Saturday, January 22, 2005

My head is heavier than normal. Does that happen? Maybe my brain is swelling. It certainly feels like it is. I discovered movie making software on my computer, and so I've been playing. I'm supposed to have a video ready to go for Getdown tomorrow, and I thought I would go the high tech way. Should have known better. I can't get it to work! It's driving me nuts. Oh, well. I had it working before, but now? No...

So, today after I wrote in here...I took a nap. (Preparation for the day ahead, you see.) I stared out my window for a good half hour staring at my buried car. It was tragic. BJ called me on his lunch break (yay!) and we chatted about how my car can get me from point A to point B, and what would happen if my car only got me to point A.5...we're so weird. It's great.

After that, I cleaned Jamie's room. His friend Andrew is spending the weekend, and I didn't want Jamie and Andrew to have to live in that was a huge undertaking, but I had nothing better to do. My car was under a mountain!

After I cleaned up that room, I made a smoothie and watched half of "Face On A Milk Carton". I remember reading that book in 5th grade...

I finally huffed loudly, before bucking up and walking out into the snow to assess the damages. I was up to my thighs in snow...there was NO WAY I could get the driver's door open. The plow had not only covered the car, it had nearly elevated the car OFF THE GROUND by shoving a ton of snow underneath it. That car was going nowhere...

After an hour of shoveling, I had 90% of the car revealed. Another hour of pumping the gas and going backwards and forwards proved to be...worthless. EVENTUALLY...I got the car out. I didn't hit any trees! Afterwards, I fell on the floor heaving, trying to get my lungs back to normal.

Dad went to go meet mom and Sunnie for dinner (Sunnie was getting rewarded for her good grades) and Andrew and I waited for Jamie to get off work. He finally did, and I went to pick him up. They've been in his room ever since, and I watched The Hallmark channel for a bit, before retreating to my room to work on the doomed Getdown video.

Everyone came home shortly after BJ called me after seeing Phantom for the 4th time. I think he wants to beat me. He can probably do it...I have no means by which to keep him at bay. Oh well...

I was being beckoned to view a film with the family, but I decided against it. My video has failed, and now here I am...complaining to no one in particular.

Tomorrow is Sunday, which means church... and I'm going by myself again. That really makes me sad. Sunnie and dad...don't get me started. And Jamie? He follows their example. I'll be there, though. Yes indeed.

I guess that's all for now...I'm sleepy. Thanks for being such a good adorable little blog you. Who else would I tell my nonsense to?

Til next time, this has been :


WHOA! Yeah...thought I'd start out overly energetic, and maybe it will come across that i have a tiny speck of energy left in me. It's a lie, know. ANYWAY!

yesterday! Yesterday was Friday, and I had to work at 6:30 am. An hour LATER than usual, so it was all good. 6:30 - 1:30. I was working register, like usual...being the nazi of brewed coffee. Didn't work with Sam though, which is sad...because she's my favorite! But I worked with Kate who's my #2. It's fo fun being sarcastic and brutal towards one another. It's a great relationship we have!

Yesterday was Tony's second day...and guess what? INCLUDING Elke (our manager) everyone is incredibly annoyed by him. Don't get me wrong, he's nice and everything...he's just...I don't know.

He told me SOOO many times about how he was going on a blind date that night, but he really didn't want to, and how the night before he had gone to visit his girlfriend of the past two years, and found her in bed with another guy. (And you're going on a blind date already? Hmmm...) So he had 'spent the entire night by myself, crying my eyes out'. Awww... poor guy. And then guess what he told me? His LAST girlfriend of 2 1/2 years was killed in a car crash the day he had decided to propose to her. TRAGIC!

I was talking to Karley about how excited I was to have 2 days off in a row, and Tony was like "You have Saturday off? We should hang out! Where do you live?" I laughed politely, and made a big squiggle movement with my arm and said "Over there." and he was like "No, seriously. I need an address." THANK THE LORD someone came in through the drive-thru just at that moment. Darn...had to go do my job.

So he's just sort of been hounding everyone, specifically me for some reason. I don't get it. I'M NOT USED TO THIS!

So then! Went home, and picked up Sarah on the way. It had been snowing all day, and by the time I went to go get her, Ramsey County had already declared a snow emergency. We got back to my house okay, and then we watched "A Cinderella Story". (laughs) I love that movie!

Jamie called for a ride home for the tea room, so I left Sarah with the movie to go get him. My car was already buried! It had only been 45 minutes! It was covered with 7 inches of snow. SO! After digging my car out, I drove about 10mph to Down Town White Bear to go get him. It normaly takes me about 3 minutes... took me about 15 :) I pick Jamie up, and we slide all the way home.

Then Sam calls me, and says she wants to make up for the sleepover that didn't happen LAST weekend. She lives in Roseville. I asked her repeatedly if she was sure she wanted to drive here, and she said yes. So...she did. We didn't have a big enough driveway for our 5 cars, plus Sam's car...and you can't park in the street because of snow! My dad parked my car in the lawn, my mom's on the walkway, and the two trucks, Sunnie's car and Sam'e car in the driveway.

Sam, Sarah and I watched "Without A Paddle" while I text messaged back and forth a bit with BJ *evil grin* I had already seen it! We ordered pizza (poor poor pizza man) and had a blast! Then Sarah had to go home. Sam and I chatted, looked at pictures, and caught her up on The OC. I kept falling asleep! BJ called briefly, and we had to limit the conversation to around five minutes...or it wouldn't have ended...ever.

Three episodes later, Sam and I both went to sleep.

9:15 this morning, her roommate called, crying that she was an hour late for work, because the plows had completely buried her car. She was surrounded all the way up to her trunk. Sam had to leave to go help her, so I had to get my mom's car out of the way...*growls* I don't want to talk about it! I was up to my knees in snow, so guess how hard it was to get a CAR out of there? I did it nonetheless, because NOTHING can stop me!!! Well...

Anyway! Sam left, and I finally had the guts to look at MY car in the front lawn. The plows...had covered it. It will never again see the light of day. It's a snowbank with a red roof, that is all it is! Thank GOD I don't work today! What would I do??? It's...terrible. Dad drove it there, I'm not messing with it. But my poor car!

So that brings us up to now... I cleaned the house, and now I'm completely housebound. BAH! I don't want to! I have two days off, I don't want to do NOTHING! Or maybe that's exactly what I want to do... but with mom home? Ha! Not gonna happen.

Well, I better go. I'm online illegally again. Love you all!

Au Revoir!

Peace, yo

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Wow! Yesterday was crazy cool, man. Totally. Word. Today was pretty cool too. Now I have to go back and think about why…

So yesterday I left off saying I had to go to Granny’s apartment. So I did! I told her I’d be there by 12:30, after I went to the library to return my rentals. (Raising Helen, Wimbledon, and Garden State) So I get there, and NO answer when I rang at the security entrance. Ooh…Granny. You said you had to run quickly to the store! That was an hour and a half ago! And you live across the street from the store!

So, since I’m a regular at that building, on of her neighbors let me in after she checked her mail. I wait in the lobby for awhile, then I went upstairs and cruised the hallway back and forth. Half an hour goes by. No granny. It was around then that my bladder started to freak out. I had to pee soooo bad! So…I left granny a note on her door, and drove home. (All the way home…the full what, two blocks? Anyway…)

So, I am sooo tired, after getting up at 4am. I drift off to sleep after running around doing misc. chores for mommy dear. I doze off, and the phone rings. It’s grandma calling, apologizing endlessly for losing track of time. Unable to hurt her feelings, I drag myself out of my warm cozy bed, and head over to her apartment once again.

She has a habit of making four different meals at once, and expecting me to eat all of everything! She made chicken fajita wraps, as well as chicken patty sandwiches, and garlic mashed potatoes, AND chicken wild rice soup. WHAT?!?! Craziness, and I wasn’t hungry…I was tired!

She wanted to watch the end of the movie she had been watching earlier, and I was soo bored. She dozed off, and so I had fun text messaging BJ. He and I were sending each other Phantom lyrics back and forth. That kept me busy.

Granny woke up eventually, and then I said I had better go home. Pointless visit, but a visit nonetheless. I got home, and completely collapsed. I fell asleep from 4-6:30. I made dinner for myself since Sunnie and Jamie had already eaten, and mother was “returning” at the mall. Then I sat down for another exciting episode of American Idol! Woo! Then it was time for Alias!!! Fabulousness.

After Alias, I went online and chatted with Kelly, BJ, Kelsey, Zach, and Lee. I ended up asking BJ a rather complicated question, and he said it would take too long to type out, so he gave me a call.

Around five hours later, the phone conversation ended. It was great! We covered a lot of ground. He probably learned more about me than I had originally intended, but hey…what are you gonna do? When it gets to the wee hours of the morning words just start coming. I hope I didn’t bore him…he did his share of talking too though, so it should be all good!

It made for quite an enjoyable evening, and thank the Lord I didn’t have to work at 5 today! That means I would have gotten about one hour of sleep. Thankfully, I didn’t work until 9:30. I rarely work a late morning/afternoon shift, so I was a little nervous. Different people than I’m used to. No Sam, no Kate…me and the …other people.

Anyway, I get to work, and there’s a huge line at both the drive-thru and in the lobby. I hope right in, and don’t notice the guy I’m kind of tripping over. I had never seen him before, but I figured it was because he was one of those afternoon guys. Still though, I thought I knew everyone by now! But no…didn’t recognize him.

This guy went into the back to unpack some of the coffee prepack, and I got sent to start the dishes. Elke came back and was like “Oh! Corrie, this is Tony. He’s new.” Ah-ha! Makes sense. Greetings. Salutations. He fit in nicely throughout the day, and wasn’t scared by my humor. I was being totally goofy, because I had actually gotten sleep and wasn’t a zombie! Elke’s roommate is working at our Caribou for the next couple of weeks, and she and I really hit it off. It was excellent! She’s a SS, so she was “in charge”, but in a good way. We had a blast! Tony was fun too, but a little weird. He was like “Yeah, I just moved here.” Says he out of the blue. I asked him where from and when, and then he was like “I don’t know anyone here, and I don’t know where anything is.” Ah, says I. “Maybe you could show me around sometime.” Huh? No, probably not…I can’t even find the Oakdale theater without going to mapquest! I’m so dumb sometimes though, because I laughed and said “Yeah right”. and didn’t explain my reasoning. He looked…hurt? I don’t know. He’s an attractive guy, I guess…maybe that’s why I didn’t get it.

When he was leaving, he was like “Now I’m just gonna go home and be bored. Do nothing. All by myself.” and I was like (somewhat proudly) “That’s all I ever do! That’s what I’m gonna go do too!” And he was like “You should come visit me! I live on Rice Street.” Then he repeated his exact address about five times. Was he…no, could he….was he serious?

I didn’t know, because how would I know? I don’t even know what I’m talking about NOW! Anyway, he left, work was still fun, I love Emily she’s great!

I got off work, and took a bath, and now I’m writing this. I got my wish and starting a week from this coming Monday, I get double shifts almost every day! LONG hard days, (5:30 am - 5pm) but it’ll be worth it. I need the money desperately.

So that’s all I’ve got for now. The OC is starting in half an hour, so that’ll be good. As far as the rest of life goes, I’m not sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong…got that? Good.

Love you all so much! Especially you! Yes, YOU! Who else would I be talking about? You’re my favorite! I’m so glad you’re a part of my life. Let’s be pals! I love you to infinity and beyond!

Peace out


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Word! To yuh bruthuh!

Whatever. Weirdo. ANYWAY! I'm so saddened...everyone I talk to is viewing Phantom of the Opera again and again and again, and I'm not! Why?!? No money, nobody to see it with. Any out of state pals feel like taking a mini-vacation? I'll count out pennies for that from my jar, but not to go see it by myself. BAH!

I'm obsessed, and my obsession has been halted. But I've been sick, it makes sense. NO IT DOESN'T! Death bed or not, The Phantom would make it better, right? I thought so...

So, the Corrie sanity relief fund is now accepting donations. We take cash, checks, and most major credit cards. You can also purchase a "Clever Corrie" gift card for any cash amount, and recieve a unique quote or insult for each dollar you place on that card.

No, but seriously. I've made a bunch of new pals at good ol' Caribou, but none of them are my kind of freaky! Sam's such a pal, but we're total opposites. Everyone "adores" me, but nobody wants to go watch Phantom with me, what is that?! Craziness, that's what it is.

So last night I watched the premier of American Idol. Totally laughed my butt off! Some people are so dumb. Sarah called to tell me that she found out her baby is going to be a girl, and she wants to name her Hayley. I'm very happy for her, and disappointed at the same time. She's not ready to be that "old".

EVERY single person I know from high school (who I've seen recently) Is either married, engaged, or pregnant. It's HORRIBLE! I don't even have...well, anything. But...that means neither should they! I know I'm only 21 and have a lot of time to go... (maybe...unless my lungs fall out) but I feel older. Life experiences sped up my growth process emotionally, but I've always felt older. Probably because I was watching Shakespeare at age five. My level of understanding has always gone a bit beyond "Oh my god...what shoes should I wear with this skirt?" SOOOO not interested people. Don't ask me. How did I get off topic? Looking back, I see that I didn't. I haven't chosen a topic yet. But do I ever?

I'm at the library again, and then I head over to Granny's.
I'm in a weird mood. I invite myself over, because I know she loves my company. I love being there, and she makes me laugh...but I don't feel like BEING there right now. I don't feel like being anywhere. I don't feel like being in my own body! Maybe I'll float out and inhabit someone else for a day... yeah right.

Everyone has a someone... I'm one of those people who attempts to console myself by telling myself that I don't need another person to make me happy. Not only do I tell MYSELF these things, other people tell me this all the time...along with the grand old speech about it will happen when I least expect it, and he'll sweep me off my feet, blah blah blah. It's not like I'm looking for anyone, because I don't really know how. The bad ones find ME though...

Kelly is so happy right now... it's not like I don't want her to be. Candace is practically engaged, Sunnie and Paul...they're an old married couple. Jamie is a babe magnet...why did I know I would be the last? I'm not saying Kelly and Kris are off to the chapel or anything, but... they feel a lot for each other, and I've just never had that. Kelly's had it before, even...and I guess that's her right. She's older. I'm older than Sunnie though! Oh, well. That's counted for negative one hundred, trust me. Argh.

I guess it wouldn't be so terrible if the guys my sisters have found weren't so gosh darn wonderful. How do you top that? You don't... It's tough, because you can't. It feels like a lost cause. I don't know what I'm talking about must be time to go.

Maybe I'll do my inner rationalizing and write more tonight when things make sense. We shall see... til then,

I'm the greatest person you'll ever know. Start loving yourself more, dummy!


C'est moi!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hello How ya doin? I'm so glad to hear it! So anyway. The past few days have been interesting, to say the least. Or the most...interesting to the dullest extent. Whatever. I make no sense. DUH! Let's move on.

So Kelly's "friend" Kris has started talking to me more. He no longer views it as "taboo". Which is cool, because he's cool. And if he and Kelly are going to be er...close... I have to know absolutely everything about every single aspect of him.'s a no go, my friend.

He's fun to talk to, although he's had the unfortunate experience of talking to me on the two worst days of my life! (Within the past few weeks...I get a three worst days of my life allowance a month) So...he has thus far missed out on the chipper me, the funny me...the "real" least I think so. Oh, well. He will see the light someday...and it will be bright. Oh, yes. It will.

I still talk to BJ, and the Kelly/Corrie crisis has been taken care of. She's no longer upset with me for my brutal honesty, and I'm no longer upset with her for whatever I was mad about...sheesh, who knows? I do...but...well, nevermind.

Kelly and Kris have been having these nice long meaningful conversations lately, and thus flares the green eyed monster within me...sad, sad, sad. I have seriously contemplated throwing my cell phone away. The only person I call is Kelly, which is not only a local number, but free mobile to mobile. I can call her from home and it wouldn't cost me anything. It would cost HER, but she can afford it *smiles*. No, but seriously! I call Kelly, and I text message her stupid things like "word" when I'm bored. It's... a waste of hard earned money...HOWEVER

I mentioned wanting to get rid of my cell phone to BJ online last night, and he was like "Then how can I call you?" and I was like...huh? So, he did! It was fun. He sang Phantom songs to me.
I would have sung back, but... I can't.

Don't get me wrong, I have a beautiful voice! *laughs* But there's only one person in the whole entire world that I am 100% comfortable around when it comes to singing...and anything for that matter. You'd think it would be Kelly, and in most resepcts it is...but not music. Don't ask me why, because...because I don't want to tell you. Anyway! The one person? My brother Jamison. He and I do pretty much everything together, and I'm the person he counts on the most. But music especially is fun with him. Lately, every time we're in the car together he and I just belt out Phantom songs. My soprano voice that rarely makes an appearance just soars...and he's getting SOOOO good! It's great fun. I ask him annoying questions, and I know he doesn't lie...because he can be undeniably brutal. For example :

"Jamie, do I have a good voice?"

"Yeah, you do."

"Really? You're not just saying that because you're my brother?"

"No way. I'm a little brother. I'm supposed to say you suck."'re so sweet. But do I have a good Phantom of the Opera kind of voice?"

"Of course!"


"Whatever! Too bad when you sing along to the CD, you sound exactly like Christine! You're awesome, so shut up."

Isn't he just the sweetest thing ever? He learns all the guitar parts to my favorite songs by ear, and then we make recordings of the two of us singing along. He and I can stay up all hours singing karaoke...and we're BAD at it! Just listen to me rap, and you'll fall over dead. But it's fun. We have good times.

Kelly is probably my best friend, but Jammer is my best buddy. Ya know...a buddy. Someone you can beat on relentlessly and then go to the movies with. Throw things at each other and laugh about it. He pisses me off sooooo often, but he makes me laugh even more. He's the typical annoying little brother, and he knows, loves, and embraces that truth.

Since I've gotten him to go to youth group with me, we've gotten even closer. It's now his favorite part of the week, and he's made so many friends. He's even on the official First Lutheran "Getdown" poster! He's a regular, and he's loving it. That just makes my heart want to burst with soooo many different emotions. If you knew Jamie's church history (or lack there of) you'd understand why.

ANYWAY! The bad stuff, let's get it over with. Yesterday at work I was working drive-thru, and after about 2 hours, I stopped breathing. Yeah...not so fun. Elke took over for me, and I had to go (literally) collapse in the back. Severe coughing ensued, and after my throat and lungs were raw I started gasping...and there was blood, and it took me a good 15-20 minutes to get a solid breath. Sometimes I get terrifed...and sometimes I feel like my "condition" is perfectly normal...I don't know. It's...lonely.

In other news, in just a few weeks the fam and I take off to FLORIDA! It better be fun... and no more strange diseases I hope. I'll explain some other time... Jammer and me are gonna be roller coaster buddies! I'm excited. We're going on a 3 day cruise, too! 2 week vacation in all, and I am going to be hurting big time afterwards, no money..ouch.

Well, now that this entry is HUGE...I should go. I'm at the library and I have to go grab a billion movies. Then I have to go to a meeting, then grocery store...then pick up Jamie and his ice, yeah.

Til next time, I love you! (me) HA!
