Saturday, May 06, 2006

Time for good stuff. I waited until I could upload the pictures before I talked about this. WEE! Well, when I was around 14 years old, I set a certain goal for myself. Oh, yes. I said I HAD to do this before I died. What's that, you ask? Why... meet my favorite celebrity, of course! At that time, there were two. But surely surely, one was replaced with the other. (Even though I loved them both.)

LONG story shorter. When I was 7 years old, Kelly was in love with Jonathan Brandis. Not wanting to be alone in her teenage obsessions, she assigned my sisters and I our own celebrity to be in love with. Candace was assigned Jeremy Jordan, and Sunnie was assigned Eddy Furlong. No one knows who those people are now. I was fortunate enough to have been assigned Leonardo DiCaprio. It was an arranged love, and I fell into it happily. We had a long term commitment, Leo and I. ESPECIALLY in 8th grade, after Titanic came out. I had loved him since Growing Pains, so I could say he was mine first, but I shared him with my pals.

Towards the end of junior high/beginning of high school... I found another love. He was so good looking, talented, a SINGER, and a Christian. He was a Backstreet Boy, and his name was Brian Littrell. Leo was replaced in my room little by little, but never erased. He remains visible in my room to this day in some degree. I knew meeting Leo would never happened, so I set a "Before I Die" goal, to meet Brian Littrell.

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006 I accomplished that goal. WEE! BJ, Kelly and I drove to Buford Georgia, to a Lifeway Christian Bookstore. We got there what would have been way too late if he had been appearing back home at TMOA. We waited for a little over 2 hours. We entertained ourselves by joking about our new favorite artist. Here is a sample of his work:

That is one of his better ones. It's entitled "Three Wise Men". I will include more of his work, since he makes me laugh. (He was almost on Flight 93 on 9/11, except that he wasn't. Not even close to almost! Now all he has is his art to show his pain. Bless you, Daniel Belardinelli. You are so entertaining! In a bad way!)

So then we met Brian! Here is my proof. The first picture is cute, and the second is classic Brian!

So now I have done it! I have accomplished my goal. Brian put out a spectacular CHRISTIAN CD, (check it out!) and we actually attended his release party. Cool, huh? *sigh* It was a great day, and I experienced it with the two best people possible. And the three of us were so entertaining, I gotta tell ya. We were hilarious. Especially when I tried to teach BJ to change his shirt in public, like a girl. (Put one shirt on over the other one, and then pull your arms in through both, then put them out through the one on top, and pull the shirt underneath out through the neck hole of the one on top) Confusing? Yeah, it was for BJ too. But the girls in the line got a kick out of it!

So that's my update for now. It was a great day. Later taters!


Friday, May 05, 2006

*Side note before the following: I would say don't hold me accountable for anything below, but it's in the wee hours of the morning when you're most honest. I just wish my honesty always made sense. Please ______, (fill in the blank) don't confront me about any of this. That wouldn't be fair, and I'll just ignore you. Just so you know. Feel free to comment, and enjoy the show. It's late/early, and I'm still awake. Time to be crazy.

Let it out. Get it out. It's 4:30 in the morning, and I find myself in the same position as last night, the night before that, the night before that, the night before that...

So many broken promises, too numerous to count. You try to find your way around, depression seems to mount..

Ah, yes. Fighting, falling, failing. Getting swallowed by another complete circle. LET ME OUT! What's that? You can't hear me? But I've already repeated it so many times. I'm too tired now.

What do you do about the past? What about the pasts that don't belong to you? Those are just as difficult. Sweep away, sweep away, there before but gone today.

Disappear reappear. Leave me alone! I don't care if you're all on your own.

What am I supposed to do now? Fix the world? That would be interesting. I'll snap my fingers, bob my head, keep up appearances, drive away dread.


Before you slip further away into debt, remember what it felt like. What's that? Freedom. Now it's laughing at you, taunting you. La, la, la, la! Yes, hear the lovely melody. You won't forget it.

There are worse things, of course. Sometimes life makes perfect sense. And THEN what do you do? It's not a whole lot of nothing today. It's barrels of somethings. Somethings that don't make sense together. It's a bad combination. Pity those who get something from that barrel on their plate. Pity. Witty pity.

I don't have to make sense today. I have the right to be psychotic. Check my license. I'm an authorized maniac. WATCH OUT! Oh, too late. You've been hit. Soon to be discarded by my ever present wit!

Shhh, don't give away your secrets. Soon they'll all think you're insane! But wait, how is that now? You've got the perfect brain. A prize specimen indeed! Frankenstein would be most pleased. Except for that part there, and there, and there... hmm. Everywhere. Mayhaps we disagree. Excuse me...

Are you confused? Oh, you readers out in space. It's okay. If you understood, I'd recommend so many things. Don't worry, I'll leave a trace. Of what? Oh, sanity. It's gone from time to time. but it will return! Along with all things sublime.

What do you do when you hit the bottom? Bounce back! Bounce back! What rhymes with bottom? Autumn? That's a nice time of year, but not here. I'm told the leaves don't even change. That's strange.

Are you okay? You're asking me. Of course! You know? I'm fine. Too often lacking distractions from a destructive state of mind.

Did you know my greatest wish, is to be loved and then be missed?

Don't critique my ramblings, don't ask me to explain. Don't tell me "Corrie, talk to me" don't analyze my brain.

So many things have gone wrong. So many interrupted songs. I'm trying hard to be me, but sometimes I don't know which "me" to be. I wish I made everyone happy, myself included. Sometimes I feel I found a dream, yet I somehow intruded.

It seems it's not MY dream...

But it has to be. My life. Yep, I'm still here. What is it that I fear? Waking up. Oh, yes. But it's not a dream, it's true. You know how I know? Because I'm me. You're you.


My brain is too full. I need a lull in activity. Wallow in my misery and close my eyes, wake up surprised to find it all to be illusion, an intrusion in my own imperfect world. DELUSIONAL. Confusional...

I used to be a writer. Now I'm just a fighter. Not of any good cause, just fighting myself from day to day, trying my best to find the way.

I'm not alone, not at all. I know that. I know the way, to HIM I pray. He makes it all make sense. But the truth, my head ferments. Rotten truths turn into lies, and friends to spies. Sad, really. Silly!

Once again, don't ask me to explain. It's probably just a game. I say a lot of words, but only noise is being heard. I know, I know. Don't worry. I'll wake up anew, with YOU. No more sick, no more pain, no more worries, no more brain. Wouldn't THAT be insane? No. Nice... a break from boring, mundane.

We'll figure it out, God and I. He's a great guy. He laughs when I feel abandoned, and then he feels hurt that I felt that way in the first place. Now I understand. In the second place.

Crazy, lazy, dazy. Take your pick. Ooey, gooey good, it's thick. What's that? Oh, life. Trudge on through. It's at certain points the stickiest glue. Be careful! Whoops. There goes your shoe. (It's stuck... now what do you do?) Get some new shoes. The ones with the really good traction. ACTION! Take two.

Okay, this is getting lame, it's all the same. I know, I'll go. But first, let's rehearse.

Act One, scene... first. Let's Go! Get on with the show.

"Ahem, good morning friends! How are you today? Splendid? Splendid!"


Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday morning report... BJ's truck was broken into last night. The passenger window was smashed in, glass everywhere. They took his CD player, and his entire CD collection, about 120 CDs. Instead of getting angry, he was just grateful he had taken the laptop into the house already, and they didn't take his French Horn. That thing cost more than his truck anyway, and he would never be able to afford another one.

I feel really bad about it, but BJ handles things like this so graciously. If nothing else, he hopes they listen to his CDs. They're 90% Christian artists, so mayhaps he started an unintentional ministry. That would be cool.

SO! If anyone has any CDs they think BJ might like, or can burn copies of CDs he used to have, that would be awesome. I would not be above posting a complete list of what he had. I wish I had the CDs he had so I could make him copies. The only ones he and I both had, were a few movie soundtracks, (RENT in particular) and RJ Helton. He lost all his favorites though. All his Third Day, Mercy Me, WOW CDs... etc etc.

His truck was parked in the street. So was my car, but I'm guessing Kelly's copies of the Evita soundtrack, and the Aida soundtrack scared them off. Who wants to steal showtunes? Nah. Definite deterrent.

So that's the update for now. Hope all is well with you and yours. BYE!


Sunday, April 30, 2006

Super Cody!

YO! Things have been going pretty okay. Time for the weekend update! Thursday night, BJ came up to stay in Opelika. We watched "Into The Woods" and ate Korean chicken curry stew. (thank you, Kelly! Yum yum!) After that, BJ and I attempted yet again to watch "Dark Angel"... but he fell asleep. Kelly stayed up late watching Alias in the living room, so BJ took my bed instead of the couch, and Cody and I camped out on the floor.

The next morning I got up way too early. I wanted to make breakfast for BJ, but we didn't have any eggs for pancakes. It was then I found a mix Uncle Randy had given us for "Just add water pancake mix". I made pancakes, and we ate them. After breakfast were showers and random silliness.

We headed to the movie theater after that to see "United 93", the movie about the flight on 9/11 that the passengers took over. It was well done, and left the audience in silence afterward.

After that we headed back to the apartment for a throw together lunch. It was yummy though! Then BJ and I headed to Montgomery. And just like every other weekend, we did a lot of nothing. Talking, sitting around, goofing off, making each other laugh. BJ does one mean elephant impression. (Poor, poor screaming child) Then we watched an episode of Smallville that we had missed. Shortly after that we fell asleep.

The next day, BJ and I sat around and whispered "sweet nothings, more sweet nothings, and even more sweet nothings..." until he had to go to work. Then I hug out with Debra and Jack for quite awhile, while uploading a bunch of songs onto the laptop for BJ. He came home at 3 for a quick break and scarfed down a Totino's party pizza.

That night we picked up San Marcos and watched old home videos of little BJ, and Lauren as a baby. Then BJ and I caught up on devotions, then watched one last episode of Smallville that we hadn't seen. Then it was bed time again!

This morning was up and off to church for the 9:30 traditional, and staying until BJ was done playing for the 11. After church we watched a 9/11 special about people who had missed Flight 93 by some strange twist of fate, and were supposed to be on it. One guy was absolutely ridiculous. I'm sure Kelly will write something about him in her journal. It was supposed to be serious, but we were hysterical.

After that, we headed to Arby's, and then the movie theater again (This time with Lauren in tow) to catch the new movie "Stick It". It was really good! The lead actress was hilarious. I enjoyed it. Then we came back, and watched more 9/11 stuff, finishing up with the A&E movie "Flight 93", which focused more on the emotional side, and the families of the passengers.

Now here we are, doing a whole lot of nothing yet again. Blah Blah Blah! So I'm gonna end this here! WEE! Bye!