Friday, June 10, 2005

Today To sum it up, I'm not scared of Anthony anymore. Frankly, his lack of ability to make a latte aside, he's a pretty nice guy. I have to back up.

I went to work this morning, feeling absolutely horrid. I kept coughing in the car, but I had nightmares all night about what would happen if I missed two days in a row. SO! I got there, waited for the "shiftie" and nobody showed. Dang it. So, I let myself in, checked the schedule, realized Elke had the day off, and Kate was the one who was supposed to open with me. Little hiccup...

A few days ago, Kate turned in her two weeks notice. Perfect! So, my guess? She woke up late, figured 'screw it, I'm quitting anyway' and fell back to sleep. Well, I had 15 minutes til open, and only half the work done, couldn't get ahold of Elke, which meant I had no access to cash drawers. I was so ill, and so mad, and so...tired. Tired of the whole thing! Finally, the phone rang, and there was Elke.

I pretty much started to cry as I told her "I can't do this today. I'm not okay. I'm gonna end up in the hospital!" Okay, maybe a little exaggerated, but at the time, I had to sit on the floor just so I could catch a breath.

I opened solo, and Lauren and Ashley got there not a moment too soon. They're my two new favorites. They're so amazing...anyway. I was in tears when they got there, I had been running around, and was coughing so disgustingly and gasping for air...I'm sure I freaked them out. Friday is our busiest day by far, and I just kept saying "I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do..." typically you have 5-7 people on in the morning. We had three. I couldn't do drive-thru, because I couldn't talk. We were all running around like c razy people, and I was about to collapse.

To sum things up, I survived. Elke got there, and about half an hour later the 6:30 people got there. Anthony was scheduled to come pass out coupons (because we're closing the drive-thru for a few days) but he ended up working behind the counter instead.

Elke was either trying to be really nice to me, or she didn't want to get in trouble for having someone as sick as myself actually working. SO! She had me in the back folding towels for about an hour. Anthony came back there, found out I was sick, and asked me if I was going home. I kind of gave him the "can I do that?" look, so he told me to just let Elke know. I told him I felt guilty for being paid to fold towels, and he said "Somebody's got to do it. It has to get done eventually. Sit back and relax, don't worry about it." -- hmmm...he likes me!

Even though Elke seems to like me, I'm still afraid of her. So, I worked my butt off for awhile, and had to keep running in the back for little coughing spasms. Anthony heard one and told me I should leave. I told him I didn't know how... so he went and told Elke that I was going home. I got ready to leave, and I said "I'm sorry" to Elke, and she said "You should have just come to me." So, she felt like she had gotten in trouble I guess. Argh. Oh, well. They need me.

So I went home at 9! Two whole hours early. YAY! I ate breakfast and watched cartoons with Jamie, and then I took a nap. It was glorious. Then i woke up, got the house to myself, watched a weird movie on IFC, and then Sarah called.

I got all the details about her new baby girl! It is my pleasure to announce the arrival of:

Haylie Marie Olson-Shafer, born Tuesday, June 7th at 11:37pm. She weighed 7lbs and 7oz, and was 20 inches long.

Sarah has told me I'm going to be a big part of Haylie's life, but we'll see. It's weird, really. It was strange to hear a baby whimper in the background, and hear Sarah say "Shh, mommy's got you." In my mind, we're still in 8th grade drooling over Leonardo DiCaprio and competing over who could see Titanic the most before it left the theaters. She's still the kid that made music videos with me on the roof, and she's the girl who camped out in the backyard with me. It really doesn't seem that long ago, and that's mostly because it wasn't. Everything changed so fast. I hope she'll be okay.

Anyway, not much else happened today. I got attacked by a lightsaber while on the phone with BJ, that was pleasant...I played sequence! It was me and Sunnie against Dad and Paul. Nobody beats my dad. Why do I even bother? I need a better partner. Te-he-he. No offense, Sunnie!

So that's about where I am now. Sunnie and Paul went to the new Cold Stone Creamery next door to the White Bear Township theater. I've only been to the one in TMOA and Riverdale. It's good stuff, it is indeed. (BJ-- Do they have Cold Stone Creamery in Alabama? Hmm...)

So...that's all for now. Tomorrow I have to close. I've never done that before! We'll see how that goes. Should be interesting. Bye!


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