Saturday, March 25, 2006

The move was successful. The apartment looks nice. There have been different...situations. Everything is pretty okay. I'm just glad she made it here safely. Darla has Cody again. Cody likes to pee on Darla. Just like old times.

I get to spend the majority of my weekend with BJ. Very nice... I love him so much. Tomorrow is his nephew/God son's birthday party. We went and bought him some Elmo DVDs today. I also picked up a baby shower gift for Joy.

Life is good. Life is interesting. BJ's computer has been repaired! I'm using it right now...and that's why I'm gonna go now. Because I'd rather be talking to him!


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kelly arrives today. It will be good. BJ is coming over tonight. I can't wait! Last night there was really bad weather. I've never minded storms before, but...this time it was different. Seek shelter...not very comforting words when you're all by yourself. Cody was a nervous wreck. We survived.

I didn't get much sleep, but ah well. It will be my turn to fall asleep BEFORE BJ for once. I think he's going to have an interesting day today, after a conversation he's supposed to have. I hope it all goes well.

Last night he had a conversation that was not so good, but...hopefully that situation will get better too. I wish I could get rid of the problems I was born with, but unfortunately that's beyond my control.

I'm not making sense, and I don't have to! It's my journal, so ha!


Monday, March 20, 2006

Your Career Type: Artistic

You are expressive, original, and independent.

Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor

Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer

Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer

Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

Well, duh! I knew that already. But don't know about the DJ or dancer thing...ah, well!
Hello! I had a fantastic weekend. On top of that, Kelly gets here tomorrow, along with Darla! Cody gets his wife back. I wonder how he feels about that...hmmm...

ANYWAY! I think I will now tell you about my weekend. It was good. I had true uninhibited fun for the first time in a long time. So! BJ was here Thursday night, and then he left a little after 1pm on Friday. It was determined shortly after that, that I would drive to Montgomery Friday night instead of Saturday morning (because I was going to BJ's cousin's wedding with him on Saturday) so we got extra time together!

I got there a little after nine pm, and then BJ and I watched "What Lies Beneath" while dining on some pizza. HIs mom was on her way home from another wedding, BJ's dad and Lauren were visiting Jake, who had recently returned from Pakistan. So it was just the two of us for a little while.

We went to bed shortly after that. The next day, Saturday...we hit McDonald's for breakfast, and then whipped out Alias season 4. We watched about 3 episodes. Quality time with Sydney Bristow and friends. After that, we watched stuff about the Disney Cruise line on the travel channel. I loved pointing out all my favorite parts to BJ. He can't wait to go with me someday. I love that ship. I'm telling ya. It's fantastic. I can't wait to look out at the romantic sunset while standing on the boat deck and NOT be by myself, wishing BJ were there. It will be spectacular.

We then got ready for his cousin Misty's wedding. We took our time, and therefore barely made it to the wedding on time. It was a beautiful ceremony. I would sneek glances at BJ every once in awhile. I loved being there with him. BJ's mom was on my other side, and she leaned over and said "That's gonna be you two one day!" and she told me later she kept picturing that it was me and BJ. Cute! Can't wait.

The reception was beautiful, and tons of wonderful food. I talked bunches with his cousin Joy. She's so funny, and just so...I really like her. She has such a healthy attitude about every difficulty she is facing right now with her pregnancy. She's so strong. I really admire her.

Later on, I met the bride's father, Uncle Byron. I had spoken to him a few times on the phone, and he told me when he met me, he and I were going to dance together. He had heard so much about me, and how I was perfect for BJ, and how happy I had made he wanted to dance with me. I met him the first time at the reception, and he gave me a hug and was holding onto my hands, and said "Finally. Welcome to Alabama! And welcome to the family. I'm so happy you're here. So happy!"

No dance there. I had mentioned to BJ 'I'm not dancing with him!'--but I didn't think he was serious in the first place. Pretty soon after that, people were filtering out. BJ was expressing his disappointment that the bride and groom had not tossed the bouquet/garter. He had wanted he and I to catch them. He told his mom that, and she grinned and was like "Does that mean you want to be the next to be married?" and he just grinned and put his arm around me.

Shortly after that, I was standing next to Debra and uncle Byron. BJ went to go talk to his aunt Diane. Suddenly Uncle Byron handed his punch glass to Debra, and turned toward me. He put one arm around my waist, and we were suddenly dancing. "Let's see how Miss Minnesota can move!" I laughed, and the wedding photographer started snapping pictures. "Smooth!" said Uncle Byron. It was so cute.

We went home shortly after that. I was in such a goofy mood. BJ and I were in his room, and Debra came in and asked BJ if he could write her a blank check for groceries. He said that would be like suicide. She told him he would be paid back, and that he could tell her how much she would be able to spend. I was so out of it. I said "Five dollars. You can buy butter. And you can buy milk. And you can make...buttermilk." We all laughed about it a little too long, and a little too hard.

BJ and I drove to the ATM to give his mom cash instead. Then he and I went to Lifeway (A Christian store) and had fun picking things out for our future home. We're both excited about the "lighthouse room". Yes! We spent about an hour in there I think. Then we went to Books-A-Million for a little bit. After that, we headed to the movie theater. YES!

We saw "She's The Man" a modernization of Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' starring Amanda Bynes. It was hilarious! BJ and I really enjoyed it. After that, home again. We watched one of my silly home videos. BJ fell asleep, so I 'put him to bed' and then camped out on the couch.

Sunday morning, BJ came in and woke me up around 8am for church. We both woke up on the couch a couple hours later. Hahaha! Sadly, we missed church. We woke up and caught up on devotionals after eating some breakfast. Then we ran a couple errands for Mom, picking up some complimentary Zaxby's on the way home. We ate lunch, and then BJ was off to work, and I was off to Opelika.

Sounds like a simple weekend, but it was one of the best of my life. I'm so happy to be happy. I love you, BJ.