Thursday, June 16, 2005

I have a dream. I have many. Why do I have to wake up each day? Dang it. Anyway. Caribou has been incredibly interesting as of late. To me anyway. Not to anyone who doesn't work there I'm sure. The drive-thru is closed for remodeling, and so I've gotten to work bar for 3 days. Wee! I've actually had a pretty awesome time. It's fun.

So anyway. A break in routine is always appreciated. The first day we closed the entire store, and some people were pretty mad. No one else was working but me. I got to sit outisde Caribou and hand out free coffee to potentially angry customers. Instead, they were so touched by the sentiment, that they gave me tip money. YES! Score!

I was on my phone a lot that day, and I actually ended up booking BJ's plane ticket over the phone with Kelly. YES! So he's officially coming. I'm very excited.

I leave for Mississippi tomorrow night with Jamie and the rest of the First Lutheran crew for the annual mission trip. I'm excited, and I'm not. I've never done anything like that before, so it should be interesting. I'm supposed to be in charge of people! Bah! We'll see how that goes. If they knew how nervous I was about all that, maybe they'd change their minds about letting me be in charge of stuff.

So I have to go to a meeting tonight at work about the new drive-thru. They scheduled it for tonight, because I "the drive-thru queen" have to be there. I think that's hilarious! I really do. It's supposed to be a motivational meeting. We'll see about that.

In other news, I don't really have any. The plane ticket aside (because that is not a part of this at all...that's a different account) I am having money issues. The check card I use for things takes forever to go through, apparently, so the money just hangs out in my account and confuses the crap outta me. And Curves is supposed to take things out the same time every month, but she never does, so I never know when it's leaving me... I never go there anyway. Bleck. Not only that, but I've had to pay for everything for Jamie's mission trip, and now he has no money for food. I want to pull my hair out. I have no money for me, let alone him. AND... Darla might be sick, and I made a deal with Kelly about how to pay for her vet visit, but this is why I didn't want the money to stay in my account, because I knew I'd have things I had to pay for, and when the time came I wouldn't have enough for Darla. If I knew maybe how much money I HAD in my account I could figure things out, but everything is nuts. I'm going crazy.

We're celebrating Father's Day early, and I can't get him anything. I missed Nikki's birthday, and I can't get her anything. I haven't gotten Haylie anything, and I can't. After the trip, I'll figure everything out. The money will build back up again like usual, and I'll breathe easy.

So now I'm at the library, I was going stir crazy. Sunnie and my mom had this huge argument about me needing a car today to do alst minute errands and so I would have a way to get to my meeting, so Sunnie made her friend come pick her up, kicking and screaming the whole time about it, and I didn't even know Sunnie was leaving me her car. My mom made her. I didn't know that was happening. So, she leaves the car and not the keys. Yeah...that works. My mom told me that I'm supposed to take my dad out for dinner tonight. Um...really? She told me that was my plan. Really? I didn't know that.

So I'm just a little...annoyed. I need to figure things out.

In other news, BJ got the job at Target! He seems to be really happy about it, which makes me really happy for him. I think it's a good move. And hey, it's Target! My favorite store in the whole wide world. That's gotta be a good thing.

Anyway, I better get going now. Time to rent my 50 cent movie (I took two quarters out of my/mom's tips) and go home. Bye!


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