Friday, December 10, 2004

Good heavens... I can't believe how lazy I've gotten with the whole journal thing! I toyed with the idea of getting rid of it all and starting over, but... no. To any new readers who might wager a query into my life one step further...there is some vital information in previous entries that I don't feel like re-explaining. So!

When I last wrote, I was working for Kristin and all was good. Well! I fell in love with that little boy...and what did Kristin do? She let me go... See, I went down to Tennessee for cousin Melissa's wedding, (I was a bridesmaid) and I spent the majority of my savings getting there and back. When I get back, I call Kristin so see when she needed me next. I worked every day, so i figured the day after I got back. Not the case. Turns out, Edmond's grandparents were going to be visiting, and wanted him all week.

Many weeks passed, so I finally called Kristin and asked what's up...turns out, she had decided she was going to stay home with Edmond every day instead. She also decided she didn't need to tell me that. I found myself without savings, and without a job, right before the holidays!

After a frantic search, I landed a job about a week and a half ago. Caribou coffee! Woo! Yeah...haven't done THAT before. Well, at least I don't have to go through a lot of the pre-training anxiety. I know coffee pretty well. My training actually is officially done, and my first "Real" shift starts Monday.

Aside from the no money job plate has been pretty full! The youth drama thing is a weekly event, and that keeps me busy! And there's this one act I'm writing for WBLAHS (White Bear Lake Area High School for future reference). It's a project with pal Kelsey, she came up with the story, I wrote the script. I ALMOST wrote the script, anyway. I was almost done...when my imac blew. Like...died. It was gone. Dead. And the script had to be done within that week. I panicked.

I called the Apple Store, and since I got it second hand, they said I was past the free technical service period, and it would cost me $50 just to talk to someone. I was outraged! So I hung up. I decided to just bring my computer to the store, instead. That worked out better...except that it was heavy, and I didn't plan out transporting it around very well. ANYWAY...they did a data retrieval, and that too would cost me $50. My mother offered to pay it, if she could get paid back. BUT...I started to re-write the one act, just in case it didn't work. Good thing I did! They called and said they got the data, I told my mom, and she said "Oh, honey. I can't afford to pay for that!" So I would have been screwed! I'm still screwed if I don't get that disc. It has all these novels on ones that I wrote just for myself...but I didn't back them up anywhere. Partially because I didn't have a disc drive on that machine from hell...and partially because I didn't share them with anybody. But that doesn't mean I wanted them to disappear! I know, I know. Back up your files no matter what. I've learned my lesson.

Anyway, I completely re-wrote the entire one act. I think it may be really good! Kelly read it, and she thinks it's funny. So, moving on. I'm sure everyone is DYING to know about my current guy situation. But here's something I've noticed...a trend if you will in the life that is my own. I never really have a real guy situation!

The weirdest thing happened a few weeks back. First, I must tell you about Lance. Senior year of high school, my friend Lisa and I took a college in the schools class...we got lost so often, that we just kind of tuned out. (We both got good grades in it though...imagine that) We wrote poetry instead. A lot of it was stupid cheesy stuff, a lot of it wasn't. One day, she brought in a poem from her friend Lance. It was good. I have this disease though...any intellectual male makes my heart go all a flutter. I kept my mouth shut, though. Lisa, however...did not. She took the poems we wrote, and showed them all to Lance!

She ended up giving him my e-mail address, etc etc. He and I began talking all the time. One day he and Lisa came over to my house, and the three of us hung out. One night on AIM, he told me he was falling for me...hard. No one had ever told me that before, because I'm typically the match maker, not the one being matched. I wasn't quite sure what to do! He had spent the first few weeks of our conversations telling me how in love he was with my almost friend Stephanie.

Anyway, I was excited and scared at the same time. He ended up going to our senior prom (he went to a different school) as Steph's date. I spent the night hiding from him. I don't know why! I just did. Lisa found me and told me he had been looking for me, he wanted to dance with me. He ended up finding me after the last song. He made about five different people take a picture of him hugging me. That was the last time I talked to him...til recently.

Lance has been on my mass e-mail list for a long time. Apparently...he switched addresses way way back, and I never knew that. I thought he had just decided to write me off. Well, a few eeks ago, he checked that old e-mail address for the fun of it, and freaked out. He e-mailed me back, saying "Wow! I can't believe it's you! I thought you wrote me off a long time ago!" I was in shock!

Lance went on to tell me that he is currently stationed in Korea, and will be heading to Iraq in the near future. WHOA! Not fair. My jaw hit the floor. I wrote him back, asked what his job was., looks for land mines and stuff...yeah...he'll probably die. Worst part is....if he did, I'd never know it!

So, that was a long story...but it needed to be said. Ther aren't really any other guys in my life. I made a new guy friend online last night though! We talked for like... 5 hours! It was long. And I could have almost sworn I was talking to myself. It was a good way. A LOT of similarities, things in common, coincidences...he's an incredible person, and I am very priviledged to know him.

Well! I'm going to do better with this whole journal thing. Maybe life will start getting interesting again! Wouldn't that be nice?

I get a year older in about 4 days, one hour, and 20 minutes. I'm gonna be 21! Woo! And I'll be at home, going to bed early, because I work the next morning. Happy Birthday to me! Not like I would go do anything extraordinary anyway...ah, well.

More to come soon! I swear!


Au Revoir!



Always, ME!

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