Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I have nothing interesting to write about. Except...GUYS! I need you really bad! For the play I mean. Of course the play...*cough* There's that cough again, Scott! I mean it. Totally dead-pan boring. Yup yup yup.

So! Were I to have a birthday party this year, I would invite :

Jessi Campbell, Jessie Coffey, Christy Rose, Josh Flom, Corey Miller, Kelsey Marrin, Teresa Boleen, Tim Klecker, Tim Beier...etc etc.

I decided just in case, I need to think of these things...because what if, huh? What if I get up the guts to try again? Ahh, who am I kidding? I'm old. *laughs*

So. This Titanic tea is stressing me out. I don't know what I'm doing. Yes, I do. I just need....a cast. *sigh* And you know what else? I need a marriage proposal. Nice, Scott. Murray your stuffed moose. A stuffed moose wants to marry me. I have a stuffed moose named Elwood! Nevermind, let's not go there... And now Oscar the grouch wants to kill me. Life is dandy! Now Scott won't let me marry Murray...*sniff* There goes my proposal!

Know what? This is a pointless entry. I have nothing to say. Except that Jessi and I have a summer project! We just don't know what it is yet. Also, did you know Jessi is dating Orlando Bloom? Neither does she. Know what else? I have to finish my letter to her, so I can send her the fun stuff tomorrow. So I'm-a gonna go! Plus, I'm hungry and my mother is taunting me with seafood.

Later taters!

C'est Moi!! AGAIN!!

Monday, November 17, 2003

Hello all! Well, this is probably going to be short, because I only have about five minutes left of my rbeak here at Dunn Bros. So I'll be quick!

Went to go see the was....NOT GOOD! I mean, some parts were. But let's face it, the talent is officially gone after this year. There were only a few people that kept my attention, and that wasn't because they were my friends...but because they can act. Imagine that.

So that was kinda sad. The worst one in my opinion...someone told me she's the new Corrie Killmer. How depressing is that??? Terrible, terrible. Right...she could never me Veta! Hmph.

I got an e-mail from Jessi Campbell today. I always enjoy hearing from her. I told her about the "New Corrie Killmer" and she was like...Yeah right! And then continued to tell me how wonderful I am...I don't deserve her.

I'm gonna be a year older soon... I already feel really really really old, lordy be. Goodness gracious. December 15th is coming along rather quickly, my goodness. But guess what! Jessi is coming home the 13th. I'm excited.

Well, back to work I go. An hour and a half remaining! Later taters. Love you all!

