Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Okay, I'm sleepy, so I'm just going to record the most interesting thing that happened to me recently. Last night, Sunnie and I went to the Avril Lavigne concert at the Excel Energy Center. Kelly had bought the tickets for Sunnie's birthday in January. Kelly decided she didn't want to go, so yay! I got to go! Woo-hoo! Anyway...it was Easter night. Easter dinner was less than perfect, but isn't that how it always is? I think so, yes. Anyway!

Kelly dropped us off, and we waited outside for awhile to get in. When we got in, we got lost. We didn't understand the tickets, because we are illiterate, rare concert goers. At least to the Excel. Anyway, we were ping-ponged back and forth for awhile, security guards arguing with each other over where we were allowed, and not allowed to go. FINALLY...Sunnie and I ended up on the St. Paul Club level, with plush leather chairs, and bar seats. Sure, we were far away from the stage, but we could see everything. It was pretty cool. Besides, looking down at the mob on the floor...I was glad I wasn't down there. SCARY! I've had enough bad experiences in mosh pits, thank you very huge!

So, we sat in our little seats, gazing joyously at the chaos below. Sunnie decided to go souvenir shopping. We battled the crowds on the main floor, so she could buy an Avril poster. We made it back to our seats shorty before the first opening act made their grand appearance. They were a French/Canadian group called "gob". Interesting, to say the least. They had a simply excellent drummer. Very very talented. Anyway, their tunes were catchy, and Sunnie and I looked at each other menacingly as they announced that they would be signing autographs after their performance on the main floor, section 122. We agreed quickly to go meet them, walking forever to get there...

We got in the long line, each bought a copy of their CD...due to a slight mix-up...she and I ended up near the front of the line. To make this as short as possible...we met them, got autographs, chatted a bit, left and went back to our seats. (We saw Drew Combs and Ali Linde, which was fun! Thousands of people, and we see friends. Good times!) We watched the second group "A Simple Plan", and then waited for Avril to come on. She did about 45 minutes later. The first time I had heard her perform live was on MTV, and she was really bad. So I was quite impressed when she did amazingly well! It was very enjoyable, and Sunnie was simply ecstatic. She is quite an Avril fan! It was fun seeing how happy she was. That always makes me smile. I was less than energetic, because I never sleep, and I was in excruciating pain. But it was still incredibly fun! We had met celebrities, seen three great performances! It was an excellent night. But it wasn't over yet.

After the show ended, Sunnie called our dad to inform him that he could leave to come and pick us up. Sunnie insisted that we go to the nearest souvenir stand, so she could buy a keychain. The crowd was monstrous, and I had to question our sanity as the lines seemed to be at a stand still. We waited, and waited. We got a little closer about every ten minutes. We were about three feet away from the counter when this guy sort of weazled his way in front of me, next to Sunnie. He put his arm around her waist, craning his neck to see behind the counter.

"Scuse me darlin'..." he said to her, his arm still around her waist. She looked at him strangely, and he looked back at her with a questioning stare.

She said back politely "Oh, it's okay." He let his arm "casually" slip DOWNWARD off of her, and then strode away. She gazed after him, squinting in confusion.

I laughed, saying "What the heck was that? Weirdo..." Suddenly, Sunnie's jaw dropped, and she clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Corrie! That was the drummer from 'Gob'! I swear it was!"

"Yeah, right Sunnie. No way."

"No, it was! Give me my CD! I'll show you!" I pulled her CD out of my pocket, and handed it to her. She anxiously pulled her insert out, and pointed to a picture. "See? That's the guy!" I looked at it skeptically, totally not buying it. I decided to let her believe it, just because it would be a fun story to tell. Suddenly, the guy who had had his arm around my sister's waist climbed up on top of the souvenir counter, as one of the employees behind it shouted out

"Ladies and gentlemen! The drummer from "Gob"!" And then he proceded to sign autographs, and sell copies of their CD...I couldn't believe it! I turned to Sunnie in shock and said

"Sunnie, you just got groped by a rock star!" She laughed giddily, her love of drummers becoming more apparent as she let it sink in. We tried to make our way over to the guy who had earlier been openly flirting with Sunnie, (So she could flirt back, of course. She was going to seductively ask Gabe (that was his name) to sign her jeans.) but just as we were getting somewhat close, my dad called the cell phone to tell us he had reached the Excel Energy Center.

We had his autograph either way, and we left with a truly great story...a factual story...to tell everyone. The CD that we bought of theirs is actually pretty good. I wasn't sure I would like it...but aside from the occasional bad word, I really enjoy it. And the fact that the awesome drummer I hear wanted my sister....that just makes me giggle. It was a great night, and I don't think either of us will forget it! Still doesn't beat Mark McGrath calling me his Angel, but I'm always on the lookout. Peace out, yo...I'm going to sleep!

PS- the play opens this Thursday, the 24th. Everyone is slipping a bit. Come and support it! A lot of my furniture is performing! *laughs* Love ya, later tator.

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