Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fo sho! I... don't know

So, I sent out a mass e-mail tonight from work (where I do my best e-mailing) asking people to come on in to Dunn Bros and join the eClub so we can win pizza. Pastor Steve Turnbull and his wife Amy and their two kids ventured all the way to my store just for THAT! I couldn't believe it! He said it was also because he wanted to visit and that they love me. AWWWWWWWWW! He's such a fantastic guy. I felt really goofy though, I didn't think anyone would take it THAT seriously. But it made me happy.

In other news, Jammer might come with me to SC. We'll see! He's got a job at the state fair this year, he'll be working 17 hour days for two weeks solid, and making a lot of money! It'll be worth it. Then it's off we go! I hope I hope.

He and I hit up Wal-Mart tonight for "300" and "Hot Fuzz"... he was absolutely thrilled. I let him get the 2-disc special edition of each. He's spoiled rotten. But I love him! And that's all I've got for now. Jams and me ordered pizza. (His maybe almost first girlfriends favorite kind of pizza...because she told him to try it. Pineapple and banana peppers. YUM!) G'night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good positive update! That's what I like to read. Hope you two have a blast in SC with the family!