Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Guess who's 20? Guess! Who am I talking to?? Geez. Anyway! So, yesterday was my birthday. It was just like last year...meaning...it didn't really happen. I secretly had my hopes up for a surprise party...but I also knew it wouldn't happen. So i don't know which part of me was disappointed.

It was just another day, I swear. I woke up...Sunnie text messaged me a happy birthday (Because we both have cell phones now!) and then I went downstairs. My mom was whining and complaining about how miserable she was, then said she had to go to the doctor. So she did. I was alone for a few hours, and watched Montel... family reunions. THEN...my mom calls me, all dramatic and what not, saying "I'm having a panic attack, you need to come here right now and take my place." Then she hung up. So I went to HealthPartners, and passed my mom in the street as she was coming home.

I went and waited in the lobby, really unsure as to why I was there. And guess how many people were in that lobby? Geez! I had to stand! So after about an hour, I called my mom to ask why the heck I was there. She was upset, and told me I was waiting for her test results, and then was to pay for her prescriptions....AHH!

So I went and asked for her test results after waiting for another hour...screaming children everywhere. Then I just was like... "My mom called me with this overly dramatic panic attack plea for me to come and sit here, and this is not where I want to spend my birthday!" Then they just nodded and said "Is Penny Killmer your mother?" Then I smiled. They told me to take a seat, they'd be right with me. And they were! Long story short...I spent the rest of my tiny supply of Christmas money on her medicine.

After that, I picked Sunnie up (Whose car is beyond dead...) And we went to pick up our paychecks. Along with our checks, we got Christmas Cards! Inside each was a $15 gift certificate for Festival, as well as a coupon for a free half gallon of ice cream. So that really was the best part of my birthday. Sunnie and I zipped around the store picking out little treats to stash in our rooms away from my mom. Not all of it was junk food though!

We then went to my granny's to give her one of the ice creams, because she's obsessed, and we didn't need two. We stuck around there for a bit, and then we went to the bank to cash our checks. Then I had to go back to Healthpartners, and spend half my check on the rest of my mom's prescriptions!!!

Then we went home, and Sunnie fell asleep. Jamie was @ school, then at his friend's, and my mom slept all day. Alone again. Happy, happy birthday. Sunnie woke up at around 5:15, and then it was time for her to go to church! She said I should go with her, so I wouldn't be alone. So, I went. And guess what I did? Sat by myself on the couch while she had a leader's meeting. I never felt more stupid...so I called Kelly on my cell phone (Free mobile to mobile you know) and then...cried. I told her about the whole day, and then it turned into a Nikki discussion.

Needless to say, I was all red and blotchy and I kept having coughing attacks. Now, i need to back up and explain something real quick. Sunnie's boyfriend Paul? Yeah...he has an older brother named Ryan. My mom keeps asking Sunnie to set me up with him. That's...SILLY! I've never met the guy! Sunnie's always like "Oh, he's hot!" which means...yeah right on my end. So, my mom always talks about it. Always...grr. You get it, right? Anyway! At our Christmas party, my mom brings it up to Paul's mom Kathy. Corrie and Ryan should be set up. HAH! Not funny! They talked about it for awhile. My mom told me about it later. Kathy was for it, I guess...

I get along with both of their parents, so my parents think it's perfect. So! Last night, all blotchy, teary eyed and coughing up a lung...the room is suddenly flooded with people. I tell Kelly I have to go. I struggle for breath as I see Kathy and a tall dark handsome stranger approach the couch where I was sitting. (Sunnie was sitting on the arm of it, next to me.) Kathy smiles and says "Ryan, have you met Sunnie's sister Corrie?" He says "No, I haven't." And sticks out his hand. I stop coughing long enough to say nice to meet you. He says nice to meet you too. Then I continue hacking up..something...cough caused tears running down my face. Kathy laughs and says "She's sick. Jump back!" And I was...so embarrassed!

I told my mom about it, telling her to give up, I coughed all over him, it wasn't gonna happen. EVER! I also told Kelly about it, who both said "You're gonna marry him!" I was completely dumbfounded, thinking...wha---? Then my mom explained "The most embarrassing emetings are the most memorable. When I met your dad, I had come from the dentist and my moth was full of gauze and I was drooling as I asked for some stamps. You know how that ended up." Kelly had similar logic. But seriously! I've had enough embarassing opposite sex encounters to last me for multiple lifetimes! Am I really going to have that many marriages?

So, we left church early when mom called and told me dinner was ready. We had roast and homemade mashed potatoes...my request. Then Paul came by to share in the festivities. I opened presents while my mom hurried me along (She was NOT feeling well) I got some games, a necklace, a book, some socks, a box, a CD...and then it was time for cake. They had forgotten birthday candles, so I blew out one of my mom's decorative candles instead...my dad's idea. Then Sunnie walked Paul out...and my dad Jamie and I figured out how to set up and play my new game. Clue FX...I love Clue, so this was even better. Wanna come play it with me anyone?

So, no friends on my birthday...but that's okay. I have to start getting used to it. Last year was the same way. Well! I'm going to go home now, and watch Freaky Friday. I bought it today with money I didn't really have...te-he-he! Write more later...for those of you who forgot my birthday...I forgive you *grins* As if I expected you to rememebr! Silly!

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