Monday, July 16, 2007

I stole that picture from Kelly's myspace. No particular reason for it to be in this entry, really. I just like it! Andi and Tim... it says a lot about them. If a picture says a thousand learn a lot about them right there! It's a good picture. Te-he! It's a funny picture. ANYWAY!

Yesterday was a good day. Granted, my period was at its worst and I was absolutely miserable, good things happened.

I woke up early and so did Kelly, so she could flat iron my hair. Then it was off to church for the drama recruitment! YAY! Three services after pretty much no sleep. I was tired, and my head was pounding, and all period symptoms were at their peak. Whoopie! Anyway.

The first service was rushed and not very good, I'll admit it. But it was the early riser old people. I heard a few chuckles, was not fun. The second service went much better, but my microphone kept falling off! But since the skit was operating under the premise of the second actor not showing up, I just looked up and said "This is not working out for me today, Lord." And that got laughs. The THIRD service was phenomenal. At least it felt like it was! I was so sick, that I stopped caring how goofy I looked and just resolved myself in the idea that I was a complete and total idiot, and I had a blast! Andi, Jamison, and Andi's parents came. That made me nervous, because the new "special" people in my life had never seen me perform was a big deal to me!

I was also nervous having his parents at my church. I take great pride in my church and was scared of them hating it. It's hard to build a relationship with someone when you hear them hate something you love so much. But they really enjoyed themselves and want to come back! Not only that, but both Andi and his Mom want to join the drama team! AHHHH! SCORE!

So after church Jamison, Andi and I headed back to Andi's house and he grilled us up some hamburgers. I went to the grocery store as Jamie, Andi and Andi's dad headed to Andi's studio to pack up all the gear. It was a huge job, and took them all day. Meanwhile, Nikki came over to Andi's to hang out with me. I can't tell you how wonderful that was.

Nikki is the only person in the world who appreciates everything I appreciate. We gushed about our love lives and told the "How we met" stories, and squealed and giggled together for hours. We pranced around in Andi's gigantic bathroom singing show tunes together. Only Nikki and Kelly would ever do something that ridiculous with me. I couldn't wait to show Nikki my new favorite past time! And I knew she'd love it too.

The degree to which I miss her when she's gone can't really be put into words. It's comforting to know I've got a life friend in her. And we both want a son named Caleb. Hmmm...we'll see what we see. First to the finish line wins, I guess!

Nikki returned my crocheting supplies to me. She packed a bag full of them and took them home with her when she came to visit me in Alabama. I'm gonna get back into it now, finally. I was kinda bummed to realize the squares I had made for my own blanket were gone. Then I remembered I used them on a bag Kelly and I had stayed up all night making for BJ's Mom's birthday last year. I knew she didn't really like it, and now I know for SURE she'll never use it, simply because of who it's from. I wish I could steal it, take it apart and make me a blankie. She may have hated it, but I kinda loved it...and it scares me to think she may just toss it out. My fingers worked SO hard on that! But then again, she kept everything Laura related, so who knows? But if I had it, I would use it. I'd definitely use it! We took apart a throw pillow to make that purse. Oh, well Corrie. It's gone now.

So I'm gonna start crocheting again. I need to re-learn how to make the squares, because I can't remember! Maybe I'll make something for Jocelyn, who knows? The day ended with my all day headache finally disappearing, and me drifting into long awaited sleep. Now I have the day off and nothing to do! I'm THRILLED!

Until later then...