Saturday, August 25, 2007

Here it comes. The admission of the truth. I'm no longer at Dunn Bros. Where am I, you ask? CARIBOU! I must be crazy. I didn't think it would go this far. What do I mean? Well... the shortest version possible...

Whether it's all true or not is beyond me. I was up to my neck in teenage drama. Andi sought Ale out after he broke up with me, and all hell broke loose. Andi already had Jeremy...and Jeremy decided that after walking off his shift three hours early and being reprimanded by me for it...that he wanted nothing to do with me. What did he say to me? Oh yes. That I was just being mean to him because he was friends with Andi. NOT because he had abandoned his job without manager permission.

I was already tired of it. That's when Ale admitted to me that she and Andi had been conversing on a regular basis since the break up. WHAT?!?!?! What reason was there?? They weren't friends before! But apparently she had contacted him about a weekly BBQ...whatever. And then he felt he needed to set her straight on what REALLY happened between he and I. (This is what Ale told me...) He told her that I was never really in the relationship... that it was just another part I played because I'm an actress, and I was using him for comfort and stability in a hard time.


I don't know what else to say! Are you freaking kidding me? I was head over heels for the first Andi. But then there was second Andi, and third Andi. If I was guilty of any acting, it was acting happy waiting for the first Andi to return. Sometimes I miss the person he was so badly, it's hard to breathe. By the end of the relationship, he was a complete stranger. One that I truly resented.

I was so appaled that he and Ale had been talking, that I didn't know how to handle it. Suddenly my personal life was the subject of hushed whispers and awkward glances throughout the work place. I smoothed things over with Jeremy. He apologized for his remarks saying that he had had a bad day, and was taking it out on me.

Ale was offended, because she felt that I didn't put forth enough effort in my friendship with HER as I did with Jeremy. She and Andi had been feeding lies to each other about me for too long, so she felt completely honorable in her accusations. She continued to harass me for three days via text message.

I sent Amber a message telling her what Ale was doing. The next day, Ale continued her written abuse and accusations, absolutely furious that I had told Amber about any of it, saying that it was a personal problem. was being brought into the work place, so it was more than personal! But... how did Ale find out I told Amber? Because Amber blabbed everything at work...and it got back to Ale. If I couldn't go to Amber in confidence, who could I go to? I was heartbroken and confused.

After hours of trying to figure everything and EVERYONE out, I wrote to HR. I told them I took full responsibility for letting two employees too close to my personal life during times of personal crisis. Their answer to my problem was to accept my e-mail and plea for help as my immediate voluntary resignation. Amber and the Hugo store were left high and dry and I was left without a job. NOT the way I planned it at all! But if my boss couldn't help me and just made it worse, who was I supposed to talk to?

So, Amber was told I quit on the spot and she was furious. I can't blame her. I never would have done that to her had I had the choice. Although...I'm very glad all of this is over. I'll miss the store and the people, but certainly not the drama and the attitudes.

*sigh* So I'm back at the bou. I told Jody briefly what happened, and in a matter of hours I had a job. I wasn't asking her to find me one...but I couldn't turn it down either. I really don't want to go back there, but I don't have a choice at the moment. I need money!!

So Andi gets Dunn Bros and the employees... I didn't get much in the settlement agreement. Hahaha! I didn't even get to keep what I came with! Although... there were a few personal items that he never got his paws on. Caroline, Nikki, Jess, and Sarah. Four of the best people in the entire world...and they're the people on the planet who know me the best... and know that all of this was a bunch of bologna. It REALLY is sad that someone who claimed to know me so well would rather tell and believe lies than to actually embrace the person they knew and claimed to cherish. (BY someone I mean Andi...) But I'm not in the habit of begging people to accept or befriend me. That's just ridiculous.

"Take me for what I am, who I was meant to be. And if you give a damn, take me baby or leave me!"

So here I am! Those who love me love me, those who hate me hate me...but I'm the same person to both. As dad told me SO many times...not everyone in this world is going to like you. SOme people are just flat out going to hate you...and they don't have to have a reason. YOu'll just have to accept that." Bitter bitter pill to swallow, but a necessary one for my overall wellness.

SO... I leave in six days. Woot woot!!! I can't WAIT! Then I come back and go to the ren fest. At least I hope so! I have a COSTUME! Laugh all you want, I care not!

I'm gonna go now. Have a fantastic day! I know I will! Have to go buy Bou clothes...argh.


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