Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Well, let's see... I told Nikki I was leaving. She cried...she cried a lot. Especially when she saw that I had traded rooms with my brother. I felt bad...then I cried, because I am going to miss her SOOOO much! But---she'll come visit me in her all time favorite place in the whole wide world.

There's a lot of bunny poop in the cage next to me...hmmm...maybe I should do something about that. Eh, I'll do it tomorrow. I keep putting EVERYTHING off...including packing. I've only packed two things. My CDs and my DVDs. Silly silly silly. But they're my priorities afterall.

So there's not really much to report at the moment...yesterday was my last day at work. Afterwards, Jan and Becky (my bosses) took me out to eat at "Ingredients". I had never been there, and that was so nice of them! After that, my co-worker and friend Alli took me to Uptown to a coffee house called "Uncommon Grounds" least I think that's what it was called...ANYWAY! That was fun! Different for me, but fun just the same.

So! (as you should all be used to by now) There's this guy....heh heh heh. Enough said for now. *luv to Willoughby*

Well, I'll write more later, I'm sure! Peace for now peoples.

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