Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Well! I missed the Windjammer's show...which if you didn't know already, I really wanted to see. I was planning on Sunnie telling me when it was, since I talk to no one, and no one talks to me. She said she would. She disappears last night with a group of friends, la-di-freakin-da....and when she comes home, I ask her where she was. She says "The Windjammer's Show". I felt like she hit me over the head with a frying pan. I didn't let on that it bothered me. She complains endlessly that Kelly and I don't include her...we include her in every way possible. Never ONCE does she go out of her way to make me feel welcome in any type of scenario. And the Windjammer's show? Choir was MY thing...but geez. She must be thrilled. She has the school to herself, no annoying older sister to cramp her style. Doesn't feel obligated to include me now, since they're "HER SCHOOL EVENTS" and I am completely out of the picture...out of sight, out of mind. It hurts. It hurts REALLY really bad. I won't say anything though, because she'll say something about "I was out with MY friends, not your friends. Excuse me for having a life..." and I seriously can't take another stab wound like that. So I'll keep my mouth shut, thank you...and I'm not exaggerating...she's given me that speech a few billion times. As if I could get any lower...

ANYWAY! Cheer cheer cheer...I only wrote that, because I've been keeping it in, and that's unhealthy. Also, I promised myself I wouldn't hold anything back, just because I am now aware that people actually read this journal. They read it, obviously, because they want to know me. ALL of me. So they'll get it. Gets to be a little too much for you? Harsh reality? Skip over it, don't ridicule me for it later. It's a journal. You can't get mad. HA! So there...onward ever onward older sister Kelly has taken to sleeping in the bathroom. Not only is that incredibly strange, it's incredibly disgusting! Now, in all fairness, we do have a very nice, very spacious upstairs bathroom. It used to be a bedroom for goodness sake! However, it is now a bathroom, with a missing toilet handle. A broken toilet to put it plainly. Though that stays true, my brother still thinks it is completely acceptable to still USE the broken non-flushing toilet. (For only his 'number ones' mind you) Could you, for one moment, imagine the stench that that creates after awhile? She still sleeps there. My mom has kept a fish tank that she's supposedly going to take care of...the water is almost gone, and most of the fish have already completely rotted away to nothing...very very smelly. Still sleeps in there. Now granted, it's dark and it has a lock but STILL! How completely and totally unsanitary! Not to mention strange...

In other news, I really do like my job. Very very much. I get a lot of hours, paid well plus tips...awesome co-workers, free food pop and's great. I really really like it. And I'm GOOD at it! No changes there...

I've been out bike shopping lately. I really want a new bike. The last one I had...I sold many many moons ago, so I would have enough money to fly halfway across the country to be with a boy who was in love with my sister...while pretending to like me. If you don't already know that story, then you'll have to ask me about it some other time...because good glory! I cannot write it all down now, I'd be online all night! Well then...

I bought a new movie. "Catch Me If You Can". If you haven't seen it, you should. And if you're gonna buy it, get it at Target. It comes with a free bag of those new "Popables" things. (I got the milky way ones) So, we all watched that last night. I fell asleep...of course. Now, I must ask you all a very important question:

What do you think of this new Orange Mountain Dew phenomenon? This "Live Wire Orange ignited" thing? Personally, I quite enjoy it. Being a fan of orange pop from way back, I was pleasantly surpised when I happened upon this fun new beverage. It's...dare I say...even better than my already beloved "Slice", because it's quite orangey...but still has that Mountain Dew kick to it. I really truly like it. Whew! Not that that's out in the open...moving on (It's only 50 cents for a 20 oz at Target right now...I've purchased a...few....within the last few days...hahaha)

Well! I am currently involved in a rather intruiging conversation about super heros with Tim Beier, and drilling the date JULY 9TH into Jessi Campbell's memory...(The day "Pirates of the Carribean" opens...we are both very excited.) So I fear I must leave you now. Plus, I work tomorrow, and don't feel like being dead when pouring hot tea toward people sitting beneath me....later all! Peace! E-rok out, bay-bay!

Monday, May 05, 2003

Well, I know I don't update enough anymore. I'm very sorry. I can't remember properly what's been going on with me recently, I apologize. I work a lot...I love my job! It's amazing. I'm perfect there. Get this...I'm even writing a "Titanic Murder Mystery Tea" starring me, as the loud boistrous british gossip queen. How great is that? Wonderfully wonderful if you ask me! What else has been going on with me...oh, yes. There's always that...

I've decided to enter this Christian talent competition. Much like American Idol...only without the TV show...hahaha. Anyway, grand prize? A recording contract! There's this certain aspect yet to be determined, but we'll see what we see! Wish me luck! PRAY for me!

Onward ever onward. My parents are officially completely insane...I had an overall good weekend. I worked on Friday and Saturday, which I really truly honestly don't mind. Saturday was prom night for everyone I know...not me though. Home alone I was...well, no not really. I watched "Halloween: Resurrection" with my brother. It was giggles. On Sunday, Kelly Jamison and I went and saw the new X-Men flick...truly enjoyable...up until the end. Stupid ending. I should be a film critic. Maybe I could make some people forget to be stupid...hehehe. Today (monday) I didn't work, so Kelly and I went to see...don't laugh... "The Lizzie McGuire Movie". It's a guilty pleasure of ours, that show...

After the movie, we met up with Nikki at Sbarro, for our weekly baked ziti outing. Nikki had to fill me in about prom. Anything and everything. The ups, the downs...I wish I could have been there with her. ANYWAY! Today....I'll try to make this as short as possible...

When my mom got home, she had Jamie and I unload this painting from her car that we can't afford. We brought it in, Jamie was arguing with her, he let go without thinking, and CRASH! There went the painting, the glass shattering all over the kitchen floor. My mom went quiet psycho, and retreated to the living room, mumbling something about us intentionally trying to ruin her...after that, Kelly Jamie and I disappeared into my room to watch a movie, as our parents had another money battle. Voices rose, and all of the sudden my dad popped into my room, commanding us to follow him to the basement to tear up the moldy carpet...we thought he was joking, until we heard mom screaming at us hysterically to listen to him. We paraded downstairs, while my mom screamed/cried hysterically...out of control bloody murder...I was so confused! She was screaming, tears running down her face "I can't take it anymore! Nobody helps me! This house is falling apart, and I'm the only one keeping it together! I can't do this by myself! You are all so ungrateful!" And other things like that. Claiming we never did anything. I looked around...the house was spotless. Why? I had cleaned it all this morning, on my DAY OFF!!!!!! freak. She's mostly irritated with Kelly, I guess. The basement is trashed with her stuff, etc etc etc...whatever. Didn't make me feel any better. SO! We all went down to tear up carpet, feeling terrible about ourselves. I had a severe asthma attack... la di da...all better now.

So, that basically sums up where we are now. My dad thanked me a lot for helping. I get to go back to work tomorrow. After watching one and a half episodes of Dawson's Creek of course! So, I guess I must be off. I'm over tired...too much "not doing anything". Later tators!