Saturday, December 11, 2004

Wow, would you look at that! I'm writing another journal entry the NEXT DAY! I'm not really sure why's not like I have anything terribly interesting to say. Ah well, I can babble on like an idiot! It's MY journal!

I want to go see Ocean's Twelve today. I mean come on! Twelve is the new Eleven...yeah, anyway. Last night after I wrote, I had this stupid away message up. Most of it was just trying to sound deep and intellectual, but some of it was the truth. It led to this aggrivating conversation with Kelly about my self terminating paranoia, and my tendency to sabotage new friendships. But...I don't really do that I? I don't think so.

I'm at the WBL library now, using AIM express and annoying people with my survey question. Observe:

In your opinion, what is the most difficult? Talking to someone you've never met, talking to someone you've met but don't remember, or talking to someone you don't want to talk to?

I thought it was a good question. But...overthinkers like myself would think so. Because we think a lot...too much. ANYWAY!

I fell asleep at around 3:30 am... with every intention of getting up early for a jaunt around the lake. I've decided I don't really need sleep all that much anymore. I don't like it. Sleep means dreaming, which means accomplishing things subconsciously that are virtually an impossibility while I'm awake. That's what dreaming is... BUT...I didn't get up three hours later like I wanted to. Jamison woke me up at 11:30 and wanted me to drive him to work. Not a problem.

Last night I made my parents dinner like I usually do, and last night they trashed the kitchen completely after I cleaned it up. Have they never heard of rinsing off a dish? Come on people! Anyway, after I drove Jamie to work, I tried to get online. My computer is going down fast, people. Second hand laptop...4 years old...and my dad loaded so much crap on it, it's stuck in a time warp and is about tp become a dinosaur.

Well, library comp about to kick me off! I gotta go! More later!


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