Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well, it has been forever since I've written in long in fact, that I couldn't remember how to login. HAHA! Funny things...anyway. I don't have much time now to make up for it, so I'll have to be brief.

So! I'm moving to Alabama in a week and 2 days. Almost less than that, because today is over halfway over. I almost didn't move...there was a huge emotional war...want details? Check out BJ's livejournal.

He's much better at the lengthy explanations, and I don't feel like revisiting that. He also listed excellent details about his trip up here for my birthday. So you can catch up with that there as well. Not that I don't want to write about that myself, it's just...well...I don't have the time to say everything I want to say.

So much has happened, lordy be. I met my biological father Craig Walter, and my older sister Shannon Miller, along with my nephew Tyler, and my niece Jenna. That happened on New Years Day. Wee!

Before that, my birthday happened, Christmas happened, and of course! A co-worker/friend of mine felt bad about things that had transpired with me recently. Cody attacked Sunnie and I decided not to take him to Alabama, which made me sad. My birthday party that Nancy "planned" altogether sucked, and BJ had just left, so one day I just crumbled. She decided to buy me a puppy.

She bought me a beautiful little Sheltie boy. I named him Cairo. (That name was originally thought of by Madison Pomeroy, at the age of two...I must point that out. The little genius.) I love Egypt, so it fits perfectly. He's adorable, and he's about 9 weeks old now. I'm madly in love with him, but no dog can ever compare to Cody. He's my first my last and only. My one true doggie love.

So BJ, Cairo, Craig...everything kinda happened at once. Anyway, I'm at work now. Tonight Nikki and I are going to have a sleepover, probably ending the friendly friendship we have. We'll both disappear soon. I'll always love her though. We're going to see RENT!!! One last time. And free ice cream. Oh, yes. Yes indeed.

In other and final news, I love BJ with everything I am. Thanks for sticking up for me, and being my Knight. I love you.

So, later! Maybe I'll write more some time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Love! I only wish I could begin to express the joy you bring into my life everyday. You are everything to me. I just praise God for His faithfulness in providing me with the wonderful, loving, and beautiful Angel you are. And the best part is that I don't have to worry about whether you are telling the truth or if other people are. I know I can always trust and count on you. I know you, and therefore I can so easily find clarity in all the drama that comes our way. The beauty though is that now, we can tackle it all side-by-side. Not that we haven't before, but now we can literally be together to share all life and God have in store for us. I love you, Baby! Thank you for being my Miracle and Gift from God. Thanks for updating! See YOU SOON!!!!!