Tuesday, January 27, 2004

HOORAY! Saturday has come and gone, and I am still alive. I'm at work, of course... and I'm finally getting back to a semi-normal sleeping pattern. Life is...okay. It got even a little sunnier today, when Ken Wanovich (My long time worship leader from church to church) stopped by Dunn Bros. to talk to Sunnie and I in passing. He then mentioned that he had purchased the rights to one of Judy Johnson's (Drama leader @ Eagle Brook who hated me and never gave me a chance) plays, and that they were going to perform it at First Lutheran, where I've been attending. I asked who was directing, and he said he wasn't sure. Hmmm...

Then he said he had asked Judy Johnson to direct it. (Ahhh! Last time I saw her, she had kicked me out of the musical for missing a rehearsal when my mom was in intensive care! She's...grr.) So I knew I didn't stand a chance. I wouldn't even be able to be in it, because she would never let me! So, my heart dropped, and I was like "So-long opportunity. Nice to meet you."

THEN he said it sounds like she's not going to do it. I then told him basically, directing is something I do. He seemed iffy, unsure of whether or not I could handle it. So I was like, listen buddy. Do you know what highschool theater is like? This musical would only have rehearsals once a week. Hah! Makes me laugh. Of course I can handle it! So, he says he's going to give me a call, and wants me to be involved one way or another.

So that's good news! Finally. I deserve some methinks! Well, it looks as though it's time to go back to work now. Curses! Oh, well. It will be okay. I only have an hour and 45 minutes left. I will survive! I just typed that whole sentence with my eyes closed. I am so awesome...well, I'm- a gonna go now. Later taters!

I love you forever and always!

Especially you!


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