Thursday, July 22, 2004

Well, I haven't written in here since Jauary 31st! It's now... a lot later than that. Sheesh... where do I even begin? I'm doing this more for me than for anyone else, because I know I'm the only one who even looks at this thing.

I moved to New York in March...and it lasted two months. I worked for the devil herself, it was not good. I came home, and had no job. (I'll elaborate on New York some other time) So! Currently, I am watching my step  second cousin's 8 month old little boy, Edmond. Yes, I thought it was a terrible name for a baby too, but it fits him so well now...

ALSO I am truly in charge of the drama program at First Lutheran Church. Not only that, but I've started an independant theater company entitled "Plan See Christian Drama Ministries". And I'm so excited about it! I'll write more about that later on as well. Well, I have to get back to baby Edmond, so I'll write more LOTS more soon!

Later taters!

Peace out...


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