Thursday, March 30, 2006

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

INTERESTING... I agree. At least I think I do. Do I? Am I popular?!? WEE! Well, I used to be...then I relocated. Hmm.

Word to your brother...and his friends. Speaking of brothers, I miss mine. He's fantastic. I miss his laugh, and his humor. He makes ME laugh, and I miss that too. BJ makes me laugh a lot though, so I'm not totally deprived. Laughter is the best medicine in so many situations.

So! What has happened this week thus far? Not too much. Kelly and I have been busy little bees job searching, unpacking, learning the neighborhood, stuff like that. Organization and re-organization can be really fun! No lie. Kelly has so many shoes. And I have more closet space! Oh, what a funny world.

BJ came by and surprised me AGAIN Monday night. I was so excited. I just light up whenever I see him, and I feel...good. Whole. I'm just so happy with him. Kelly and I watched Benlee and BJ put together an additional shelf, identical to the one I had assembled the day before. Let's just say they complicated it for themselves. I had to resist the urge to take over. I let the men be men. It sure was funny though.

After that, we did a little karaoke. It was hilarious. Moulin Rouge karaoke...need I say more? What a find that karaoke CD turned out to be. I has been the source of endless hours of entertainment. I discovered an old audio tape of Jamie and I singing all those songs...Kelly found it somewhat disturbing that Jamie and I were singing those songs to each other, what with the "We should be lovers..." yeah. Fun stuff. I think it's hilarious. Especially since it was back a ways, and Jamie was going through puberty, complete with the squeakies...priceless. Brilliant black mail if you ask me...except that Jamie doesn't get easily embarrassed. That sucks. I've got nothing.

After the karaoke, BJ and I viewed an old favorite of mine, "Sorority Boys". I saw it shortly after it left theaters originally, and have told BJ many many times that he would enjoy it. He did.

Toward the end of the movie, I couldn't really breathe. Every breath resulted in a sharp pain followed by a hacking cough. I coughed my throat to pieces, and locked myself in the bathroom to rinse out the blood. I had warned BJ about these episodes when he and I first started getting "close". He asked me awhile back what I would need him to do in case something like that happened.

There were times when I couldn't catch my breath. I was coughing so hard, that I was gasping for air, and didn't get enough before the next coughing attack would start. BJ was so calm, and did everything I had told him about beforehand. He soaked a rag with scalding hot water and put it over my mouth. The steam opened the air ways and moistened what needed to be moistened, and soon the coughing turned to gasping, which turned to labored breathing, which turned to wheezing, which turned to normal. It took awhile, but BJ was amazing. Usually it takes a lot longer to get one of those things under control. But that's because I usually do it myself. BJ had put me to bed, covered me up to stop the shaking, and then got the rag. He kept reheating it so that the airways didn't have time to block again. I know for certain it would have been a lot worse if he hadn't been there.

He had to drive home shortly after that. Let's just say it was a long night. He had gotten me through the worst, but boy was I tired the next day. I hate my lungs... I hate my problems. I hate cigarettes, but they're never gonna disappear completely. Second hand smoke kills, people! It kills PEOPLE! Especially people like me. Bah. It's just not fair.

ANYWAY. Life is pretty good. I'm glad Kelly is here. She's having a difficult time with some aspects of the move, but overall I think it was a good decision. Or maybe that's just the "I'm happy to have part of my family here!" part of me talking. It's nice to have family, that's for sure.

BJ told me awhile ago that his ex-girlfriend had told him that she didn't think anyone would ever be good enough for his family. I can definitely understand why she felt that way. I think she also said it was because everyone loves BJ so much. They really do. Everyone wants him around all the time. Which, as the girlfriend, can make you feel like a villain really fast. And whether they mean to or not, they resent you for taking him away. Becoming so important to him, that he puts you in the position of being a priority to him. I LOVE being in that position. And because BJ is so important to so many people, it makes me feel that much better that I am in fact on his radar, and a very important part of it. I could definitely feel the stresses, and hear the whispers. I was taking the golden boy away. They miss him, I miss's never easy for anybody. But that's how life works. Children grow up and start their own lives, and parents hate it. That's how it's supposed to be. ESPECIALLY when said child is like BJ. Everybody loves BJ. (Especially me) It's not just his family, his friends too. He loves me, wants to spend time with me...and I become a bad guy. It's more intense because I'm here, and there's no chance for him to feel the sting from my friends and family. Sometimes I wish he could...someday he will. Bwa-ha-ha!

Anyway, it's all good though. The first girlfriend wasn't the one for BJ, they all say that. They all say I am. BJ's mom in particular wants him around the most, and even she has really embraced the fact that I'm his future, and he's my future. She told BJ that she's seen me take care of him, and I've shown a continuing willingness to ALWAYS take care of him, and that's what let her know for sure. That really made me happy.

My mom has had doubts about BJ since day one. Sometimes she'd say wonderful things, sometimes she'd say not wonderful things. Recently however, between her conversations with BJ, and the things she's heard from me...she says she's really excited about BJ, and knows for certain he's husband material. She knows he'll take good care of me. Kelly told mom about the breathing episode, and that made her really happy. Made me really happy too! No one has really helped me through one of those things before. I was quite sick, and still very happy to know that he was taking care of me. REALLY taking care of me. I love him so much.

So anyway. Monday night was good with only a little bit of scary. Tuesday I was still sick, but we went to Auburn University employment services, and what did they tell us to do? Well, they directed us to a computer and told us to apply online. Which I had already done. No one believes me when I tell them unless you want to work at a gas station or a restaurant, most jobs want you to apply online, or come in and apply on their in store terminal. Even Caribou makes people apply online now. Isn't that hilarious? Sad, but true. Unless you have connections, you have to connect with jobs via internet. Boo.

Wednesday, (yesterday) I woke up early and got ready for BJ to come over. He arrived sometime after 9am, and I made breakfast for BJ, Kelly and I. (pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs) We hung out and I gave BJ some presents from Kelly...(a digital camera, the Phantom of the Opera RED DEATH costume, and the Alias first season companion book, with bonus DVD) then we hit Target, Little Caesars (Only $5 for a large pepperoni pizza all day every day!) came home and watched "Envy", then watched some Alias, and then went out to a movie. What a grand, lazy day! I loved it. Then we came back, BJ and I did our devotionals and a scripture reading, then he had to drive home, and then I went to sleep.

Which brings us to today! And there's not much to write. So bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There isn't much to write in my journal when you say it all so well. I couldn't agree more. People, don't let her fool you. I didn't do that much. I was glad to do my part to help my Angel when she was sick, but I really felt helpless and scared. Really scared. I did all I could think to do, and I'm glad she got through it. I love you, Corrie! I REALLY REALLY DO!!! I should direct everyone to here to get the updates. Maybe I'll update. Who knows? I love you, and I'll talk to you soon.