Wednesday, April 26, 2006

You Are 19% Selfish

In other words, you're a warm, caring considerate person.
Just make sure to get your way sometimes. There's a fine line between unselfish and pushover.

Huh...I guess I agree

Sometimes I get so tired of dogs. Darla eats everything. This morning she ate a popcorn bag. Not a bag of popcorn, just the bag the popcorn was popped in. She tears it to shreds and leaves a trail. Any food wrapper she can find, any and all bathroom trash can items (her favorites being used sanitary napkins) her own's just gross! Need I remind my readers that Darla ate her CHILDREN from her second litter of puppies? After hearing that crunch crunch, I shall never be the same.

BJ is coming to visit tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. We both get in these moods when we feel like we've been away for a really really long time. It's strange, yet true. There's a lot of stuff going on right now, lots of questions floating around in my head. Needless to say there are the money issues. Like how the crap am I going to scrape together this months' car payment? Eekers! Gas money is...non-existent. Nikki comes to visit on the 9th, and I have to figure out how I'm going to pick her up from the airport. I have no idea. NO idea. Birmingham is 2 and 1/2 hours away from here. It has to happen though. I NEED to see her. I NEED it.

So anyway. I really don't have anything to do but complain right now, so I'm just gonna quit now. Sorry and all that. I want to crawl into a hole and hide. Sound good? Splendid.

Bye Bye

Monday, April 24, 2006

Oh my I almost forgot! My Nikki is coming! My Nickleby! She's coming May 9th through the 13th, and I can't WAIT! I'm so excited. I just hope I have enough money to go get her. She's flying into Birmingham, which is 2 1/2 hours away from where I am. But it will be worth it. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't WAIT! And that picture above is from her Semester at Sea livejournal, I didn't have another one, but... if you don't know her, you should! She's one of the BEST people you will ever know. I'll introduce you! Just say the word.

Anyway, there's another long, really long, did I say long? There's an entry below this... *cough* continue...
My goodness. I am sleepy. Guess what time it is? WEEKEND RECAP! WEE!!! Oh, it was grand, grand grand. So, like I said... Thursday I arrived in Montgomery for Debra's birthday. I had crocheted her a purse (With Kelly's assembly help) and threw a few odds and ends into it to complete the gift. We went to San Marcos, I had never been there... but I was sorta not feeling 100% anyway. The journal thang was kinda bugging me, but I fixed that. (I think I hope)

Anyway! After dinner we went to Movie Gallery, and then BJ headed to Wal-Mart. Still wasn't feeling too great. BJ knows why... we left Wal-Mart and then went on back to the house. Kelly called shortly after that. We had planned to go to La Vergne Tennessee Sunday with Benlee, to visit Randy, Jackie, Melissa, Joey, and Melody. HOWEVER... Kelly and Benlee broke up. He cancelled the trip.

Kelly was upset when she called, relaying a lot of the conversation to me, and things that were said about some people very near and dear to me. I was really...upset. When she mentioned the cancellation of the trip, I started to cry. I have been going through serious family withdrawal. I couldn't WAIT to see them! Not only that, but Randy is the relative who has seen Grandpa most recently. I wanted to hear how he was REALLY doing. Grandpa always says "Oh, I'm all right." I was sitting outside the house on a lawn chair just sobbing my eyes out. BJ came out and wrapped his arms around me. That's when the house of cards collapsed.

Everything caught up with me at once. I wanted to not be alone here so badly, I feel like Kelly being unhappy with her situation is all my fault! Then thinking about all the other little snowflakes turned into a snowball really, really fast, and it just kept growing. Thank you GOD FOR BJ!!!!! I can't say it enough.

BJ is so gifted, and so grounded, and so in tune with God. I am in awe of him more often than not. He does what others are afraid to do, and he says what needs to be said. He's humble, and he will admit to his own mistakes before ever pointing out somebody else's. Sometimes people don't know how to percieve him. Well, that's okay. BJ is patient. He doesn't disappear.

He's had many opportunities to disappear out of my life, but he hasn't. I love him so much. Lauren came out to check on me, so I started to walk quickly down the street, box of kleenex in hand. BJ caught up, running behind me in his sox. There was lightning around us, but it was okay. God carefully guided BJ to say what he knew I needed to hear. Sometimes I'm convinced he's an angel.

Eventually I calmed down, and we went back to the house. We talked awhile longer, and then explained the whole situation to Debra, who had been worried about me. We talked with her for quite awhile. Then BJ and I both made a journal entry. Eventually we went to bed. The next day, BJ was off! We woke up and did bunches of nothing yet again. We did our devotions, we made some phone calls... BJ got to talk to my Grandpa. (So did I) He couldn't talk long, he was very weak. It was so good to hear his voice. BJ is convinced Grandpa is going to hold out for awhile, until we get the chance to see him. Grandpa told me I have a jewel in BJ, and he's so proud of me for finding someone so wonderful. He said it made him so happy to know that his little Corrie was going to be well taken care of. I cried, I cried, and I cried. And there of course was my Knight (no longer in training...he's a true graduate!) wiping away my tears.

Honestly the day was kind of a blur. The night before had been so yucky, so I was just enjoying being with him. We took a nap somewhere in there, went to McDonald's, went back to the house, watched a movie. (Joseph, King of Dreams) and then I got ready to leave, but Jack and Debra wanted me to stay. They were afraid I would drive right into a thunder storm. I didn't object!

Saturday BJ went to work at noon. I accompanied the family to Kasi's 5th birthday party. To be honest, I had gotten my period the day before, and was feeling somewhat anti-social. But I was still oh so fun! It's true. And Kasi...she's just too cute. You can't not love that little girl.

After the party I took Lauren and Joni home with me to Opelika. They really wanted to meet Darla, and they really wanted to see the apartment. We hung out for a few hours, and then took Kelly with us back to Montgomery. Thursday night when I was all upset, BJ said "We're going to Tennessee on Sunday no matter what." I argued that we couldn't afford it, but he said too bad, he would take care of it, and I had nothing to worry about. He kept his promise.

We left at 5:30 the following morning, so we would make it in time for Randy's service. It was an AMAZING sermon, and I was so glad BJ got to be there. I always get excited when I see him interact with my family, and... I just can't even describe how happy I was being there. I haven't felt that way in a long time. There were so many incredible moments. BJ said it best when he said if you're not different when you leave a church service, something is wrong. We were all different when we left that church service. In a GRAND way!

After church it was back to the Berg's for Jim n' Nick's. Melissa and Joey joined us, and the fun began! It was hilarious. We hung out for hours, and soon it was too late to drive home, so we stayed. BJ and Randy had male bonding time with themselves...and Steven Segal. I gotta say it was fun listening to their man giggles from down the hall.

While there, I saw a pack of pics from Randy's trip to visit Grandpa. I barely recognized him in the pictures. He looked so old, so frail, so tiny, so sick. He didn't look like the man who would sing Elvis songs and play the guitar and bring us illegal fireworks. He was in a wheel chair, and had an oxygen tube under his nose. He looked so sick. So sick... so sad. My chin was wobbly, but I know he'll be through with it soon.

We left at 6am the next morning, and then drove back to Montgomery. BJ headed off to work at noon, and then Kelly accompanied me to the "woman's doctor" shortly after that. Kris's mom Carolyn was amazing in helping me fix this part of my drama. She actually went to high school with this doctor man, and she called them and set up a payment plan, since I don't have insurance. BJ is paying for it, and I am just so blessed. There are so many wonderful people in this world. I had to GO to the doc because I have to take BC to regulate my womanly monthly funly stuff. My previous health care provider wouldn't give me anymore without an exam (because I didn't have one at age 21 like you're supposed to) and so I had no standing prescription. Then I ran out of everything else...ANYWAY.

I had the ultra fun pelvic exam, and the doc asked me "So, why did you stop taking the pills? (I've been off for two months) Did you just run out, or did you stop for another reason?" (He asks as he has his hands up you know where....) For some strange reason, the following response had both he and his nurse in stitches. Kelly heard the laughter erupt from the lobby. (She figured it must have been my fault. I tend to entertain when at all uncomfortable.) Propped up on total display I answered cheerfully "Oh, I ran out. I ran out of pills, I ran out of money, and I ran out of insurance." I was just telling the truth, but they were hysterical! Maybe they were just really bored. They laughed a lot. The nurse told me I have great humor, and asked if the Minnesota cold makes you witty. I think that's quite possible. Quite.

Anyway, he gave me a three month supply of BC for absolutely free, and then told me to call if I need anymore. I was doing a happy dance, I was so thrilled. One crisis taken care of! God WILL figure it all out, and he will use amazing people to help reveal his plan. (Like CAROLYN! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!)

After that, went to BJ's to visit him since he was conveniently on his lunch break. He went back to work, then we hung out with the fam for awhile before heading back to Opelika. Now here I am! And my butt is sore from sitting here...and I am oh so tired. I think I will go fall over dead now.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to my heavenly weekend. I fear I was spoiled. I know I was...can't wait for a repeat.

Peace out, yo.