Sunday, April 02, 2006

I just thought I'd post a little pic of the other love of my life, Cody. He's the absolute best doggie on the planet. He and I are BOTH in love with BJ. Seriously. Say "BJ" around Cody. I dare you! He goes nuts. My little 11 year old baby boy. That's 77 in doggie years. He's an old man that's finally starting to act like a puppy. I love that dog. Boy, do I love that dog.

Yo! So anyway. Weekends are good. Really good. I'm @ BJ's right now. He's still sleeping, for at least another 15 minutes. Then it's time to get ready for church! Yay! Anyway. I love BJ.

So. Friday night BJ was supposed to spend the night in Opelika, but was unable to make it. He showed up shortly after 8am instead on Saturday. We watched a little Alias, cuddled a bit, talked to Kelly...then we ate some lunch, watched a little more Alias, and then hit Target with Kelly and Benlee.

BJ bought Lois and Clark season 2, so we have to add that to our list. But I haven't told you about our list! I compiled an alphabetized list of all the "entertainment" BJ and I have. It's the master list of BJ and Corrie's entertainment library. Awesome! Wee!

Anyway. After Target we watched a little Smallville, and then headed on back to Montgomery. The Deans were gracious enough to let me do some laundry, and then BJ and I headed out to pick up some dinner for the family. (With a brief browsing stop at Wal-Mart.)

After dinner we caught up on devotions/scripture readings...which included reading 13 Bible chapters from 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel...and then a devotional as well. We fell a little behind in our Scripture reading. But now we're all caught up! We typically read 2-4 chapters a night...whatever the "read the Bible in a year" outline says.

We visited with Jake, Danielle, and Little Jack for a short while before heading off to bed.

Which brings us to today! Church soon, and Kelly will join us, and then BJ heads to work at 1. A simple weekend, but a fabulous weekend. I LOVE him so much. He makes me so happy...*sigh* Sometimes I feel overwhelmingly pathetic.

IN other news, a job should be finalized soon. So should other things methinks. BYE!

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