Monday, April 24, 2006

Oh my I almost forgot! My Nikki is coming! My Nickleby! She's coming May 9th through the 13th, and I can't WAIT! I'm so excited. I just hope I have enough money to go get her. She's flying into Birmingham, which is 2 1/2 hours away from where I am. But it will be worth it. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't WAIT! And that picture above is from her Semester at Sea livejournal, I didn't have another one, but... if you don't know her, you should! She's one of the BEST people you will ever know. I'll introduce you! Just say the word.

Anyway, there's another long, really long, did I say long? There's an entry below this... *cough* continue...

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