Sunday, November 09, 2003

Hey there! Look at me, I'm getting back into the swing of the journal thing. I'm at work again, surprise surprise...waiting for my last batch of beans to cool so I can shut the machine down, clean it out, and go home. I was supposed to work from 2-6 today, but really? You can roast anytime, as long as you do it everyday. I came in at 9:30, because I was up, and I wanted a free day, not a day with a huge hole in the middle.

I closed last night with Jean, who's just adorable! She's in her 50s or 60s I guess, and we just laugh all the time. Neither of us had really closed before, so it adventure that's for sure.

When I got home at 10:30, no one was there! Sunnie had Sadie's, and my brother was still in Wisconsin. My parents were...elsewhere. So what did I do? Sang at the top of my lungs to my poor unsuspecting doggies before taking a shower and collapsing in front of the TV that doesn't work... *whines* Now that's a long story...

Too long, because I think it's time to go clean the machine and go home. YAY! More later I'm sure. Because my life is oh-so eventful!

Later taters,


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