Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thank you everyone for your comments. I was afraid I would be met with a backlash of hatred. Of course, I remember you, Jenny. I've met you more than once. Yes, at BJ's house. Again at your dorm (in the hallway) at a coffee shop performance...of course I remember you.

And to Carolyn... I haven't read your journal in quite awhile, so I caught up the other day. I'm lucky to have spent more than just a couple of hours with you, like you earlier stated. You and Kris were the first people I met in person! (With Wesley, of course)The nice long drive home from Birmingham. Lots of fun stories! Then you spent that evening with me, first at BJ's house, then at your own. Quite awhile later we spent a whole afternoon/evening together again, chatting for hours, and then attempting to watch Evita complete with fine dining of fried chicken. (It was yummy! Thank you!!!) I don't mean to correct your "couple hours" but just wanted to point out how much I enjoyed every last minute I spent with you.

And to BJ-- thank you for wanting me to be happy. I am. Sad that things had to end, and ultimately change for the better...but I know that we're doing the right thing. YOu were the first person to see me in that way, and you opened my eyes and my heart to a world of new adventures and possibilities. You are my treasure for that. Thank you, my darling friend.

And to Kelly -- you are my rock. I'm sorry for trying to push you down the side of the mountain. I should have known you were stronger than that. (And usually smarter than me...) I'm excited to exist in a mutual world! I love you!

To Andi-- who I don't think reads this at all but whatever... I'm excited to get to know you even better! Life is smiles with you.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was more than a couple of hours, but it seems so short compared to the lifetime without you around. As for the chicken, I was all packed up to move back to Texas and that was a fiasco of a dinner. No seasoning, clumpy potatoes. Yuck! hahaha God has blessed me with knowing you and Kelly! Love you! Carolyn