Saturday, December 13, 2003

BORED! Slow day at work. Sunnie and I are both on the computers chatting on AIM to each other. She's off, I'm still on the clock. Our cousin Alyssa is supposedly coming to visit, so Sunnie can't go home yet. So how lame are we? I'm giving Sunnie movie quotes, and she's trying to guess them... She missed an obvious Titanic one though...silly silly.

Well, I have to go back to work now! Later taters!


Friday, December 12, 2003

I know I haven't written for awhile, but in all honesty, the web page wasn't working! I promise! Anyway... so! I have...mmm...about two days and a few hours left of being a teenager. That is so weird! I've been a teen for so long, and now I'll be 20. And my birthday is on a Monday, which is just...grr. I hate Mondays!

Well, anyway. The Christmas party actually went very very well. There was only one catastrophe, and that was that my mom misplaced her make-up bag, and dramatically declared that she would not come to the party. That didn't last long. Knowing full well that she was in a bad mood, however, I avoided her at all costs throughout the entire night.

Paul's dad came out of his shell, I'm told. Normally I guess he's rather gruff and intimidating. Well, he was quite personable! He was happy. I guess that's not that common!

*Yawn* I am so sleepy...GUESS WHO COMES HOME TOMORROW!!!! JESSI! Hooray hooray! Woo-hoo! YESSSSS!!!!

Okay, that's done. Now I shall record the questions I annoyingly asked Kelly last night. Did you know Trent Ford is British? (She did) Did you know Johnny Depp is the new Willy Wonka? (She did) Did you know they're going to do a sequel to 'The Goonies' with the original cast members? (She DIDN'T!!) And then I asked her whether or not she knew that my Christian band pals were going their separate ways. She didn't know. They were even on TV! It's sad, but good. Lance (The lead singer, and my pen pal) says that he hasn't had a life for a long time, and he wants to start a family, etc. He's also coaching basketball now at Champlin highschool, I think he said. So he's happy. And he can't escape music, so all is well!

So that's my new briefing for the moment. Fascinating, I know. Geez, hasn't anything interesting happened to me lately?? I haven't written for a long time, and I still have nothing to say??

OH! The television war with Best Buy is over! For now, anyway. After my mom stated she was going to report them to the Attorney General's Office, as well as the Better business bureau, they suddenly called her saying her No Lemon claim was approved. Which means we got a new TV last night! It was a fiasco, because my parents can't ever agree on dad has become bolder, so he stands up for what he wants. But he's such a baby. If she disagrees, he just goes "Fine" and walks away to pout and feel sorry for himself.

So! All they have these days are wide screen TVs...and it's...large. It does not go well in our living room at all. She bought it with our family room in when that room is done, we'll have a glorious theater if I do say so myself! It will be fun. Jamie and I were testing it out with none other than Pirates Of The Caribbean this afternoon. But my dad had not connected the sound system yet, so alas the film was silent. My mom was mocking me, because I attempted to do voiceovers, but I was too slow, so it looked like a Japanese movie...if you know what I mean.

Well, anything else I can update you on? Hmmm... I don't think so. *Yawn* Know what? I asked Sunnie today whether or not her church had a drama program, and whether or not I could maybe...start one. And she just continually discouraged me. I sorta understand, I guess. Because she feels like I would be invading or something. And maybe they don't want the help, that's possible. But I think it would be fun. To be involved somewhere, anyway. I don't BELONG!!!! *whines, tears tears tears....* I know, cry about it. I think it would be nice for the whole family to be involved, like we were at Bethany. I toy with the idea of going there myself, but... that would be lonesome.

Well! I best get going and go do the whole... work thing. I shall write more soon, I'm sure! Later!!

C'est moi