Wednesday, November 12, 2008


having your tonsils out SUCKS. It hurts, and I haven't slept in days because the searing pain of swallowing wakes me up every ten minutes or so. It's maddening to be SO hungry, and unable to eat anything that resembles real food. The cold stuff that was promised to help makes it worse in my opinion. My only saving grace has been Lipton noodle soup, in the dry packet. It's magical, and has kept me alive.

In other...bad news, Mom's cancer has spread. It's in her brain, liver, pelvis, and femur in addition to the places it already was. (Lungs, kidney bed, etc...) They're starting up the home chemo injections again, along with a vigorous ten day stint of radiation.

The doctor was less that optimistic, urging my mom to prepare herself to lose the battle. He even coaxed her into suggesting that Sunnie move her wedding date up. My dad disagrees of course, confident in my mom's ability to fight forever onward.

I don't know where my opinion is... I'm in the middle. I can't imagine her actually...losing... I know no one ever lives forever, but we've beaten the odds SO many times for so many years, it just seems like just another downward slope on the roller coaster, and we'll be on our way back up soon enough. It's a good way to look at it I suppose.

I don't have the energy to elaborate too much at this time. Maybe later. Til then, farewell!!

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