Saturday, February 26, 2005

Today was... fun. Not really. It started out in panic. I was scheduled to work at 5:30am. I got there at 5:28. Nobody else was there. Not only that, but I forgot today was Saturday! Every oter day we OPEN at 5:30. Saturdays we open at 6. So, no one else was there, the store was locked up, and I thought we were already open. I panicked. I panicked even more when the milk delivery man showed up. He had about 70 cases of milk, each case containing 4 gallons. That's a lot of milk. He was sooooo mad. "What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't come back! This is ****. This is ****** ridiculous!" What was I supposed to do about it? It's not like I have a key or anything. So, Elke showed up at about 5:70. Turns out she was late, because she was speeding and got a ticket. How ironic! We had to rush like crazy to open in time. Nothing like adrenaline to get you going in the morning. Then I worked drive-thru from 6-11. The day went by pretty fast, we were insanely busy.

So that's work. The rest of the day? My gosh. I've had a horrible headache. No matter how many drugs I take, it will only go away for about 15 minutes. I got home from work at 11:15 and wanted to take a nap. So, I layed down on my badly unmade bed...the sheets took themselves off while I was laying still last night, I swear! Anyway...I was SLEEPING for all of five minutes when mom came in and asked me to make her bed. WHATEVER! But I did it anyway.

I then went back to nap time. At around 12:30 I was listening to mom and Jamie argue in the hallway. So I woke up. Mom left, and dropped Jamie off at work. I got up, cleaned my still messy from unpacking room, and checked my e-mail. BJ called for a brief moment, and then I decided to make myself something to eat. I had a chicken pot pie, clementines, and a blueberry scone. Nice, huh? I thought so. I watched half of the movie "Blow" on USA, and then my dad came home. He went to go take a nap. Sounded nice to me! headache was soooooo bad.

I went back upstairs and watched the special features on "Raise Your Voice" and then I fell asleep around 5. I woke up at seven something, and decided to write Lara a letter. My phone rang shortly after, and I dropped it and almost killed it. I ended up hanging up on BJ, but all was well. I called back, and we talked for awhile.

Mom came home shortly after, and begged me to watch "Ray" with her. Well, I tried but she would not shut up! I made a "huff" noise, and she asked me to leave. No...forced me to. I didn't object all that much. I missed most of it anyway. So, here i am writing about my pointless day for no good reason, really. Ah, well.

So...I'm nervous about that response from the newspaper. If I actually get one, that is. If not...I guess I'll have to call, dang it. I'll have to write myself out a script first, just in case. Haha!

I guess that's all for now. Later!


Friday, February 25, 2005

I have to be brief, because I have to go to bed. Work early early early! But I have to do a real quick re-cap. Sam has left my Caribou and moved to another. Kate stomped a mouse to death. Scuse me, it was a shrew. I've been corrected so many times. Anyway! Elke wants me to be a shift supervisor, but I don't wanna. Adam is the new guy, and at first I didn't like him...but he's turning out to be pretty cool! Pretty similar to myself in some ways. The whole youth leader, drama geek, singer and writer thing...yeah that. So! That's work in a nutshell. Moving on.

I took a big step in the whole resolving the Kelsey thing. I wrote to the newspaper. If you're reading this Kelsey, I'm nothiding anything from you. I'm trying to find out the truth, since you're not being straight with me. So! Here's a copy of the letter for ALL to read:

To Miss Goodrich, and whomever else the following might concern:

I am writing in regards to an article that appeared in your publication on Wednesday, February 16th 2005.

Miss Goodrich wrote an article entitled "Actors gain backstage perspective" highlighting three one-act plays that were to take place on February 18th and 19th at White Bear Lake Area High school. One of these plays was "Channel 13" and the information surrounding that play is what I am writing to you about.

The following is an exact quote from your publication:
"Holman and Marrin are co-directing "Channel 13," a comedy, written by Marrin, about a news broadcast gone awry. "While I was writing it I was envisioning what it would be like in my head," Marrin said. "It's so cool to see it all come together."

I was in Florida at the time this article first made its appearance. My sister, who was home in Minnesota, called my cell phone upon reading the article. The reason why the above paragraph was of so much interest to her, is because "Channel 13" is a completely original one-act play written entirely by myself. Miss Kelsey Marrin did not contribute a single word to the project.
Miss Marrin approached me with a proposal. She wanted to be a student director this year, and asked if I would write a script. I was more than happy to offer my contribution. I was a director in the White Bear school district two years before, and have many ties to that theater. I wrote the script, and turned it over to Miss Marrin to direct. Her direction is as far as her involvement goes.

I was incredibly angry upon reading your article, and really need to know some background information. Consider this a formal request for any available notes from the interview. If it is a case of Miss Marrin claiming the work as her own, this is a serious problem she and I need to discuss.

She claims she was repeatedly misquoted, and your publication blatantly ignored the fact that she listed myself as the author. If this is true, I will have to hold you responsible. Whatever the case, I am asking you for a formal written retraction within your publication.

I had planned to pursue publication of my script, and cannot do that as long as it is in print that someone else wrote it. Your article is preventing me from claiming my own work. Were that article to surface while I was trying to get the script in circulation, I would be accused of plagiarism.

In any case, I deserve the credit for my work, and really hope you understand my frustrations. As far as Miss Marrin is concerned, I really need to know if she claimed the work as her own in your interview with her. A 5 year friendship depends on it. I take my writing very seriously, and this situation has not been taken lightly.

Please get back to me as soon as possible, so that I might know which way to go from here.
Thank you for your time, and I trust in your cooperation in making this right.


Corrien Killmer

So that's all for now, really. Have to go to bed. Later!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Hey! I'm back! And I'm brain dead. Why? Drama, drama...but when it gets down to the physical part, it's not without reason. We got home from Florida at 3am yesterday morning. I read something that made me want to kill something, and was so fueled with anger, I couldn't sleep. BJ text messaged me, and I wouldn't let him call because I wanted him to sleep (about 4:30am) so instead we text messaged til almost 7! Yeah, makes sense. My dad woke me up at around 8, and I had a brief phone call before I had to drive with my dad to drop off the rental van. After that, I decided to unpack. Still angry, I couldn't sleep. I didn't find sleep til about 1:30 this morning, and then had to wake up at 4:30 for my first day back at work. Nice shift too... 5:30am-5pm.

So, after being on drive-thru all day, my legs don't work anymore, and my head is pounding. But... I think it's primarily because of all the thinking I've been doing. Oh, well. So! The trip. The short version...let's see if there is such a thing.

A Timeline:

Friday, February 4th - Leave at 12pm in our rental mini-van

Sunday, February 6th - Arrive at Orange Lake resort (timeshare condo)

Monday, February 7th - Spend the day at Sea World

Tuesday, February 8th (Kelly's 25th Birthday) Spend day at Disney's Magic Kingdom

Wednesday, February 9th - Take the day off and hang out around the pool

Thursday, February 10th - Sunday February 13th - Cruise to the Bahamas on the "Disney Wonder"

Sunday, February 13th (later) - Check into Vacation Village timeshare

Monday, February 14th - Day off at condo

Tuesday, February 15th-Thursday February 17th - Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure

Friday February 18th, day off at Downtown Disney and Old Town

Saturday February 19th - Disney Animal Kingdom, MGM Studios, Magic Kingdom

Sunday, February 20th (Dad's birthday) - Tuesday, February 22nd --Drive home, Arrive back in WBL MN at 3am

Cool, huh? So, to delve a little deeper into the cool parts, my favorite was the cruise. I finally had an excuse to use all my ship lingo from my 14 year Titanic obsession! All the male employees were beautiful. (Disney doesn't hire ugly people) Peter Pan was amazing, our waiter Rodrigo was heavenly, and gave me a kiss on the cheek on our last day. I got to see a play every night, gained about 100 pounds devouring the most amazing food I've ever tasted in my entire treated like I was the queen of...something good. Got to go to the Bahamas! First trip out of the country. There was a movie theater on board! It was my haven. It's like I created it out of my imagination. I got to forget about things for awhile why I was there. I really do know my way around ocean liners...yay! And I got to be in the middle of the ocean...I just...ugh.

The rest of the trip was good too, minus the obvious family frictions when around each other THAT much. I got really bad food poisoning our last day at Disney, and ended up throwing up A LOT all over the condo parking lot...and my pants. Ew. Prettiness. So anyway...might as well get to the bad stuff now.

I'm pretty sure I wrote about "Channel 13" in here before. I wrote a one-act script for Kelsey Marrin to submit to WBLAHS so she could student direct. I wrote it three tiems actually, and broke two computers. I had multiple nervous breakdowns, and I wanted to die. I worked my butt of, went to Hell repeatedly, but I pulled it off. It ended up being something I'm really proud of! It's hilarious. Kelsey originally said she wanted me to be involved in a lot of the process. I didn't hear from her unless I contacted her, really. I kind of invited myself to two rehearsals, and realized that I was going to be in Florida when the performances actually occured.

When I was in Universal one of the days, Sunnie text messaged my phone and asked "Didn't YOU write Channel 13" my heart plummeted to the ground. I said yes, and she said "That's not what Kelsey told the reporters..." and I couldn't breathe. I went off on a tangent, waiting for Sunnie to explain, and Kelly was just as upset. I ended up calling Sunnie, asking her exactly what the article said. My name was not in it...anywhere. Here's EXACTLY what it says:

"Holman and Marrin are co-directing "Channel 13" a comedy, written by Marrin, about a newscast gone awry. "While I was writing it I was envisioning what it would be like in my head," Marrin said. "It's so cool to see it all come together."

I was heart broken, and furious. She took credit for it. She stole my work. I'm so...beyond angry, beyond upset. I cried, and I cried hard. I trusted her. I really really trusted her.

Sunnie went to go see the play, and told me how wonderful it was. She also told me how Kelsey was listed as lead writer. At least I made second billing for writing every single word of the play I created...but whatever. I'm infuriated. I've been unable to get ahold of Kelsey, but I'm going to write to the White Bear Press and ask for a written retraction. I can't pursue possible publication if it's in print that someone else wrote it! She's...ruining me.

Last night, Sunnie started an AIM conversation with Kelsey. Kelsey didn't want to talk to me... well, that's too bad. Here's the conversation: (Kelly said I wasn't harsh enough. Ha!)

SKillmer19: Hey Kels.

soccerbaby045: Hi

SKillmer19: How ya doin'?

soccerbaby045: I'm alright. And youself?>

SKillmer19: I'm okay.

SKillmer19: I saw your play. Good job directing girl.

SKillmer19: It was funny.

soccerbaby045: Thank you. I saw you but then I didn't

SKillmer19: I had to hurry outa there.

soccerbaby045: Okay

soccerbaby045: I'm glad you saw it

SKillmer19: Best of the three.

soccerbaby045: Thank you

SKillmer19: I think Corrie is a little hurt though.

soccerbaby045: Why?

SKillmer19: She read the White Bear Press.

soccerbaby045: I said her name so many times. I
promise you this.

SKillmer19: Don't promise me, it's okay. I'm just the

soccerbaby045: ahhh

SKillmer19: ?

soccerbaby045: Nevermind

SKillmer19: Do you want to talk to her?

soccerbaby045: Is she home?

SKillmer19: Yes.

soccerbaby045: I don't know what do say and I dno't
think it would be a great idea right now.

SKillmer19: It doesn't have to be a fight.

SKillmer19: She's right here.

soccerbaby045: I just really can't handle anything
right now. I

soccerbaby045: Nothing against her I just...I need to

SKillmer19: Ok, sorry.

soccerbaby045: No, it's okay. It's just crazy right
now. Tell her I'm sorry because I was also upset
about what they didn't say.

soccerbaby045: Because I couldn't have done anything
with out her. She saved my butt

SKillmer19: Hey, this is Corrie

soccerbaby045: hey

soccerbaby045: How was your trip

SKillmer19: Kelsey...

soccerbaby045: yes

SKillmer19: it was good

soccerbaby045: Thats good

SKillmer19: so, here's the t hing. I'm sure things
were said and weren't said in that interview, but...I
wrote Channel 13. Every word. By myself.

soccerbaby045: I know that

SKillmer19: and even in the program, it said you
helped write it, but you didn't, Kels. And I got
second billing. You didn't write it... any of it

SKillmer19: and that really really hurt me

SKillmer19: you DIRECTED it and you did an awesome
job, and I give you the credit for all of that

SKillmer19: but I wrote it

SKillmer19: and I was proud of it, and wanted everyone
to know

SKillmer19: now no one does

soccerbaby045: I told people that you wrote it I told
so many people that you wrote it.

soccerbaby045: Words but you story by me

soccerbaby045: by*

soccerbaby045: Thats what it said on the cover of the

SKillmer19: the story wasn't by you. I put that on the
cover because I cherished you and wanted you to be a
part of it. You told me "I want to write a play about
a news cast where everything goes wrong, and they have
a fake hurricane"

SKillmer19: that's not a story. That's an idea. I gave
you undue credit, and that might have been a mistake.
That's not writing it, not at all

soccerbaby045: You're right.

soccerbaby045: I'm sorry I messed everything up. I
will make sure to tell every one I know that you wrote
everything. But I really need to go and I truely am
sorry about everything

SKillmer19: I need to know if you really said what
they quoted in the paper

soccerbaby045: I said so much more.

SKillmer19: but you DID say you wrote it? You took the
credit for it? "When I was writing it I was
envisioning what it would be like in my head..."

SKillmer19: you told them you wrote it?

soccerbaby045: When I was thinking of...the play

SKillmer19: did you say "When I was writing it"

soccerbaby045: Nop

SKillmer19: they made that up?

soccerbaby045 signed off at 9:57:49 PM.

So now she's really truly avoiding me. I'm going to contact the paper and ask for the notes from the interview. I highly doubt a newspaper would decide to lie about who wrote something. They wouldn't deliberately put themselves in that situation. She took credit she didn't deserve, and severely damaged any relationship we may have had. I have a broken heart. I worked so so hard. I didn't know it would end up in losing another friendship. But I can't overlook this, I just can't. If she wanted to be fair, she could have. It was up to her, and her decisions are in print. No escaping that.

This entry is pretty long now, huh? Oh, well. I just have one more thing to do. Things I used to do in there. Song lyrics! My favorite of the moment!! I Finally got the new Kelly Clarkson...since I was one of her first fans and all that...I've done a crappy job of proving it. Anyway! Here we go:

"Hear Me"

you gotta be out there/ you gotta be somewhere/ wherever you are / I'm waiting... / cause there are these nights when / I sing myself to sleep / and I'm hoping my dreams bring / you close to me / are you listening? / hear me i'm crying out / I'm ready now/ turn my world upside down / find me / I'm lost inside this crowd / it's getting loud / I need you to see me / I'm screaming for you to please / hear me / can you hear me? / I used to be scared of/ letting someone in / but it gets so lonely/ being on my own/ with no one to talk to and / no one to hold me / I'm not always strong/ oh I need you here / are you listening? / I'm restless and wild/ I fall but I try / I need someone to understand/ (can you hear me?) / I'm lost in my thoughts / and baby I've fought/ for all that I've got/ can you hear me?

So that's all for now loves! Will write more later. Back to normalcy...what a cruel sentence. I deserve abnormality, i really do!

