Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm sick and miserable. I'm miserable and sick! My throat is closing up, and my nose is running, and I have to have customers hold on the phone whilst I blow the crapload of snot out of my nose. It all came on like a tsunami! I didn't see it coming! This morning I sniffed a bit...but I always do! I blew my nose like I always do! It's called allergies! And now I'm miserable. Sick and miserable. Miserable and sick! BAH!

ANYWAY... life is etting back to its mundane cycle of blahness. It's shaken up by the occasional rude customer, or "Caroline Antic". She cracks me up... The things she says! We laugh. it is good.

There have been struggles lately. Struggles worth working on, things worth fighting for. I just wish everything didn't have to be so hard! BAH AGAIN!

There is a Sheltie kidnapper on the loose! Laugh all you want, it's true. Five shelties have disappeared from my neighborhood in the last year. (3 in the last few months...It's on the news!!) We're a prime target! Most of them have disappeared from parks and whatnot... and we're lazy and don't take our dogs places that often. They run around in circles in our square of a backyard and sexually confuse each other. It's true! Or maybe it's just Cody...but he's trying to take Cairo down with him. It's the truth! So...we love our doggies. Don't take them, Sheltie napper! Cody will bite you. Darla will flog you. Winnie will spew her rancid breath in your general direction and knock you out cold. Cairo will love you to death.

One hour to go here at the Lakeshore Players. Tonight are the auditions for "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe." I wanted so badly to be the White Witch and traumatize all the small children! Woe is me... the majority of the performances take place during box office hours, because it's the "Holiday Show" and they do school matinees. BOO! That means I have to do my JOB!! Once more with feeling.... BAH BAH BAH! Heheh...bah bah black sheep...no not really.

Is it wrong to find your younger brother attractive? Not in a "I'm attracted to him" kind of way, but the way that says I can appreciate the fact that he is good looking AND related to me! He looks nothing like me...he just got a haircut, and he looks like a man. That's better than a boy...that's a man. Manly man.

Everything in life right now, feels slippery. Does that make sense? Everytime you think you've got a firm hold on something, you slip a little. You don't necessarily lose it, you just slide around, and you can't stay still, no matter how hard you try. Things keep changing and slipping around on you. Like those water snake toys. Those things drive me crazy! You squeeze them, and they slip away that much easier. Argh. So...don't hold on too tight, or too loose. Find the happy medium! Go with the flow! Enjoy the slip n' slide. Sooner or later you get to the cool splash down pool, right? Only if you're on the Crocodile Mile. Dude, I wanna be a kid again. A kid who was so NOT self conscious, who would slip and slide her life away in a bathing suit...who now wears a tent so she can hide. I love childhood. Boo-hoo. Cry cry.

My throat hurts. Really hurts. I keep gagging because it feels like I'm choking on throat chunks. I don't know what that might be...throat chunks. Sounds gross though! The sides of my throat swell into chunkiness, and then they touch, and my throat thinks it's choking, and it gags. GAG! See? It just happened.

I love you, BJ. Please prove me wrong.

I'm gonna go make me some more honey water. Ouchness. Bye.


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