Friday, January 16, 2004

AHHH! Boy, I haven't written in here for a long time! Everytime I tell myself "Gee, you should really be writing a litlle somethin somethin in that journal of yours!" I just...don't. I get overwhelmed because I'm like "What do I write about" at first, and then it's "Well, then I'd have to write about this, and this, and this, and this..." And so by the time I actually write anything, I'm sure that so much ahs happened, that I leave out all the good things! LORD! Okay. I'm over it.

So! Looking back, I haven't had anything all that interesting to talk about. So let's see what ground I can cover tonight!

So I confessed to seeing "Peter Pan" awhile back there, huh? Well, yes. I did...3 times total. Feeling guilty the entire time, ebcause I couldn't take my eyes off of 14 year old Jeremy Sumpter. I'm SICK! I know it. But hey...when you've been all alone for 20 years, you really notice attractiveness, no matter what more it comes in. So, Jeremy Sumpter is 14, but he seems older, I swear! And he's just sooooo adorable! Well, I continued to feel guilty until Nikki showed up for her usual limited 'Corrie time'. I confessed my cradle robbing sins to her, and then proceded to tell her everything about the movie. Suddenly, I had her ready and willing to go to the next showing. I was like...hey, if I'm going down someone's going with me! So, that was the third time I saw it. She was hooked. Swooning over the younger man right along with me! the guilt was SLIGHTLY lessened. Kelly still won't let me live it down though. Oh, well. I like what I like!

So, Nikki had to scurry home of course. That was a total of three and a half hours. We made plans for the following Wednesday, to basically spend the day together. I jokingly went and bought us each a Peter Pan movie story book...okay, maybe not so jokingly, but hey! It makes me happy. So, I idiotically waited for Nikki to call. And she did! To cancel... as usual. Silly me, thinking I'd get more than a few hours! How DUMB! I'm not Lurae...or anyone and everyone else. Which makes me far less important. I say it, because it's true.

Sure, her reason was reason enough, but i'm sure she never had to cancel on anyone else during Holiday break. I'm just that special. Anyway, she said she still wanted to stop by. So, the day I had taken off of work to spend with her, was me home alone all day waiting for Nikki to grace me with her presence for a measly 15 minutes. And wait I did! Waste, is more like it.

I presented her with her book, and she swooned and cooed before she had to scurry back home before her mother realized she was at my house. Of course, I always ENJOY the time I spend with her...but seriously. The whole day gone for that?

Oh, well. She went home without another word in my direction, and that's what I'm used to. The occasional e-mail will suffice. ANYWAY! On January 8th, it was Jessi's birthday. I made her a wonderful card, and bought her a LOTR poster card set. Not cheap mind you! And I had to reserve it. Klecker came, so that was fun. her mom was treating a group of ten people to Applebee's. I knew almost everyone. All but one, I think. But they were all sort of...past friends, you know? From like, Middle school and the occasional high school gathering. So! I talked mostly to Klecker and Jesse Gangl (Who is close with Jessi, but I didn't really know him that well.) about our Lord of the Rings action figure collections. Jesse won.

Afterwards, we went back to Jessi's, and I fell asleep almost, so I went home to go to bed at like...9:30! I'm a loser.

Since then, Jessi and I have spent some quality time together. We even started writing a play! It We're weird. And we're in love with Orlando! Still...boy, is my guy list becoming quite extensive. Now all I need is a REAL boy, and I'm not talkin Pinnochio here people.

Well...I'm sure I'll think of REAL news later on, but as for right now...and i know I said I'd write the plot down of Nicholas Nickleby...but, I don't feel like it. I feel like being done now...

So, later! Bye!

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