 2005

WOw, it has been a little while since I last wrote in here. Why? Because I was afraid I would say something incriminating that might lead to BJ discovering my plot. Yes, my plot. This past weekend (May 20th-23rd) I flew down to Alabama to surprise BJ when he got home from France. I conspired with Kris who set the whole thing up...not only that, he wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to go. Not that I didn't want to...I was terrified.

Now I feel dumb for being so scared. But it makes sense. I had never really met him, and he had come to mean so much to me, I was afraid of discovering that it was all an illusion. I was afraid we couldn't love each other in person, and that was just silly. I should have had more faith in what we already had. It wasn't superficial, and it wasn't just a fluffy "oooh, I think you're groovy" kind of thing. I...well, I fell in love with him. But I was somewhat logically afraid that I hadn't fallen in love with the real person. But...I did.

So after flight delays and cancellations, I made it into Alabama only 6 hours later than anticipated. Kris, his mom, and his little brother picked me up at the airport, and we then began the 2+ hour drive back to Montgomery. The long drive did little for my nerves, but I survived.

To make a long story short, the meeting was awkward because I didn't really get to talk to him. Everyone was snapping pictures and posing with us like we were celebrities. It was kinda fun, but...weird. I didn't quite know what to think. Everyone wanted to give me a hug, and I was thrown so many names that my head was spinning.

Everyone was so nice, and I oddly felt like I had met them all before. They were so accepting, and I didn't feel out of place at all. BJ couldn't really look at me, because he was kind of in shock. Can't blame the guy, really. I'm stunning. KIDDING! Kidding, kidding. Anyway...

Later that night we went to Kris's and watched Smallville, and I was dead tired. Then we went back to BJ's and Kris and their pal Nicole spent the night. I fell asleep. I went to bed in Lauren's room with her, but they had neglected to tell me that she talks in her sleep. Talks with her eyes open while looking at you, but really? She's asleep. Scared the crap out of me. She stopped making noise roughly around 6am. By then I was too tired to sleep.

On Saturday Nicole, BJ and I went around and did a few things. (Kris had gone home early after eating an expired pie, after being told not to. He got a little...ill. DUH! Poor guy...) We went to drop off a birthday present for a friend of his, and then we went to see Star Wars. (YAY!) Shortly after that, I met some more family members, then Kris (who had recovered) BJ and I went to BJ's borther Jake's friend's house to play Halo. Well, I went to watch and be a cheerleader. Cheering I did not much of, because I was falling asleep. I refused to play, and I almost feel bad about it. I didn't feel like making a fool out of myself.

After that the three of us went back to BJ's, and watched the video he made while he was in Paris. Kris stayed til 2am something, and then we went to sleep in our designated rooms. (Lauren was at a friend's thank goodness. I got a little sleep in.)

On Sunday, BJ and I finally got to spend some time together, just the two of us. I talked with his parents for a bit and exchanged miracle stories. I really adore his parents. They accepted me with open arms, and it was amazing. They're incredible people.

We spent the day on the couch, watching Phantom of the Opera and just enjoying each other's company. We just got together. It was good. At around 5pm I finally got out of my pajamas and took a shower. We then went to his grandparent's house to visit. They were so sweet! I just loved them.

After that, we went and had dinner with his parents, his aunt, and his cousin. Then we all sat out on the porch and talked. Then...we sat around a bit before falling asleep on the couch. Then we went to our rooms and went to sleep, dreading the next day.

I woke up early and packed up, and BJ's mom Debra came in the room to give me a hug good-bye. After that I went back and forth between laying on the couch and re-organizing everything I had packed. I picked over things again and again trying to decide whether or not to wake BJ up. I knew we were expected at his other Grandmother's house at around 9:30am, so I waited until nine before quietly opening his door. I used the excuse that there were things in there I needed to pack (which there were) but really I wanted him to hurry and wake up so we could use the time we had.

I was really quiet and sorta melancholy. I was trying not to be, but I couldn't help it. I was sad. To realize that we did love each other in person, and have it be over so quick...just to go back to phone conversations and little else, it was a scary thing to face.

So, we went to his Nana's and I met his father. She was so sweet, too. I just loved her. His father and his Nana decided to take us out to a pizza buffet. After that, it was time to drive the two hours back to the airport.

I barely said anything the whole way. I was bittersweetly content in just listening to him sing along with the radio. I didn't want to say goodbye. It didn't seem fair.

The inevitable had to happen though, and I was successful in my attempt not to cry in front of him. He held me and I didn't want him to let go. I didn't cry until I was inside the airport, and then I just couldn't stop. It took me quite awhile, and I was so grateful I had held it back from him, after I saw my mascara smudged face in the bathroom mirror. I looked like I was auditioning for a Zombie movie.

My flight back was delayed so I made some phone calls and filled people in on a few details. I made it back to MN, and I wanted to back to AL. Oh, well.

So, girlfriend. That word has never been connected to my name seriously before. I've been quite successful in getting other people together, but now it's my turn. I'm really happy. I'll keep the details to myself, but it was a wonderful weekend. I'm pretty sure I'm more in love with him now. Yup... and I miss him. It was too short. But if things are meant to be in the future, then I know I can handle it. I'm positive.

So anyway, yeah. I have a boyfriend, and I love him, and I'm happy, and that's that. (He's coming to visit in July!) I guess that's a pretty nice update for this journal. For once I don't have to leave my "story" to go back to reality, because this time, my story is reality, and reality's not so bad. So, that's that...

In other news... Caribou appreciates me, but I don't appreciate Caribou. They still don't get it, but oh well. It's gotten to a "I have other options quite possibly, so I could care less" kind of thing. Pretty sure Adam is fired. Sad...I will miss him. I have to open with the district manager tomorrow, because Elke had a nervous breakdown. I'm so scared...he terrifies me. Although...he looks exactly like my uncle Danny if you crossed him with an italian mob boss. Interesting... so! Anthony scares me, but I'll survive.

After work I'm having lunch with Nikki and Lurae to fill them in on my "life" yeah right...they just want to hear all the details. Fun! I shall write more soon, not that my life might be a tad bit interesting. Later taters!
