Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Goodness gracious, am I falling behind with this thing. Okay...I'll be as brief as possible...because quite frankly, I don't want to be writing right now. Hmmm....

So! I got a new bike last night. I am thrilled beyond belief. It is fun it is fun! So what if it is somewhat old fashion granny like? It doesn't make my back injuries any worse, and it's incredibly comfortable. Not one of those world famous butt breakers if you know what I mean. ANYWAY! So, that's thrilling.

Lauryn is gonna be my Alice in the tea thing this saturday! Good glory lordy be. I'm the mad hatter. Which would make me the star. Good thing I have years of day care work under my belt. I have to be annoyingly entertaining. I'm good at that anyway though, right?

Moving right along! Mother's day was fun. I was the favorite child. I spent too much money on her, gave her some awesome things. I'm a great daughter. Still waiting for her to realize that....

Today I worked my butt off. I felt really not good. It was weird. I was dizzy, I was faint, I was over tired....planning this silly Alice tea, working myself to death at work and at home...I've been feeling not good for awhile now. Maybe I'm dying...yeah, please. Hold the tears. Oh wait, there aren't any! Ha! No worries. There wouldn't be from this end either. ANYWAY....

I saw the finale of Dawson's Creek tonight...cried like a baby. It was wonderful! I taped it, of course. This was after Jamie and I went on a bike ride to the beach, which was completely deserted. We bounced around, both pretending we actually know martial arts, throwing sand at each other and what not. Our frolicing ended with a lively little game of "King of the Hill" which was really "King of the pathetic sand mound..." but it was fun, nonetheless. Then we went home, I had to do chores...then I watched Dawson....2 hour finale.

It was so good, seriously guys! It ended the way I secretly wanted it to, but didn't think it would...good glory, I was happy. She chose PACEY! YAY!!!! Which if you don't watch it, you don't care, but I don't care if you don't care, because I care and it made me incredibly happy. Why? Because Dawson bugs me. Not only that, but I simply adore Joshua Jackson. He's fabulous! One big reason why...I was in a movie with the kid. Ah, yes. Mighty Ducks 3! We go way back, yo! Nothing like spending the day with the guy to make you fall madly in love with him. Hopefully he's not shallow like...NEVERMIND!

Well, that basically brings us to the present. I most likely forgot a billion and a half things I would have liked to write down...but I simply cannot recall them at this time. Therefore farewell....I leave you with this. "I am God's art project. If he had a refridgerator...I'd be on it." -e-rok

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