Friday, February 25, 2005

I have to be brief, because I have to go to bed. Work early early early! But I have to do a real quick re-cap. Sam has left my Caribou and moved to another. Kate stomped a mouse to death. Scuse me, it was a shrew. I've been corrected so many times. Anyway! Elke wants me to be a shift supervisor, but I don't wanna. Adam is the new guy, and at first I didn't like him...but he's turning out to be pretty cool! Pretty similar to myself in some ways. The whole youth leader, drama geek, singer and writer thing...yeah that. So! That's work in a nutshell. Moving on.

I took a big step in the whole resolving the Kelsey thing. I wrote to the newspaper. If you're reading this Kelsey, I'm nothiding anything from you. I'm trying to find out the truth, since you're not being straight with me. So! Here's a copy of the letter for ALL to read:

To Miss Goodrich, and whomever else the following might concern:

I am writing in regards to an article that appeared in your publication on Wednesday, February 16th 2005.

Miss Goodrich wrote an article entitled "Actors gain backstage perspective" highlighting three one-act plays that were to take place on February 18th and 19th at White Bear Lake Area High school. One of these plays was "Channel 13" and the information surrounding that play is what I am writing to you about.

The following is an exact quote from your publication:
"Holman and Marrin are co-directing "Channel 13," a comedy, written by Marrin, about a news broadcast gone awry. "While I was writing it I was envisioning what it would be like in my head," Marrin said. "It's so cool to see it all come together."

I was in Florida at the time this article first made its appearance. My sister, who was home in Minnesota, called my cell phone upon reading the article. The reason why the above paragraph was of so much interest to her, is because "Channel 13" is a completely original one-act play written entirely by myself. Miss Kelsey Marrin did not contribute a single word to the project.
Miss Marrin approached me with a proposal. She wanted to be a student director this year, and asked if I would write a script. I was more than happy to offer my contribution. I was a director in the White Bear school district two years before, and have many ties to that theater. I wrote the script, and turned it over to Miss Marrin to direct. Her direction is as far as her involvement goes.

I was incredibly angry upon reading your article, and really need to know some background information. Consider this a formal request for any available notes from the interview. If it is a case of Miss Marrin claiming the work as her own, this is a serious problem she and I need to discuss.

She claims she was repeatedly misquoted, and your publication blatantly ignored the fact that she listed myself as the author. If this is true, I will have to hold you responsible. Whatever the case, I am asking you for a formal written retraction within your publication.

I had planned to pursue publication of my script, and cannot do that as long as it is in print that someone else wrote it. Your article is preventing me from claiming my own work. Were that article to surface while I was trying to get the script in circulation, I would be accused of plagiarism.

In any case, I deserve the credit for my work, and really hope you understand my frustrations. As far as Miss Marrin is concerned, I really need to know if she claimed the work as her own in your interview with her. A 5 year friendship depends on it. I take my writing very seriously, and this situation has not been taken lightly.

Please get back to me as soon as possible, so that I might know which way to go from here.
Thank you for your time, and I trust in your cooperation in making this right.


Corrien Killmer

So that's all for now, really. Have to go to bed. Later!

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