Thursday, December 18, 2003

Happy Thursday! No, not really. It's a tired and yet busy Thursday. But it's my cousin Alyssa's birthday today *smiles* Hope she has a good one!

I had fun yesterday. It was good. I worked at the Tea Room, and got off early, because I had something to do! Tuesday night, I called Jessi, who is home now YAY! We decided to see LOTR together, opening night. I got to go with her and her mommy. ANYWAY! After the Tea Room (Which when I got there, they had a platter of birthday cookies waiting for me...awww...) I went to go pick Jessi up at her house. Then we went to the theater to buy our tickets in advace (Which turned out to be a very wise move!)

Then we bought candy, and then hung out at her house and watched some LOTR/Orlando footage I had taped while she was in Spain. We ate some pizza, and then her mom came home. I had given Jessi her Christmas present early, so she was eager to show it off. It's a pretty frame that says LOVE, with two silver hearts and a pink the frame was a picture of her and Orlando Bloom on their vacation to the least that's what I made it look like!

So, we went to the theater an hour early, GOOD MOVE...and st in the very last row. It was fun, we laughed hysterically for an hour...stupid jokes. Then the movie started, and I'm telling was incredible. I couldn't breathe through half of it I was so involved! Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. it was so good, people. It really was. I was so worked up duing it, I wasted all remaining energy. I got home a little before 11 (The movie started at 7:30) And then couldn't sleep, because I had passed from tired to loopy. So guess what time I got up this morning?? 5 am. Geez! I had to work at 6...I'm real bright. But I have an hour and 45 minutes left...and then I can go take a nap. Yeah right! My mom is home. It's not gonna happen. Well...hmmm...

It's time to go back to work already! Ahhhh....*whines* Oh, well. I guess something interesting must be happening later, because I have nothing else to write about right now... argh swash swash buckle buckle...haha! That never gets old...

Over and out!


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