Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Well, I started back at Caribou today. I was supposed to get there at 6am, fill out paperwork, and then sort of ease into the whole thing again, watch, observe, relearn... (it's really hard hopping back and forth with drink formulas being different between each chain) BUT!! Someone went home very early, and all of the sudden Randy pulls me aside and says "Yeah... I'm just going to go ahead and throw you on bar"

So that was that! Short shift, not too bad. Saw some regulars and made them very happy. I hope this isn't as permanent as it feels right now. I don't think I would like myself for very long if that continued to be the case!

So now I'm going to do a survey Kelly put up on myspace, because I'm bored. Sunnie's engagement party is tonight, and I don't have much to do beforehand...so... there!

1) Are you an Aunt/Uncle?
Yes. But I forget that sometimes! My technically oldest sister has two children, Tyler and Jenna.

2) Can you do a cartwheel
If you want do die laughing

3) What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
The Nanny Diaries

4) Do you eat vegetables regularly?
I do. I heart them.

5) If you were going to get a body piercing, where would you get it?
My elbow. It's all the rage these days.

6) Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex?
Hopefully more now! I hang via telephone, does that count?

7) What is the weather like right at this very moment?

8) What is something that you can't wait for?
To fall in love with the real deal

9) How many times have you been to Canada?
It's such a blur. Was that Canada?

10) Have you ever had a reptile as a pet?
Just a fake beanie one. I don't think that counts.

11) What is your favorite fruit?
I enjoy mangoes.

12) What song is on your MySpace profile right now?
"I Hear You Calling" by GOB

13) Who was your last missed call on your cell phone?
BJ, calling to see how the first day at the Bou went

14) Where are you most ticklish?
My neck. Get away from me.

15) How many hours a week do you normally work?

16) Who's your number 1 on your top friend list?
My Smelly.

17) Do you have deep dark secrets?
I do, actually. Things absolutely nobody knows. A lady has to keep some mystery!

18) When was the last time you were sick?
Last time I had to take some disagreeable medicine... but after that life circumstances made me just altogether ill.

19) What color is your car?

20) How many siblings do you have?

21) Have you ever gotten caught sneaking out?
Ha! No. I was punished for staying in!

22) Did you ever try running away from home when you were younger?
No, I just got kicked out a lot.

23) What makes you the happiest?
Well, I can't rely on people to make me happy. So... good conversations and gut busting laughter...both involve people...but not entirely dependant upon them. Whatever! YOu can have a great conversation with yourself!

25) Where do you want to be right now?
On a cruise

26) Have you ever finished a Rubik's Cube?
No. People kept taking them away from me whenever I tried!

27) When is the last time you drank too much?
The day after never.

28) When was the last time you rode a bike?
My brother has stolen mine again...but I rode it all around the day I rescued it!

29) Do you have any vacation plans for this summer?
I go to the SC in three days. Holla!

30) Where were you 1 hour ago?
Asleep...on my bed.

31) Who will be your next kiss?

32) Do you kiss a lot of people?
People? Mmm...not so much.

33) Are you wearing socks right now?

34) When was the last time you went out of state?
Chicago for the Arts conference!

36) What was the last thing you had to drink?
Archer Farms Wildberry Water

37) What are you wearing right now?
Pink flowered pajama pants, and my MHS one act fest T-shirt. MY SPOON IS TOO BIG!

38) What was your last purchase?
Supplies for Sunnie's guacamole!

39) Last thing you ate?
E.L. Fudge cookie. Bad, Corrie BAD!

40) Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Work shirts.

41) Are you a sexual predator:
Why yes I am.

42) What is in the backseat of your car:
Absolutely NOTHING! That's because I have fold down seats, so everything ends up in the trunk to give the illusion of cleanliness. Much like a closet, or under the bed, etc...

43. Three words to explain why you last threw up:
One Giant Mistake

44. What is the equation for the Pythagorean theorem?
A squared plus B squared equals C squared

45. What was the last movie you watched?
Peal Harbor

46. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls?
Nah, I think every girl should strive to be deformed.

47. What kind of car does your mother drive?
A Cruiser of the PT sort, in the shade of black.

48. Do you like scrabble?
Not since the german teacher who was forced to teach french made us play it every day IN french to avoid actually teaching us anything. My bonjour is a triple word score!

49. Where did/do you attend high school:
IN the lake where the white bear died. Seriously! That's the legend. It's a little more detailed than that. And I didn't actually go to school IN the water. Just the city that's named for it. White Bear Lake, in case you didn't know.

50. Favorite scent:
Christmas! I guess that's a pine scent. I adore it.

51. Do you like mornings:
Not at 3:45 am! But other than that, yeah..we coo

52. Last television program you watched?
Oprah on TiVo.

53. Spell your name without any vowels:
Crr Ha! That's like Grr but with a "c"

54. Does your neighbor have an animal that annoys you?
Yes! ON both sides! Darn yippers.

55. Does your family own any boats:
Father has one. It moves every other year. I hear it floats.

56. Things you can't live without?
My pals, my fam, my furry friends, movies, writing...

57. Do you wear flip flops constantly:?
When I'm not required to wear something else! Or when it's not cold outside. I wear my Sanuks! They're magic, so just back off about how ugly they are already! Geez!

58. What do you think of Adam Brody?
He COULD have been my friend, but he blew that chance by going to film some show called "The OC" instead of keeping his engagement to promote Grind at TMOA...

59. Do you have air conditioning in your room?
Yes...but sometimes I genuinely doubt its existence.

61. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
It American Sign Language. We were all wearing ear plugs. Didn't work out so well for us. We were confused.

62. How often do you read books?
Never. I used to! I plan on changing that.

63. Do you like James Blunt?
Am I in trouble? Who is James Blunt?

65. Describe the computer you are currently using :
It was a gift from my sistah...which is funny, because she hates PCs. But they're cheap, what can I say? I enjoy it though. When it works :) It's an hp pavilion.

66. How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
When I go out...does that mean with other people? Cuz that doesn't happen very often. I went out yesterday and it took me an hour to get ready. Not for normal reasons, but because I shut the bathroom door before I had pulled my foot through...took part of my ankle skin off, and it insisted on bleeding...a lot! That was annoying.

67. Will you donate your organs after you pass:
I should...but I forgot to check that box...

68. Have you been outside of the USA?:
Cruise to the BAHAMAS baby!

69. Would you ever get your nipple pierced?:
My nipples have enough problems on their own. Owie!

70. If you could pick one person to be with forever who would it be?
Jude Law... wait, does it have to be someone I know personally? Gawrsh...

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