Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I survived! It was a fabulous trip. After the Lizzie house we enjoyed a very calm 4th of July, watching "Red Dragon" starring my love, Ed Norton... in the screening room.

Saturday was RENT!!! Hooray!!!! We saw the best Angel, he was fantastic. A little shopping was done as well, and then we headed on back to Croton for my last meal...dun Dun DUN! Mexigo again! Deliciousnes to the max. Then we viewed "The Other Boleyn Girl" that I had brought for Kelly to watch, then a crazy walk in the pitch black dark...then sleep. Then bright and early airport! Except when I got there, there was no one. Interesting.. turns out Kelly dropped me off about an hour before the airport opened. It's a very little airport. Good thing the dors were unlocked! The evil security people watched me walk back and forth like an idiot trying to figure out where I was supposed to be, and never offered me the "We're not open yet" tidbit. I was trying to appear not...well, not stupid. So I waited for another not stupid person to ask the questions I couldn't. Te-he-he-he!

So now here I am, back in the mundane horribleness of my existence. I hate my job. Duh. The musical hasn't even started yet, and it's stressing the crap out of me. This is not news, nor was it unpredictable. So...I guess that means I shouldn't update until I have something interesting to say! Fine!
