Monday, April 03, 2006

Hey all! Well, I don't really have much to report, but for some reason I felt like writing. Maybe that means I should be working on something worthwhile...but to me this journal IS worthwhile. Sometimes, anyway.

So what's happened since yesterday? Oh, that's right. Nothing. So I guess I won't talk about the day to day. Instead... I'll reflect. Ah, yes. Reflection. What shall I reflect on? A couple weeks ago Kelly and I were given 20 canned items from Benlee's parents. A sort of welcome gift, and it was awesome! One of these items was a can of salmon. Kelly and I decided to turn it into salmon salad and eat it on crackers. What I did not expect to find upon opening that can, was entire fillets of fish. Complete with the bones, and the spine. Ew? Yeah. But I got rid of the bones with a messy scraping of the fork. It was completely disgusting, but the end results were tasty. I realize that that wasn't much of a reflection, but it was indeed informative. Necessary? Absolutely not.

Moving on. I miss my family, but I miss home less. BJ is home now, so wherever he is, I'll be okay. I never in a million years thought I would be able to feel that way, but that's really how it feels. "I'm crazy in love with you..." Why, thank you Mister Helton. I shall eternally adobt your sentiments in reference to a love of my own, thank you very huge.

My brother is a poop. I've been begging him to agree to come down and visit this summer. He absolutely refuses to get on a plane by himself, the big baby. So Kelly and I came up with the best plan. We'd invite him around the time BJ, Kelly, Benlee and I plan to head to Florida for a Disney/Universal vacation. We'd PAY his way! He said no. AGHH! What a brat. He's just scared. If one of his pals was with him, he'd be okay. But if he brought Andrew, all he'd do is chase ofter the girlies. Good thing Jamison "Doesn't have time for girls right now." Oh, yes. I raised him well. My little genius musician poop. I hove him. Yes, I mean hove. Hate/love. I could say "late" love/hate, but that's just confusing. Is hove a word? I dunno. Maybe I'll ask the spell check. I've never spell checked before. Why start now? I'm not proud...just lazy.

Kelly has told me repeatedly that I should write a young adult fiction series. Something like the princess diaries, only without the princess and the diaries. Wouldn't that be awesome? That might sound to some like a heap of nothing, don't even know! I'm so brilliant sometimes. Kelly says someone should be filming me. I think in my better moments I would make an excellent sitcom. Catch me at a bad time in life, and you have a soap opera. Put it all together, and you've got a Lifetime Original Movie! YES!!! I know Debra would watch it FOR SURE!

I just burped up the canned boney salmon. Gross.

Darla smells nasty. That's something we Darla lovers have always had to live with. If you haven't seen it and you're a close friend of mine...someday you HAVE to witness Darla farting her way up the stairs. It's priceless. Endless entertainment! Too bad we live in an apartment now. Although, sometimes she does run up to Benlee's. I haven't had the chance to catch the show yet though. Maybe I'll set her up. I've got a can of chili in the cupboard. (Which we also got from Benlee's parents) The reason why I bring this up, is because Darla is lying on the bed behind me. She just gave the grand finale of the show...only without the stairs. Can you get gas from jelly beans? Because she ate a whole bunch of them today. Jolly Rancher jelly beans to be exact. Just the grape ones were left. They're my least favorite. Darla likes them though! Too bad she doesn't smell like grapes...

I applied at Best Buy today. That would be fun! I think BJ and I would definitely enjoy the employee discount. Woot, woot! So many many high hopes.

RENT lovers! Kelly and I ventured to the post office the other day. We were so excited as we traveled down 7th street...we entered downtown Opelika and were absolutely ecstatic when we realized we were passing "Alphabet City" Oh, yes. Kelly laughed hysterically at me as I dodged traffic attempting to get a stellar picture of "Avenue A"...I don't think it worked all that well. We don't know how far into the alphabet the streets go, because we didn't go further than the post office.

"It was my luck day today, on Avenue A..." Ah, yes. BJ does such a grand imitation of Angel. You should all hear it sometime. Stupenda!

So anyway, about that YA fic series. The inner ramblings of some teenage girl. For those of you who read would be like that, but with a completely different plot and completely different characters! But maybe I should keep Scarlett Calvin. That could be cool! Hmmm...I wonder. I like her. She would be me in highschool. I'd just write out my whole highschool life and change the names. Oh, that would be brilliant. I think I'll keep Jeremiah Bob. Because that's just HILARIOUS! Ooh...I'm getting excited.

Well, I guess I could ramble on and on about nothing forever...waiting for BJ to call so we can do our devotions for the night. I get to see him tomorrow! Can't wait!!! WEE! Can't help it, I love the guy! I really, really do. In his journal, he called me his future wife, and his gift from God. *sigh* I melted...just a little.

OOH! Sunnie IMed me! I miss my sissy. So I'm gonna end this now and talk to her. I love you guys! E-mail me! Send me mail! I love it all! BYE BYE!


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