Friday, January 02, 2004

Hello! Absolutely nothing interesting has happened lately...well, not since I last wrote anyway. I'm at work again, and I have to do counter and roaster today. So I shouldn't be in a good mood. But I am. I am one big roller coaster ride, that's for sure. ANYWAY! In my last entry, I forgot to mention my favorite movie of the moment. No, I don't think I have one favorite altogether...but this one is gosh darn good!

I had wanted to see it for quite awhile. What is it, you ask? "Nicholas Nickleby". It's a Charles Dickens play, and it was made into a movie a long time ago, and then they re-made it. it was up for best picture in 2002. ANYWAY! I had wanted to see it, because I love movies set back in the day, and I liked the cast. But I had never gotten around to it! Funny...I won't spend $5 to rent it, but I will buy it the minute it hits the $9.44 rack at Target. I guess I figure if I rented it and liked it, I'd have to spend twice as much to buy it later. Might as well take the risk and keep it forever, right? That's what I think...

ANYWAY! So, I bought it totally impulsively the day Kelly left. My mom sent me on random errands all over the place, and I needed some entertainment. So I grabbed it. There were a lot of new ones, but to distract my indecisive mind, I snatched up the first one that looked appealing, so I wouldn't have to analyze and later...regret.

After my numerous errands, I went home and did laundry, made my mom lunch, cleaned the house, took a shower, just so I could enjoy the movie undisturbed with no "to-do" list sitting restlessly in the back of my mind.

I popped the movie in, and began enjoying it the minute it started. If you haven't seen it, you need to because SERIOUSLY! It's fantastic. I think in my next entry, I shall record the entire plot. It's not exactly the kind of movie you'd go rent or buy on your own. Unless you're me! I feel like recording the plot down, then maybe I'll attract an audience for it.

Right now, I think I have to go back to work...but first. I love that movie! AHH! The lead guy who plays Nicholas Nickleby? He's HOT!!!! But seriously, the movie is good. He's not the only reason. (His name is Charlie Hunnam, he's british, and he's just...gorgeous.)

Well, I better get going. FYI-- the girl next to me, I feel bad. Her friend Dennis just called her cell phone, and she freaked out about something. She thought he had said he was at the highschool...but he said hospital. Then she called someone named Joel, and it turns out that Dennis' dad is at the hospital because he had a severe attack of some sort last night, and is not expected to live through the day. Apparently Dennis was crying on the phone...geez, I'm weird. But I have to know everyone's story. I love people and their lives...and then I write it down.

Well, now that I'm done eavesdropping, I should get back to work. (See? I know so much about other people that they have no idea I know. Bwa-ha-ha!)

ANYWAY! Over and out. Plot of Nicholas Nickleby soon to follow.

BYE! --


Thursday, January 01, 2004

Know what? After I said the last entry I wrote disappeared, it reappeared. Imagine that. So! Where did I leave off? Let's see.... I'm gonna have to browse for a minute. Okay, so basically I was going crazy. Same old same old. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I was real sick awhile back. And guess what? Sick again!

Today, is New Year's Day. Kelly left on the 30th, and we did not part on the best of times. It seems Kelly and Sunnie tricked me into driving to the airport, during the busiest flight season of the year. I nearly died, and everyone mocked me for being terrified. A mixture of heavy icy traffic and having never driven on the freeway before is NOT a good combination. In other words? I hated Kelly when she left. I was crying hard, but not because she was leaving. I had to get home all by myself. It was a horrible, horrible day.

So! Last night, New Year's Eve, it was planned for my entire family to go to Ruth and Earl's for a par-tay. Well! I got home from the tearoom yesterday...well, no. I got off two hours early for feeling quite ill and coughing on I went to the movies. (Saw Peter was so good! Were I that kid's age, I would have the biggest crush! He's a cutie...ANYWAY!) So, when I got back from the movies, I discovered my mom felt too sick to go, my dad was staying home with her, Sunnie (once again) was invited to a party that I was not (duh duh duh) and Jamie went to a friend's house. i was so sad! Because this was the first time since 8th grade I had had New Year's Eve plans. So know what happened? I went by myself. Easy as that. I felt so out of place, because my aunt is really my mom's cousin's ex-wife, so...we're distantly related, and they had all of their family there. And I was just kind of....there.

It was fun, don't get me wrong. But the majority of that group is adorable newlyweds, so... once the clock struck was kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss...and Corrie. YAY! Oh, well. I'm used to being around adults. I have no friends my own age. EXCEPT Jessi.

Jessi called my cell phone while I was in Peter Pan yesterday, to report that she had recieved a wonderful Christmas present that she wanted to share with me. Pirates of the Caribbean tatoos. HAH! So, we're going to have fun with those when she gets home on Saturday.

I spose I have other friends my own age, but I never see them. It's more of a long distance relationship *grins* ANYWAY! Why do I have to work on New Year's day??? Why does this place have to be open? Grrr... Well, I DID volunteer to work today...but that was before I had..."plans". Oh, well. My resolution? Next year, I will have someone to kiss at midnight. So there...

Well, I have to go back to work now. It's just me and Sunnie here today. We thought it would be dead...boy were we wrong! Lordy be. Well, later tater!

C'est moi

A bientot!

Sunday, December 28, 2003

The last entry I wrote disappeared, so I kinda lost interest in this journal for awhile. And then Kelly arrived almost a week ago, and things were...different. I haven't had the time to write, I guess. But now I do, after being sent to my room like a 2 year old for the 20th time this week. Why this time? Because Kelly called me a Nazi, and I told her to shut up and stop calling me names. I got in trouble.

She called me a Nazi, because she was eating the ice cream Sunnie and I got for Christmas, and I growled at her for not asking my permission. She yelled back with "Corrie! You're such a Nazi, and you're so selfish! I'm sick and my throat hurts." (Word to the wise...dairy is the LAST thing you consume if you have a bad cold...duh!)

So, ever since Kelly arrived...I realized something. I didn't miss her as much as I thought. Her need to constantly belittle me so she can stand firmly superior wasn't missed...just forgotten. I forgot how small she makes me feel. And of course, since she's the eldest, and the one who has returned to mother dearest after four months...she's been endlessly praised, while I've been criticized for not being more like her...

I've cried too many tears this week. I'm back to invisible. It's not all Kelly's fault, and of course...we've had our fun. But I can't take all this I remember what it feels like, and how much my entire body aches at the end of every day when the pressure starts to let up.

She arrived on December 23rd, and the next day was Christmas Eve. Holidays are never carefree at the Killmer house. My mother was a ball of stress for no reason, because the children were the ones doing everything. Nagging, yelling, pain pain pain. We ate some snacks and opened presents. I started to feel bad for my mom, because everything Kelly and Sunnie got from her seemed to be tossed aside unwanted. They didn't keep their opinions to themselves, either.

I got "Scene it?" so I was happy. (A DVD movie trivia game) It ended well enough, with me getting up extra early to clean up the HUGE mess left from gifts and food, so as to avoid the inevitable storm to follow. Then I was designated the official turkey fun fun. My grandpa had flown in from Arizona for christmas for the first time in over 12 years. We were very very excited. But of course, my mom made it rather hellish with her continuous contradictory remarks of "Why is no one helping me in here!" and "Get out of here, I need to work by myself!" She even took to calling me useless when I tried to do all 3 billion and 50 chores at once she had given me... My mother was convinced everyone was out to get her, causing my father to almost cry before he retreated to the basement. She claimed she was as cheery as could be, while we were all spoiling her holiday. Yep...that's right. ALL OF US were the problem. She's perfect.

My grandpa, however (her father) actually stated "Penny really does drive those girls crazy, doesn't she?" to my grandma. FINALLY some recognition! We're not insane! WOO-HOO! Anyway...Christmas flew by, with my mom forbidding us from talking or laughing at the table. My grandpa gave us each $20, and then Kelly and I split to go see "Cold Mountain". It was good.....

The next day, Kelly, Diana and I went to Duluth to spend the day/night at Diana's apartment. Nothing too exciting. We basically just played "Scene It?" The whole time. Awesome, awesome movie buff's game.

We game home from Duluth on the 27th, and then I went to Target to spend a gift card. (It WAS for Candace...but due to some...difficulties...all of Candace's presents were distributed amongst the family) I got some LOTR books, some soup, a movie, and my mom made me buy her some coffee filters... Then TODAY!

I got up for church. Took an hour to convince Kelly and Jamie to go. I felt sooooo not good. I had slept in crappy positions during the whole Duluth thing, so i was in major major pain. (That combined with car accident injuries) Having not slept much at all last night, because of pain, I decided not to drive. No big deal, I always go with Sunnie. But Sunnie and Kelly insisted I drive, because of space. There was enough space, they just...yeah. I couldn't turn my neck (not safe for driving) and I had the worst worst worst feeling...whenever I've had those, something really really really bad happens. But like I'm gonna tell them that! They'd laugh in my face. I was not okay feeling! So I said I wouldn't drive. (Besides, I hate driving with kelly in the car...passenger seat driver to the MAX!!!!) Then they both set in on me. Boy did they ever. Kelly couldn't drive because she was "dizzy". Whatever...Kelly is so good at making you feel like you're the smallest most insignificant unworthy being on the face of the planet, I swear. ANYWAY!

So I told them Jamie and I would go to Eaglebrook with Granny. So we did. After Kelly badmouthed me some more. Grandma was the happiest person alive though, I swear. She said she had been really depressed every week, because she was all by herself. I still don't like that church though. But i have no idea where else I fit in. I'm lost...

So! After church we were all...I was cleaning. Sunnie and Kelly were elsewhere. Jamie was playing. Mom was grring at me about not doing enough housework. Then Kelly and Sunnie came home, and we played with our cell phones and got new backgrounds and rings. (Background= Pirates, Ring = I Move On from Chicage)

Mom started shrieking, saying "Get out of the house! I want it to myself so I can do houseowrk! (All of which I had already done) So we decided to go see a movie. Then...Nikki called. We had absolutely nothing to talk about. The only person she had had time to see was Lurae. Isn't that special? Grand, fantastic. Last night I had a dream I told her I hated her, and she said "I know." I don't hate her of course, but apparently my subconscious does...hmmm... NO! Don't think so. I'm just...hurt by my own insignificance, I guess. Ahhh....

So! We had a boring awkward conversation about nothing. Then my spirits just...went flat, and my soul felt like it was deflating. Without saying a word, I got ready to leave. Jamie noticed, and followed me to the car. Then Kelly got the hint and got in after me. I'm back to that point in life when every little thing irritates me. Like, Jamie had movied my car trash sack to the other side, and I freaked out, yelping "This is MY car!" So, we drove to the theater in near silence. Then thank GOD! Jessi called my cell phone. My only friend! I was overjoyed. She invited me to her birthday party next weekend. Then she noticed I sounded a bit...weird. So we decided she would come over tonight around 7, and she'd give me my birthday present, and we'd chat.

So! We saw "Cheaper By The Dozen" which was very enjoyable. Then I went home, showered, organized my DVD wallet, and then Jessi came. She gave me a Spanish choir CD from Spain, awesome awesome. And she also gave me a chocolate bar from Spain. AWESOME! Then we chatted. I love her...she just...always helps me. Then we played two games of "Scene It?" and then one game of "Lord of the Rings" Monopoly, The Trilogy Edition. Then she went home. That's when I got sent to my room, for getting upset that Kelly ate my ice cream... Life's peachy keen fantastic, can you tell?

So, another compaining entry, but seriously. When else do you write? So the entry that got deleted was about Jessi coming home, i think. And she and I and her mom going to see return of the was fantastic, and I was ecstatic to have her back home. She's going to Mexico next month for another three months, but then I have her for the summer. We're gonna make a movie or write a play. We haven't decided yet...

Well, one true friend in life makes it a life worth living, right? So I gotta keep going, because I've got something going for me. Besides...if I died now, I'd never meet Mister Wonderful...whoever THAT is....riiiight.

Over and out, I love all of my invisible faithful readers.

Peace out, yo...
