Friday, June 03, 2005

Word. Yeah. Let's see. I'm in a weird mood. I was almost really upset, but I got over it. I can't let her upset me anymore. And by her I mean mom. Let me go back.

I worked open to 11 today as usual. Anthony was there taking notes and critiques again. YAY! Jola was working drive-thru though, because Elke wants me to train people to be just like me. Isn't that hilarious?? So, I was training her to be a drive-thru queen like myself, but she was so nervous, because Anthony was standing right next to her, doing a service audit on her performance. Poor thing. First time on the morning rush drive-thru too. I felt bad.

I was in a pretty good mood, except my pants kept sliding down, bringin my underwear with them. I know you all wanted to know that... but once the pants went, my shirt would come un-tucked, and that's a big no-no! People kept poking me in the back everytime my short went loose to remind me that Anthony wasn't far away, and I could get in trouble. Geez... I don't really have any pants that fit anymore. Oh, well. I could have worse problems.

I got off at 11, and went to go work out. Then I went home, showered, and mom cornered in my room because she needed to "talk" to someone. Dang it, why does that someone always have to be me?? Oh, well. So! She had lunch with my Grammy yesterday, and they had a big fight. She told me her version of it. She told her how she gets frustrated that she has to repeat herself so often. (My grammy is hard of hearing. DUH!) And my mom said she doesn't like talking on the phone, and neither do the girls (us) and so none of us really want to talk on the phone with her, because she's too long winded. THat's terrible! She was so upset. She told her that's it's hard for us to talk to her. Not true!

Grammy told my mom that all she does is talk about herself anyway, and my mom got all defensive. (Too bad grandma was right!)They make plans and my mom almost always cancels, and my Grandma is just starting to feel unloved and forgotten, and you can't really blame her. Since Kelly lives in CT, I'm the only one who goes and visits her at home. She doesn't go out as much as she used to, so you have to go to her. She goes out with Ruth, and sometimes her other friends, but when she has downtime she really gets lonely, and that's when the family that lives less than a mile away is supposed to come into play. I'm just so disappointed in my family sometimes.

In all fairness Sunnie has gotten better about going to see her, but it really can't be enough. If anything I've gotten worse with my wacky schedule. Sunnie said it herself. "All you do is work and sleep." It's the truth...which is why my wardrobe consists of little else than a Caribou uniform and pajamas.

So anyway, after giving me her high and mighty speech about how right she was, and how she put Grandma in her place, she told me how she understands her, because "When I was really sick, everyone else's lives went on, and I felt so forgotten. You all would be talking and laughing and I'd have to beg for attention." AHHH! I was so upset! She was basically saying we were all carefree and getting along without her, and how she would go from room to room and we'd ignore her. I almost threw things at her head just then. She started to cry, and say "I was so scared, and so alone, and nobody cared." OH MY GOSH!!!!

I was ill. I almost threw up. I was so...argh. Mom and dad seriously are in denial. They've erased that entire time frame from their memory. They have no idea what they're talking about when they 'look back'. It's all a bunch of crap! It infuriates me. And Kelly. She and I have vented to each other many a time. AHHHH. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode.

So, she was crying to herself and feeling sorry for herself about how she almost died and nobody cared, so I decided to go for a walk and listen to angry music.

"Just one more look and I'm gonna explode, I'm gonna self combust, I'm gonna blow up the world. Just one more word and you'll cross the line, I mean over the edge you're on thin black ice. Ooh, there's a little bit of psycho in me I confess, why'd you want to pick on me and not the rest? Does it make you feel big? Does it make you feel better? So tell me how's the weather..."

Yep. I felt better after that. We went through so so much, and we all survived. Not just her. We all almost died. Not just her. Some day she'll be able to see past herself, but I hope it won't be the day after never. Because I'm getting really....tired.

I'm always tired. She doesn't help. I need to get away, I really really do. But like I told BJ, I need options. I don't have any right now. Give me an option and I'll jump on it and not look back. I have a pretty good feel for what's right for me, and everything right now is pretty right, except for that little thing I call home. It isn't anymore, and that's un-good. I haven't found home yet, I haven't found that...peace. But I will. And soon. It's just beyond my reach...for now.

So, I walked to Lurae's garage sale, and chatted a bit, then I walked back to the library, and here I am. Perfectly content in being uncontent. Does that make sense? Ah, yes. The library makes it all better. Hehehe.

So what to do now? I think I'll go visit my Grammy dear. BJ has a job interview today, and I'm really excited for him. If he wants it, I want it...and if it happens, then it was meant to happen. I hope all goes well. I'm sure I'll hear about it tonight.

So... time for me to take my leave. My shoulders hurt from all the tension I built up...there's this large mysterious dark red mark on my shoulder, that looks like a cut or a scrape, except that it isn't. It's like... a red bruise or something, and it just appeared today! It's smooth and kind of...perfect, but it frightens me. I don't know what it is! It almost looks like I drew something on myself. Except that I didn't. (I tried scrubbing it off, so I know it isn't ink...or grape juice...or something else like that...)

Anyway...enough rambling! Bye bye, I'm really going now! (hehe!)



Thursday, June 02, 2005

I am so excited for July! I get a smoothie maker from the bank. Yup. That's the only reason I'm excited. Nothing else comes to mind. "That boy" might make an appearance. Hmmm... Yeah right! I'm so excited for BJ to come up here. It will be awesome. Should be grand...

In other news, Elke told me I'm going to be a shift supervisor. Not asked, told. Oh, well. We'll see.

So I worked, I napped, and then I went to the movies. I saw "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". It was so good! I cried through most of it. It made me sad on multiple levels. I just wish I had friends like that. Times like that. Families like that. Oh well. What I've got now ain't so bad. Some things are pretty danged good if you ask me. Other, well. They're only temporary. At least that's the attitude I'm going to attempt to adopt.

So I have nothing really interesting to say, reply to your comment, BJ... I d on't think you want to know about this dream. Mayhaps it would be better left Indeed. Well, I love you! And I more of that writing thang later.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005

At the library again. I love the library. However... there are people behind me waiting for the internet and I almost feel guilty. Oh, well. I won't take the entire 60 minutes. I just have to take a moment to document my incredibly exciting life... what the fidget? You mean I haven't got one? Oh, that's too bad.

I worked this morning my usual shift on drive-thru. We were very short handed, and I went a little crazy. I worked with Kenny for the first time in a long time, and we had fun with our sarcastic banner. He's a brat. It's enjoyable.

After work I went home and took a nap for about...mmm... four hours. I was so tired. Not lack of sleep tired, but exhaustion tired. Indeed. Then I woke up, got dressed, and decided to take a walk to the library. However, my mother trapped me with an urgent plea.

"Please Corrie! I need your help desperately. We may have over drawn at the bank. I need you to write me a check for $40.00, you'll get it all back, I promise you."

What the crap? So she's standing there...telling me to give her money. First it was 20, then it went up to 40. I couldn't say no without her making my life a living hell for awhile. So, I gave her the check. Believe me, I will get that money back if it kills me... although...she'll probably pull a "You owe me that much in back rent" and refuse to pay me back. Well, I'm keeping my tips, it's as simple as that!

So, then I walked to the library. I can't stop thinking about this dream I had. It's... so real. A little advanced as far as the time frame goes, feels like it really happened. It's altered me a bit, and it's in my head. Oh, well. I'll get over it.

In other news, these people staring me down are really getting on my nerves. I guess I'd better go now... la di da. Write more pointless updates soon I'm sure! As far as enjoyable things go, I've got nothing "better" to do.


C'est moi!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Nothing much to report. I just felt like typing. Not really sure why. Is my brain trying to tell me to write? Hmmm... work on Downside? Is that what you're trying to tell me to do? Well,'s a promise. When you're here in July, I will finish Downside. YOU will help me do it. You have your ways. :) Anyway...

So I worked today. Memorial Day. It was first. Elke was late, I opened alone. Oh, well. Then I went to Lurae's, and we watched POTO. Then Nikki and Alex came over. We all went out to eat at the Spaghetti Factory. Now I'm home...

BJ talked to Lurae for awhile today. She thought he sounded fun. That's always good! I'm glad he's getting t o know a few of the people he's going to meet in July. That's a plus. I'm really excited about all of it. It will be a good thinig.

Anyway, work early early, and my head is tired. I shall let it rest for awhile. Good night all. (I love you, BJ!) I'll talk to you soon.


Sunday, May 29, 2005

I have nothing interesting to write about, without repeating myself. My mom hates me, but I just have to let that roll away. She's nuts. I can handle it though. I think... Anyway.

Curse me and my realistic dreams! I keep thinking I'm places that I'm not, and it's really beginning to annoy me. I hate waking up, almost as much as I hate going to sleep. Sleep means saying goodbye to a certain somebody when the conversation seems impossible to end. Waking up means saying goodbye to a really good, very realistic dream. Argh.

So anyway. Today is Sunday, my one day off. Back to work early early tomorrow. Routine...BORING. But not for long! If all goes according to plan, this will be the best summer ever. Why? I actually have PLANS!!! June: I go on a Missions Trip to Mississippi. That's only about 2 weeks away. Wow! July: BJ COMES TO VISIT!! I hope, I hope. We're going to od so many awesome things. We're going to Sonshine, the drive-in movie, Valley Fair, TMOA, maybe hiking up north with Dad, lighthouse tour, and I have to come up with something fabulous for his birthday...which he plans to be here for. I want him to have a wonderful birthday. In August, Joey and Melissa are coming to stay with us for a bit. YAY! Vacation time! So I just take one week off a month, and all is well. I think July will be my favorite month...

In other news, I don't have any... at least not at the moment. So I will say goodbye for now, and go take that shower I've been needing. Woo! So ok then.

