Friday, January 02, 2004

Hello! Absolutely nothing interesting has happened lately...well, not since I last wrote anyway. I'm at work again, and I have to do counter and roaster today. So I shouldn't be in a good mood. But I am. I am one big roller coaster ride, that's for sure. ANYWAY! In my last entry, I forgot to mention my favorite movie of the moment. No, I don't think I have one favorite altogether...but this one is gosh darn good!

I had wanted to see it for quite awhile. What is it, you ask? "Nicholas Nickleby". It's a Charles Dickens play, and it was made into a movie a long time ago, and then they re-made it. it was up for best picture in 2002. ANYWAY! I had wanted to see it, because I love movies set back in the day, and I liked the cast. But I had never gotten around to it! Funny...I won't spend $5 to rent it, but I will buy it the minute it hits the $9.44 rack at Target. I guess I figure if I rented it and liked it, I'd have to spend twice as much to buy it later. Might as well take the risk and keep it forever, right? That's what I think...

ANYWAY! So, I bought it totally impulsively the day Kelly left. My mom sent me on random errands all over the place, and I needed some entertainment. So I grabbed it. There were a lot of new ones, but to distract my indecisive mind, I snatched up the first one that looked appealing, so I wouldn't have to analyze and later...regret.

After my numerous errands, I went home and did laundry, made my mom lunch, cleaned the house, took a shower, just so I could enjoy the movie undisturbed with no "to-do" list sitting restlessly in the back of my mind.

I popped the movie in, and began enjoying it the minute it started. If you haven't seen it, you need to because SERIOUSLY! It's fantastic. I think in my next entry, I shall record the entire plot. It's not exactly the kind of movie you'd go rent or buy on your own. Unless you're me! I feel like recording the plot down, then maybe I'll attract an audience for it.

Right now, I think I have to go back to work...but first. I love that movie! AHH! The lead guy who plays Nicholas Nickleby? He's HOT!!!! But seriously, the movie is good. He's not the only reason. (His name is Charlie Hunnam, he's british, and he's just...gorgeous.)

Well, I better get going. FYI-- the girl next to me, I feel bad. Her friend Dennis just called her cell phone, and she freaked out about something. She thought he had said he was at the highschool...but he said hospital. Then she called someone named Joel, and it turns out that Dennis' dad is at the hospital because he had a severe attack of some sort last night, and is not expected to live through the day. Apparently Dennis was crying on the phone...geez, I'm weird. But I have to know everyone's story. I love people and their lives...and then I write it down.

Well, now that I'm done eavesdropping, I should get back to work. (See? I know so much about other people that they have no idea I know. Bwa-ha-ha!)

ANYWAY! Over and out. Plot of Nicholas Nickleby soon to follow.

BYE! --


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