Saturday, March 12, 2005

So... I wanted to quit Caribou. Now I'm not so sure. Elke is trying to be really accomodating. Kerry and I get along really well, he makes me laugh. Adam...well, he's Adam. Kate is my favorite person there... there's nobody I don't like, except Elke sometimes...but she's really trying to make me like her.

The new assistant manager just happens to be Carrie Dahlke, who was my best friend in 5th grade. Interesting, no? I thought so. She and I are already fast pals again. I don't have to worry about working to get on her good side. Bwa-ha-ha.

The biggest reason I want to stay, is there are two places I want to go this summer, and I'm pretty sure Elke could make that happen. The missions trip to Mississippi is in June, and I plan on visiting BJ in July for his birthday. We'll see what happens.

So, in other news. I got my written retraction in the newspaper after a long battle. It says I wrote it, but it was based on Kelsey's idea. No problem there, that's the truth. Did I say that already? I may have...I don't remember.

I'm the speaker this Monday for GetDown, and I haven't even started my lesson plan yet. What day is it? Saturday? Oh, yeah. Oops. I'll get it done tomorrow...or Monday afternon. CRAP! I work til' 5 on Monday. Scratch that idea. DANG. I'll do it during my time off from 9:30-11. IF that really happens. We'll see.

So I'm pretty sure I figured this one thing out, and I'm pretty positive I see the other side, but just in case I'm wrong, I'm not going to say anything else. I just want to document the possibility. The day I thought I was right... hahaha moving on.

Mom's driving me nuts. She says I owe her months of back rent, because she's been really nice, and hasn't been making me pay. She now says that I owe her all the coins in my tip jar... and gas money galore. Every time I drive her car, I put gas in it. Then she asks me for gas money outside of that, because "Corrie, I never drive my car! YOu drive it everyday!" Okay...let's look at that. I drive it most mornings, about 2 blocks away to CARIBOU! Well, maybe a mile...but still! And then SHE drives downtown Minneapolis. Hmmm...5 minutes versus 45 minutes. 2 blocks of highway versus miles and miles of 70mph freeway? Who uses the gas? And she goes shopping EVERY DAY! I spend 10 dollars every two days, and that's not enough. If I complain, I'm ungrateful and selfish.

Today...oh boy. She loves wasting all the gas zipping around everywhere, so when I go to work, I have to put gas in it just to get home. (I work across the street from a gas station) So! I didn't work today, so she asked me to go fill up the car. I told her i didn't have any money, and she freaked out. I got up before her, so I could have the house cleaned for her anniversary today. Then she trashed filters, dishes, coffee spills, food... the living room...ahhh. How does she manage it? I don't know. So...she has me drive Jamie to work, and I come home...without having gone to the gas station. I literally have 2 dollars in my wallet. She goes absolutely insane! She starts screaming at me "I can't believe you! YOu don't put gas in my car, you don't unload the trunk and take the bags out like i asked (which she didn't) You just sit there!" Then there was a nice "Come down here right now and clean up the kitchen and living room! It's filthy! Do I have to do everything?" Then she slammed the door and drove away. So...I re-cleaned the house, and now here I am. Ready for a nap. I'm not sure, but I MAY have been on the phone til 6am. (hahaha)

BJ called at 8 something, then had to go, called back at 9:20ish, and we talked for awhile...until Lauren came in and violated our agreement. Oh, yes. She did. Then he called back close to 11. Had to take Lauren and friend to Wal-Mart at around mid-night. Then he texted me to see if i was awake around 3...I was. So, he called. That's that. 6am bed time. It was heavenly. We're almost talking about the things we never talk about. We'll see how that goes.

Anyway...I'm gonnago throw things at my mom's wall now... after I make her bed. Bah. Later taters.


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