Thursday, November 17, 2005

Yo homie, Gilligan! We's goin back to da islands! Hehehe. Well, I haven't started an entry like that in awhile. Anyway! I'm on my break here at Dunn Bros. Wait...what? TIME WARP! Yeah, I'm back here again. And I don't have much time left on my break, so I'll have to be as brief as possible. Let's see...

I quit got a job at Dunn Bros, quit Caribou, and Elke got fired. Wee! Was that brief enough? I don't really feel like going into all the details. Why focus on the negative?? I'd much rather focus on all the wonderful things going on in my life.

I've been sorta stressed about the Alabama thing. But now, I have a place to live, and I plan on leaving on January 13th! WEE! I'm really excited. Excited about actually moving, excited about where I'm living and who I'm living with, excited that I get to bring a doggie with me (although it has yet to be determined which one) and overall, I am SOOOOO excited to be able to see BJ whenever I want to.

I've already got the majority of my packing done, that's how excited I am. 2 months in advance! I can't wait. BJ is going to buy a one-way ticket and drive down there with me. Things are good now.

I don't know what I'm going to do about Christmas. I don't have the money to shop for everybody, not only that...but I have no idea WHAT to get for anyone. Crazy crazy crazy.

So that's about all I've got for now. Write more when I've got more time!!

Later taters!
