Wednesday, May 09, 2007

You almost feel guilty when you find smiles in the midst of agony. Just yesterday I was pondering a question. What happens when you see directly in front of you everything you want in life? There's this horrific fear that you just won't be able to have it. So what happens? You take it, you revel in it, and you smile. Ah! It feels so good to smile! To smile and MEAN it!!

Mom is still down in the dumps. My uncles will be arriving this weekend, and I can't wait. Their wisdom astounds me at times. They'll be here to help with some of the heavy lifting. I can't wait to just...relax. That might sound terrible to some of you, but I haven't breathed in deep for a very, very long time.

More later. BYE!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to breathe and smile. These circumstances will make us stronger people and more dependent on God. I see my future too, and I feel like I'm viewing it like the poor kid outside the candy shop window.

There is always something funny in every situation. God gave us humor to survive, a defense mechanism. In the midst of Momma's suffering, she and I always tried to find something to laugh at.

Love Cenotez

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that your mom is awake. I know it will be good to see Randy and the others again. My prayers are always with you.

Love BJ

Nikki Zack said...

Oh my goodness, Cor...I'm so very sorry. My prayer is your prayer, and know that it will be said often and continually. Please give you mom and hug for me. And have her give you one for me as well. ;) And Cor - no matter what - never feel badly about smiling. The amazing feeling you get when you see your mom truly smile amidst all of this...I'd bet that's the same feeling she gets when she sees that smile on you.