Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Man, life is insane. AHHHH! It makes me feel like a crazy person. Since the first time I talked to BJ, I never really imagined a time when he would be completely out of my life. But... that's what he wanted. That's the decision he made.

Over the past few months he has disappeared and reappeared, each time delivering promises and pleas for a friendship to last through the ages. Then he would abandon everything he said and rip my heart out again. And again. And again. He became unrecognizable to me, and I'm still baffled.

How do you go from love to hate with nothing in the middle? How does he turn so cold? He has prided himself on being this amazing empathetic person, but I think he's just...stupid. Stupid and selfish. But at the same time, I don't think it's entirely his fault.

Throughout our entire relationship BJ had admired my family, specifically my Dad. Can't say that I blame him. Look at the male role models he grew up with. Not exactly the greatest influences. He never witnessed a strong loving and caring relationship. He never knew what it meant to be a united front, because all he ever saw was division. I'm grateful for my upbringing, because I will never doubt what is right or wrong in the treatment of my significant other. I know when I have done wrong, and I know when I have done right, because I have done both. I have made my share of mistakes, but I have also been through MORE than my share of turmoil. I never thought BJ, my best friend... would ever be that man. After what happened when I was there in October, I never throught he would turn into that statistic. I guess he got what he wanted and moved on. Makes me ill just to think about it.

I can analyze and try to figure it out all I want, but I'll always come up empty handed. It doesn't make a single bit of sense. Cure me and my memory, because I can remember every word, every vocal inflection, every promise...broken and otherwise. I can remember all the good times... but thank you to helpful reminder from Kelly, I can remember all the bad as well. That's where his inability to form a united front was painfully obvious. The way he would let people talk to me and about me... sometimes it felt like he didn't even like me. I guess I won't miss that. No, not really...

I will miss BJ my best friend. I kind of put BJ my boyfriend on a pedestal he really didn't deserve, romanticising the relationship in my head because it was my first. He was my first love.

It should have been a giant indicator when he randomly said one time "I'm not the only guy who could ever love you, you know." I had responded at the time by saying 'but you're the only one I want to love me...' and that really isn't true anymore. It amazes me how intensely I used to believe that. He didn't know how to love someone completely. He only knew how to love in bits and pieces. I want to love and be loved completely. I'm really looking forward to finding that.

It still hurts more than I care to admit...the way everything happened. I feel really stupid about certain things, but there's no real way to get around that. Time heals all wounds. I DO think that he's cruel, and I think he's lost his way. The cruelty is unintentional...just a side effect. He's someone different now. If this is the way he's going to stay... I'm worried for his future, and the people in it.

I have more work to do on myself than I'm making it sound. He's not the only one to blame, he's just the one who ran away and left a mess for me to clean. He was a huge part of my life, and there's a gant hole where he used to be. But I think filling that void will prove to be an amazing experience. Replacing lies with truth usually is.

My family is pretty awesome. They transition with me. I used to think they were madly in love with him, and would ridicule me for ruining things. Turns out...they're madly in love with ME and stand behind me even if they think I'm dating an idiot. *cough andi cough* So when I told them BJ didn't even want to be my friend anymore, they didn't even flinch. They shrugged and said "Oh well" like it was just a flash on a TV screen. At first I was offended, because I thought it was a bigger deal than that. To them, he's just Corrie's ex-boyfriend. Why would it be a bigger deal to them? Then it made me feel better to see how they saw it. They will make it easier without even knowing it.

Someday I hope I can look back on all of this as a pleasant and very distant memory. He's chosen to cut ties, so I guess I'll have to just let it all go. I knew it would be tough for me, so i did the typical deletion of him from my phone, myspace, facebook, email, etc.. NOT because I wanted to cut him out of my life... because that was never what I wanted. I did it so I couldn't have any resources to beg him to stay in mine. I know how i can be, and I have a really hard time of letting go of those I love. Curses.

Well, time to go now. Miss you, Nickelby! You're coming home soon!! Can't WAIT!

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