Friday, April 25, 2003

Well! Tonight was opening night. Thanks for the prayers, everyone, it was FANTASTIC! There were a few goofs, but that's to be expected. They were amazing, I looked amazing as I can, and I felt great about it...(I got hit on!....I think....perfect stranger, but fun all the same.) The audience laughed at every remotely funny part, and I couldn't have been happier. It was awesome. I was awesome! The play went spectacular, I can't say enough about it.

Afterward, the cast and crew went to the traditional Thursday night Perkin's party. Lauryn Zinke and I (Who is my TWIN, I swear) Discovered that we are so much alike. We got the ball rolling when we both ordered a lemonade at the exact same time. Then we decided to split a chicken caesar salad, because it's our favorite. Then that lead to movies, music, etc etc etc. Now we've decided we're going to have girly get togethers and talk until the sun comes up.

Perkin's was a blast, I got to learn things about people I didn't know before. Such as Drew wanting to be a published Science Fiction author? Which lead to him asking me all about my writing, every part of my writing...AHH! That's always an interesting conversation. It was fun getting to know more about him. And more about...*cough* Nevermind!

It was a grand time. I was sad to see it end. I learned that Matt Wood si going to be famous, and that I am determined to keep in touch with him! Reason being because I'm going to be mentioned in his Oscar speech if it kills me! *laughs*

I have a confession to make. A quick one, because I'm tired and need to sleep, so I can get up and work tomorrow! I miss being the star. I can't say it any other way! I miss the applause, I miss the "Oh, you were so good up there", and I miss the flowers. The bouquets of flowers! Tonight, Dan Dutcher's mom gave me a rose, and I almost cried! She was the only one. I'm not saying that I deserve all these flowers or's just that...I wish I could have some. It's such a great feeling. I don't know, I can't explain it. You know what I REALLY want though? Laugh all you want, but I'm being honest. A BOYFRIEND to come to one of my theatrical endeavors, and HE gives me flowers. That's going to happen to me....someday. It's such a silly trivial thing to fantasize about, but you go without it your whole life, and you do fantasize about it. Silly things...but they're not silly to me. They're dreams...silly to some. You know...another confession.

I've been watching a lot of Dawson's Creek lately. It's on every morning before I go to work. Here's my confession. I want very very badly to have a guy best friend. Like Jen and Jack, or Joey and Dawson...I'm just so jealous! I don't know why it's so different...I just want a guy best friend. I want a guy friend to call me regularly, because we're best friends. I want to go with him places, because we're best friends. And then I'll have a boyfriend, in addition to my guy best friend. And when the boyfriend turns to crap, my guy best friend will be there for me, and reinstate over and over again that not all guys are evil. Afterall, my best friend would be a if you're a guy, and we're ALREADY friends, step up to the plate and be my ultra-close best friend! I want I need I crave! I have no other positive male role models in my life...*pouts*

Well, that's that. Guy best friend, wherever you are...bring me flowers tomorrow night. I need the smile. Peace out, e-rokin forever more.

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