Friday, May 27, 2005

So, this will be short and sweet. Well, at least it will be short. Worked with Anthony, he sucks. I had to teach him how to do my job. STUPID! He's the one who tells us how bad we are, well! Ahem... a car blew up in front of the store. And I mean...flames and smoke (visible from Hugo I'm told) it was scary.

Adam showed up thinking he still worked there. Anthony told him otherwise. I was sad. Elke got there at 11 and had to lecture someone behind closed doors. She asked me to stick around because she needed to talk to me too. I was terrified. I had my "I do so much here i quit!' speech all planned out. She brings me into the back room all serious like, and then grins and jumps up and down and tells me I'm getting a dollar raise. I was like...huh?!?!? WHOA! I asked why, and she said because I'm amazing, I go above and beyond, and they'd basically be lost without me. YEAH! I knew that. So pretty much, I'm her new favorite. You're not supposed to get a raise unless you're a supervisor. Well then! Bwa-ha-ha!

So... they don't want to lose me. She and I had a heart to heart the other day about how Corporate doesn't know what they're t alking about in regards to our store, and that they don't pay me enough to do all the crap I have to put up with. Sounded like a pre-I quit speech, so she gives me a raise. Makes sense to me! BWA-ha-ha!

In other news, lunch with Nikki and Lurae went well. They enjoyed my "fairy tale" as they put it. They're both very excited to meet BJ and want to do lots of fun stuff while he's here. Which is good, because they know how to drive to all the cool places. Bwa-ha-ha!

So that's it for today. I'm screwed, because I fell asleep at 4 and woke up at nine... geez. I bet I can still fall asleep though. I'm exhaustipated. Later!


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