Friday, June 29, 2007

There just doesn't seem to be a break. There's never any time for things to get better before something else happens.

Early Wednesday morning my dad was woken up by my mom having another seizure. She was very disoriented afterward, and speaking in something that sounded like a foreign language. Sunnie called an ambulance and my mom was once again taken to the emercency room of Regions Hospital.

My mom remained in a coma like state for 2 days. They couldn't get her to wake up. She continued to have seizures which were caused by the swelling of her brain. The swelling was caused by high blood pressure, which was caused by the fact that she has no kidneys and is on dialysis. Her blood pressure should have been closely monitored, but it wasn't.

She woke up yesterday afternoon. As of right now, she has no memory of anything or anyone. The seizures and lack of oxygen and swelling really did a number on her. My mommy doesn't know she's a mommy. One devestating blow after another. How does a family survive this? And then there's more...

My family survives on my dad's overtime. Without it we can't The post office is no longer going to offer that overtime we depend on. We can no longer afford the house we live in. What now? Sunnie and I help out where we can, but both of us make hardly anything compared to what we need to survive in our current situation. House payments, electricity and water, ambulances....

My mom is still in the ICU at Regions, so understandably my dad's been a little preoccupied with all of that. He hasn't been working. He's using up his sick leave. I've missed several days, but it's all been necessary. What now? WHAT NOW??? I just don't know.

So... I'm gonna go now. People keep saying 'let me know if there's anything I can do to help..." but there isn't. There just isn't.