Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kelly arrives today. It will be good. BJ is coming over tonight. I can't wait! Last night there was really bad weather. I've never minded storms before, but...this time it was different. Seek shelter...not very comforting words when you're all by yourself. Cody was a nervous wreck. We survived.

I didn't get much sleep, but ah well. It will be my turn to fall asleep BEFORE BJ for once. I think he's going to have an interesting day today, after a conversation he's supposed to have. I hope it all goes well.

Last night he had a conversation that was not so good, but...hopefully that situation will get better too. I wish I could get rid of the problems I was born with, but unfortunately that's beyond my control.

I'm not making sense, and I don't have to! It's my journal, so ha!


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