Sunday, July 16, 2006

Today is Sunday. Pretty much my very last day off, until BJ gets here. I guess that's a good thing... anyway. Yesterday was fun.

I worked at Caribou from 7-1, and then went home. My mom and I wanted to spend some time together, and I decided that I wanted to show her the new Festival Foods. Awhile back, Amber had given me a call asking me if I was interested in working there. (Dunn Bros) She wanted me to come in and apply. It sounded pretty promising. So... I drove over there and applied. Her boss made it sound almost for sure. Telling me I would start at 9/hr as a shift lead, and the job would probably start in about three weeks. WELL...

I never heard from anyone there. But we went, nonetheless. We each picked out some deli salads to eat, and then we went into Dunn Bros. There was a guy at the register. I think his name was Adam. So begins the WORST service I have ever gotten at any Dunn Bros...ever. While i was standing in front of him, waiting for him to acknowledge my presence, he was shouting goodbye to a co-worker leaving through the door behind me. Back and forth, so on and so on. HELLO! CUSTOMER RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! He was working with two other girls. One girl was brunette with her big hair hanging down...everywhere. Around FOOD and BEVERAGES?!?!?!?! That is so wrong. Gross.

We asked if we could pay for our deli salads there. Adam said ""whiney voice" we can't do that here." My mom was surprised, because of how Vadnais works. He said something about how their system was more sophisticated. My mom kind of scoffed, saying how can it be more sophisticated if it creates more problems for the customers? He just shrugged and I was like 'Yeah...well we can't do that. YOu have to pay in the store. But yeah, people complain.' and I was like... um...duh.

So, I paid for the stuff we were actually getting IN the coffee shop. I ordered my mom an iced white mocha with less espresso. BOY did THAT confuse them. They stared at me for like... five minutes, asking each other what I could have possibly meant by that. During the ten minutes it took for that one drink to be made, (with no other customers present in house, or drive-thru) after they finally figured it out, my mom asked if they were hiring. Adam told us no, and that they still had a lot of applicants. My mom said "Really? My daughter here was asked to apply." And I said "Mom, that's because Amber wanted me to for a certain position." and mom was like "Oh, that's surprising." And Adam was like "If you don't believe me, I'll show you the stack. A lot of people want to work here." I was so put off. And he did a sarcastic laugh in between every sentence, like ...oh, we're SO much better than you.

So, my mom went off to pay for the deli salads we wanted to have with the coffee all out in the grocery store. After mom was gone, Adam spoke up again. "Yeah, Amber mentioned wanting one of her friends to work here." and I was like "That would be me." and he goes "Yeah...for shift lead, right?" and i was like..."uh-huh." And then comes the sarcastic laugh, followed by a "Well, that's too bad for you, because I got the job." *laugh, laugh, laugh* "Not to make you FEEL bad or anything." *smirk* I wanted to scream at him. If you got the job, would it be okay for me to tell you you suck at it? YOu didn't even know HOW to make the drink I ordered! So, I looked up and smirked back at his cross armed self, and was like "Can I have my salad dressing please?" He looked disappointed, like he wanted me to be crushed, and I wasn't. "Yeah, okay." And he scampered off into the deli to retrieve it. Then he came back, presenting it triumphantly like 'I am SOOO good." and then I smirked back again "Can I have a fork, please?" And there was that stunned 'oh crap' look I love and cherish so much, and instead of grabbing me the forks I saw right behind him, he took off into the deli again. He came back with a fork and was like "We've been like...really busy today." Yeah, I could tell. YOu stood around doing nothing when I got there, and you stood around doing nothing LONG after we left the counter... even if you had a "rush"... you weren't out of anything, you were just lazy.

I was so put off by the entire experience. The service sucked, he treated me terribly because I had applied there, and I was upset that neither Amber or her boss contacted me in any way after ASKING ME TO APPLY! Amber really should have told me. Instead, I felt humiliated. So they filled the job. My opinion? They did a bad job. He was rude and incompetent. Why did this happen? Oh, because. But thank God I got a preview now of how much I would have hated it there. Applicant or not, I was a customer...and I wouldn't have been able to stand working with any of the people I met yesterday.

So anyway! After that, mom and I went to Super Target. I bought some dust masks and an air conditioning charger for my car. WEE! I'm excited. I needed the dust masks so I could clean out the basement with Harvey down there. I'm really allergic to him, so I was hoping that would help. It did!

So I went home and worked my butt off cleaning out the basement. It's a beautiful theater again! Complete with revamped concession stand, and two life size carboard cutouts. Of who? Why... Captain Jack and Will Turner, of course! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

After that, Holly and Taylor from the Bou came over and watched a movie. We watched "American Outlaws". I didn't make it through the whole cleaning/viewing experience allergy free. My breathing and eyes were affected, just not as bad. My neck itched like usual, and my nose was running. It was my eyes that were terrible. Even after I went to bed they were oozing. I kept waking up to find balls of crap clinging to my eyes. Crusty gross. I was down there way too long. Harvey needs a new home.

So, that's that for now, I guess. Happy Sunday! Oh, it better be.

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