Sunday, February 15, 2009

Disappointment is just too frequent. I know I'm not the only one who experiences that over and over again, but --- there are things you find yourself clinging to, that slip away like everything else. It's absolutely deflating.

I went to see a movie the other night with Sunnie called "He's Just Not That Into You". Of course, it's a date movie so that in and of itself was depressing. It was a combination of several stories, but there was one that had me sniffling over and over again.

Jennifer Aniston's character was at her sister's wedding, and her Dad had a heart attack and collapsed during the reception. After he had been released from the hospital, she moved into his house along with her sisters and their husbands to help take care of him. Jennifer Aniston's character, Beth, was single and sad. Her seven year relationship had just ended.

While taking care of her Dad, she becomes increasingly frustrated with how little her brothers-in-law are helping her out. She is cooking for them, cleaning, shopping, and nursing her Dad back to health. She felt so isolated and alone, and just tired.

One day, she walked into the kitchen of her Dad's house, and her at the time ex boyfriend (played by Ben Affleck) was there, doing dishes. He starts babbling about how he wanted to help, and how he started some laundry and other tasks. As he talks, Beth just starts to cry. Then she rushes into his arms, and he holds her and just whispers "It's gonna be okay". And I just bawled.

I can't even TELL you how badly I crave that scenario. To have someone recognize and realize that I can't do it alone, and to just be there, hold me, and tell me it's gonna be okay. It even got to the point when I didn't care who it was. But it never happened... I even ASKED one of my creepy ex-boyfriends to come hang out just because I knew he was a cuddler.... dumb. He didn't show up. Probably because I'm pathetic.

Anyway, it's always quite emotionally validating to feel one of your desires strongly portrayed on a movie screen, isn't it? I want someone to love, but more importantly, someone to love me. Blah.

I go now, to cuddle a sheltie. He's the best.

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